Hi Ladies I just wondered if I could pick your brains!
Last year I lost my twin sons when they were 6 days old after I went in to spontaneous preterm labour at 24+3W I was told that I would have cervical monitoring and possible a stitch in future pregnancies but both the Obstricians that I have seen seemed to think that it wasn't true IC as I was in quite a lot of pain which I now realise were contractions and they seem to think I would have dilated silently.
Fast foward a little bit and I am now 20 weeks pregnant with annother set of twins (total fluke no fertility treatment or reall family history.
At 12 weeks I had a cervical scan that revealed that my cervix was 3.7cm and totally normal. This was reviewed yesterday and was found to be 2.6cm. The hospital don't seem too worried. They say that there cut off for interevention is 2.5cm and for stitches is 1.5cm.. There was no funnelling and no dilatation. the also pushed down on my tummy and got me to cough and nothing budged! They have said that if it has shortenned further in 3 weeks that they will give me cyclogest but that it isn't proven in twin pregnancies and that the stitch is riskier with twins too. I don't know what to think. am at the top hospital in the north of England but 2.6cm seems to near to 2.5cm for me to relax! Any advice welcome!!!
Hi Katy..welcome!
Congrats on the twins... I'm right there with you 21 wks with twins! I had a stitch at 14 wks due to losing my last baby at 21 wks. This is the hardest bit..but so far so good!
IC typically presents from 16-26wks, however with twins it can present earlier than your last preterm delivery, so for me my dr guessed 18 wks would be the start of it. I would definately recommend weekly scans, as things can change dramatically and very quickly in a short space of time (don't mean to worry you)! However if changes occur and its caught in time, a stitch can be done. Also, I would request the cylogest, even if not proven in twins, I'm taking it (throwing everything at it!) as an extra precaution ( the trials are not always on point, it depends on a lot of factors, so I would rather have it than not).
My consultant is of the opinion of throwing everything at me and hoping it works! After last time when she took the wait and see approach, it didn't work out, I think she knew not to even suggest it again! Hoping the proactive approach is sucessful this time!
In my first pregnancy, I delivered at 26wks, they thought due to infection. I appeared to labour normally, pain etc. However, looking back now they believe my cervix was dialating and thats how the infection got in. So I don't believe no pain/contractions is always indicative of IC as they don't know what was happening before hand. Did you have any infection present? Sorry I don't mean to worry you but sometimes the drs need a kick up the bum.
I'm up north too, Newcastle.
Hoping your cervix stays firmly closed and a long uneventful pregnancy!