Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour stitch was placed at 14 weeks and elective. Cl not sure just had the stitch placed because with first 2 pregnancies went into labor at 18 and 19 weeks. If I sit or lay down it goes away just wasn't sure if it was something to worry about
Hello.. Just wanted opinions I am 24 weeks and after I've done quite a bit of walking I feel pressure in my rear area. Is it possible it's just baby's position or do I need to speak to my dr? I've had the stitch in last 3 pregnancies and never had this issue

Hi, I have had pressure extreamley badly all the way through this pregnancy, I was told by my midwife that if the pressure eases when laying down then do that and it's a good sign, she also suggested laying with a pillow under my hips to raise my pelvis up a little so gravity can do its job and release some of the pressure. My babies been head down since18weeks now and his head is right in my cervix so it could be related to your babies position :) hope the oressure goes away for you soon

(I have had a stitch since week 14)
Day I'm sorry to hear your little boy isn't too well, hoping he gets better soon

CW hope your ok and feeling better today,

faibel hoping your better too and google is the worst thing to search on! But we are all guilty of it lol. It scares you so much dosnt it, my consultant tells me off for searching on google, I go into his office and say things like.. Well on google it says ...and he always stops me and says stop listening to google, it's not a reliable source, half the info is incorrect :)

Jadey hoping you cough is disappearing

Hope everyone's ok, tlm any news Yet ?

As for me ladies, I was suffering so bad with my leg yesterday, I felt like cutting it off as the pain had me in tears. I think baby is layed on a nerve, today feels slightly better... I have realised that I seriously under estimate the size of my bump. I keep banging into things as I can't judge the size properly! I have banged into the kitchen side today !
Day sending love to you and babies

MomC I am also on my fourth stitch others successfull and have definatelty felt more pressure this time round although it has passed in last week or so i have put it down to position and stading too much.

best wishes to all
Lizzie can you offer any advice? Iv been having constant tightenings for two weeks now, by constant I mean more than 4-6 an hour, they wasn't changing my cervix but since then I get a crampy Feeling and have backache with about 6 of those tighetings a day, a few times I have thought I was in early labour, I have also been losing little bits of mucus plug. Is this normal with a cerclage? Or is it a sign labours coming soon? The hospital only wants to see me when i am in deffinete labour

I have all achey hips aswel and now my legs gone achey and dead due to the pressure so think babies on a nerve :(

Hey twinkle :hugs: How scared you must feel sweetie. The symptoms you describe do sound like early labour, but in my experience can just as easily be par for the course with IC/stitch and ultimately amount to nothing, so its tough to call.

You say you're losing mucus plug but are you also bleeding at all? What makes me think this might not amount to anything is that you have had this now for a couple of weeks with no significant changes, that is a good sign. That said, there is enough 'activity' for you to be right not to ignore it completely. Of course the hospital aren't interested in part because there is little they can do now anyway beyond offering steroids and are happy for nature to take its course either way. You on the other hand are probably desperately willing bubs to stay put for several more weeks and will do anything to stop this progressing.

Hand on heart, I have seen lots of women experience these symptoms for weeks before active labour kicks in - others have gone on to labour quickly after their onset. My feeling is that you have at least a few more weeks to go before delivery and the chances are you will still make term or thereabouts. Sit tight honey but if anything changes other than what is now 'normal' for you, get yourself checked again.

Much of what you feel will also be triggered in part by sheer stress so try to relax as much as you can. I remember that tightenings for me were triggered simply by playing Suoer Mario Bros on my son's wii lol - the increase in adrenalin set them off! I also began to anticipate a period of time every day when I expected to feel bh and cramps - the worry of that actually induced them like clockwork each day :( Not nice but essentially harmless as it turns out. Take care my darlin :hugs:
Jadey hun, please don't worry. GPs don't know enough about IC to be able to scare you with justification sweet. If a stitch can hold the weight and stretching of an 8Ib baby, then it can definitely remain intact during a bad coughing episode :) Because your cervix has behaved so well thus far, I'd be very surprised if a cough caused a problem :hugs:
KatYB - sorry hun had overlooked that they have prescribed progesterone for you - Cyclogest has very good results as a means of strengthening a weak cervix and will go some way to preventing any catastrophic cervical changes for you. I'd still be oressing them on placing a stitch, but also feel confident that you atleast have a medical alternative in place :hugs:
So sorry to here about your little boy Day.
Will be thinking of him.

Faibel- Dr Smith is my consultant and I live in Low Fell- Small World :winkwink:! Hopefully she'll call back today- Think will just ask for my next scan to be redone sooner than 3 weeks and for cyclogest. she said the same to me about bedrest but I have been trying to just take it easy. I've stopped work now and am having lots of naps and lie ins punctuated by the odd walk around the park and raiding the fridge! So far, whilst it might be doing no good at all- I don't feel as "heavy" as i did with the boys and my bump seems less hard, low down and bloatey at the end of the day! when I had Oliver and Matthew I was rushing around, working full time until the day I had them. Even if being a bit lazy buys me a few more days I'm going to give it a shot.

I think the reason that she is very anti the stitch in my case is that the other theory is that I might have an irritable cervix or uterus and that doing the stitch will make it worse but after annother night of stressing I think I def need to have a chat with her. She has said she would give me steriods from 23 weeks though.

If your at the RVI are you going to the twins classes run by the slightly crackers Sandra? Just thinking that if you are a week ahead of me then you might be in the same group. I've only been to the first one!

Katy - Small world definately! Dr Smith is very good, although can be stubborn and you have to push sometimes. I just let it go with Hope and went with her decisions, my biggest regret, I should have pushed for more monitoring!

I haven't attended any classes as yet, I wanted to wait until I reach a 'safe' gestation. I daren't even think too far ahead, just to be heartbroken again. I will be in a few weeks time tho, so might see you there!

Fingers crossed you get a good chat with Dr today x
Katy - Small world definately! Dr Smith is very good, although can be stubborn and you have to push sometimes. I just let it go with Hope and went with her decisions, my biggest regret, I should have pushed for more monitoring!

I haven't attended any classes as yet, I wanted to wait until I reach a 'safe' gestation. I daren't even think too far ahead, just to be heartbroken again. I will be in a few weeks time tho, so might see you there!

Fingers crossed you get a good chat with Dr today x

We just went to the initial meeting one as I feel totally the same. Have hardly brought anything for these 2 and all my pregnant friends are decorating nurserys and buying prams. Booked in to the rest of the classes for the end of July when I am hopefully 27/28 weeks. I asked Sandra if she thought I ought to do it earlier and she said no... Then I told her I'd give her a massive hug If I actually got to 28 weeks!

Hope you are feeling better soon,
Hi everybody
Day sending lots of.prayers for Trent, I'm sorry you are stressing, he will be better before you know it, xx
Twinkle no significant news on my part, aches and pains, but at least I've been doing more stuff around the house and went out for lunch again, which makes me feel a little normal again :-)
Hope everyone is feeling better, xx
Katy - Small world definately! Dr Smith is very good, although can be stubborn and you have to push sometimes. I just let it go with Hope and went with her decisions, my biggest regret, I should have pushed for more monitoring!

I haven't attended any classes as yet, I wanted to wait until I reach a 'safe' gestation. I daren't even think too far ahead, just to be heartbroken again. I will be in a few weeks time tho, so might see you there!

Fingers crossed you get a good chat with Dr today x

We just went to the initial meeting one as I feel totally the same. Have hardly brought anything for these 2 and all my pregnant friends are decorating nurserys and buying prams. Booked in to the rest of the classes for the end of July when I am hopefully 27/28 weeks. I asked Sandra if she thought I ought to do it earlier and she said no... Then I told her I'd give her a massive hug If I actually got to 28 weeks!

Hope you are feeling better soon,

28 weeks sounds good at this point! Feels like forever though! Thats prob when I'll start attending too.
I feel so rough today, phoned hosp because the cramps were so bad but they said they think its just stomach cramps from the bug! I'm sure it is too but it doesn't stop you worrying. Everytime bubs move, its so sore, just hoping its a 24 hr thing x
Just an update from me, its been quite an eventful 24hrs.
After feeling sick and generally unwell on Thursday I slept terribly, I had the worse backache and at 4am while laid in bed I felt a gush and my waters broke. So we went to the delivery suite by which time I was having more backache and crampy tightenings. They confirmed I was in labour, I requested a c section as my first birth was so traumatic, the staff were amazing and the whole birth so calm and very different. So my beautiful little girl arrived at 8.12am at 31+5wks weighing a fab 4lb 9oz. She's so perfect And looks just like a small newborn. She breathed air all by herself but was a bit tired by yesterday afternoon so they popped her on cpap, shes breathing air and so far hasnt needed any oxygen.So our NICU journey begins again.... Obviously im still in hospital, but will update when i can. It may be silly o'clock when I laid awake, like now!
Hope eveyone is doing well xx
Well done CW, congratulations! What a fab weight! So pleased she is doing so well x
Congratulations, CW! Wonderful weight! At almost 32 weeks, she should hopefully be home with you very quickly! :flower: Does she have a name yet?
Congratulations CW sounds like a lovely birth & an amazing strong daughter you have there. Looking forward to seeing some pictures. Try to rest as much as possible and hope your little girl will be going home very soon with you x x
Shelby, we haven't decided on a name for her yet! Hopefully today hubbie and I can spend some time with her and choose a name to suit her. I just heard from NICU that they have started her on my milk, she's had a good night and is settled.

Interestingly when I arrived at delivery yesterday they checked my cervix and my stitch was fine, so it doesn't seem that my cervix was the cause of pre-term labour, my waters spontaneously broke, but labour had started prior to this although I was completely unaware that it had! What I will say is that the symptoms I was experiencing were completely new to me.
Wow CW what an update, a huge congratulations to you and your family on the birth of your little girl. She sounds like she is doing perfect :) wishing her a short stay in the hospital, please keep us updated on how she is doing. She's a great weight aswel!

I'm so shocked this morning to read you have given birth, I can't believe it with you doing so well with your stitch, I really thought you was in it for the long run as it was me with all the silly symptoms and panic of labour but you was sailing through until just recently.
You have made it to a brilliant gestation though and you should be so proud of that :) your little girl will do so well

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