Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Well, I'm not a doctor, and I can't promise you that it's safe, but I look at it this way: twenty years ago, when I was a baby, doctors recommended that babies sleep on their stomachs as it was safer. At that time, sleeping babies on their backs was considered as unsafe as sleeping them on their stomachs is now. And a lot of SIDS cases are babies that slept on their backs. I could worry all day about SIDS or I could relax and enjoy life a little more. I've decided that if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen, and there's nothing I can do to change it. :flower:
Aw the girls are lovely shelby :)

Hope you're feeling ok twinkle. It's kind of amazing how different our pregnancies have been. I'm desperately feeling for BH and feelings in my cervix, but nothing! Seems like she's gonna stay put until my section date! I just so we want her here already. Despite being fairly relaxed (relatively speaking) about the pregnancy and confident of making a good gestation I'm still terrified it will all go wrong at the end. I just know that everything else that's gone wrong this year I won't be able to cope with that.
Only 1 week to go! And I finally finished work today, whoop! Time to clean and sew the last few things for her :)
Thanks shelby made me feel better the girls are adorable. I uploaded pics of the boys a few days ago they will be a month Tomorrow!!!
Day, glad I could help you relax a little :hugs: I saw the pictures of your boys - they're gorgeous little men! Very handsome!
Day, Shelby has given some wonderful advice (as usual), and to echo her thoughts I have always let my babies tummy sleep! It is a natural sleeping position thought to be better for their lung growth, brain development and general well being. It is now known that sids is a much more complex issue than first thought, and that tummy sleeping isn't a cause but might increase the risk only in babies already predisposed to it if that makes sense. As do many other factors if the baby has a genetic predisposition to sids.

In the early weeks I made sure that I was around and awake as they tummy slept to keep a constant eye on them, and at night rolled blankets strategically to prevent full tummy sleeping and to partially prop them on one side. (a rolled blanket placed between their knees allowed for a 'recovery position' style sleep). Just take all the usual precautions such as a ventilated mattress, cool clothing and no stuffed animals nearby and they'll be fine :)

What really confirmed the benefits of prone sleeping to me was Evie. In hospital she was always on her tummy, only then did her oxygen requirements come down and she stabilised. On her back she required 100% oxygen and was very distressed. I was told that preemies in particular tend to go from strength to strength when tummy sleeping, it is more natural and easier to exapnd the lungs in that position. Hope that helps xxx
Chococat I can completely sympathise with you on thinking things will go wrong still.Today I have washed some baby grows and at the back of my mind I keep thinking I hope I don't jinx anything. I'm so unlucky and last year was terrible with losing my little boy, then this year has been so worrysome I'm hoping everything turns out well and I get my happy ending... Wishing you lots of luck and I really hope you get your happy ending too which I'm sure you will :) you have done brilliantly and time seems to have flown by I can't believe your at 38weeks!!won't be long until you meet your little baby.

I'm not so confident I will get much further (but then I never have been lol) the pressure in my cervix is constantly there with BHs now, I am feeling mildly crampy like my period is coming and I get stinging pains in my cervix, so thinking I might meet this little boy very soon.
Thanks lizzie right now they sleep in bassinet right next to my bed I will try blanket between knees to see if I can do it
I have had cramps off and on the past couple of days but I had them all last night. They were in the lower pelvic area though felt like pretty bad af cramps not my worst af cramps b/c I get them really bad but they also came in waves. I called the Ob nurse this morning and she had another nurse helping her with the calls I told her what was wrong she said that if they get higher up on my stomach and start to become 5 min apart then I would need to come in or go to L&D. The are still there but not as bad as last night. I told her I drank some water and took some tylonal she said if I need to continue taking tylonal every 4 to 6 hrs b/c they could last 3 more weeks. I told her I was worried about popping my stitch she said that I would not dilated with it however I could then and it could pop but I would not notice it because it would be so thinned:-s. From what I read I will notice it and it is very painful if the stitch tears out before they are able to remove it.

But I am not bleeding and have not lost any mucus plug yet.
Monroe it sounds similar to what im experiencing. I have lost bits of plug though, nothing bloody. Im seeing my midwife about the symptoms tomorrow and then im going to ring the hospital and insist on having my stitch checked just to be sure that nothings happening. im also scared of the stitch tearing and i have read that you can dilate 2-3cm without knowing with a stitch.. for some reason i just have a feeling that something is going on down below and i need to be checked. I dont know if im.bwing paranoid but we will see :)
Let us know what happens. I have a dr appt Monday for a growth scan so I am hoping that I can make it to then. Right now they are not really bad however I do have times where they get stronger for a few minutes then they settle back down for a while.
Monro, is your pain really, really low (around where your cervix/stitch is)? When my stitch started to tear out, I was just feeling very uncomfortable down low, but I slept through the night and woke up to a ton of blood. After that the pain was akin to labor pains. (I still don't know if I was actually in labor, or if the pain was related to the stitch.) I wouldn't worry too much if you're not bleeding but make sure you pay attention to any weird, uncomfortable, low feelings.

Babe is still doing great in NICU. We are so blessed he hasn't had any major problems. He's got 28 week lungs now so hoping he will power through it from here on out. Doc said the stitch was the only thing keeping baby in, I'm glad it bought me enough time where I could bring a living, breathing 2 1/2 pounder into the world. :)
Aw sunny, so glad to hear nicu is going well. I'm crossing my fingers for a speedy journey.
Pink's little man is still fighting, I think he's had a rough few days, but is definitely a fighter!
hi guys just checking in :)

we are all good here zach is doing amazilngly, last weigh in he was 5lb 4, hes starting to lift his head and roll on his side from his back ( clever little man) my due date would have been this sunday coming, hope you are all doing well
ok quick question anyone in the uk managed to get a TAC placed, have an appointment with my gp to request referal to consultants in sheffield to discuss stitch options for when i'm ready to try again, as you know my tvc failed and altho it wad placed as an emergancy i'm not convinved a tvc will hold in future.
Sweet I was told in this pregnancy if the stitch fails at all then I would automatically get a TAC next time.. I don't know if it would be the same for you with yours being an emergency one but it's worth asking and making a care plan with your consultant ready for the next time you want to try. My stitch was a preventative one and it's been amazing, as you can see I'm 34weeks today :) my consultants been amazing aswel, he's very confident with his stitch placement and now I know why.. Even though at the start I never believed the stitch would hold and I wished I had a TAC.
Finished work today !! Hurrah!! Latest I have worked in any of my pregnancies but I do only teach 2 days a week.

Off to a chocolate selling party to celebrate.

Still a little convinced it will come earlier than last two. (now 32+) I am actually having tightenings that I am aware of rather than if I happen to touch stomach and its hard...........always like this is the past. This really would be new territory for me to go into natural labour - something I have dreamt of in the past.

Want to go a few more weeks please baby as now I can have some rest as have plenty of ER's with Mr Clooney in to catch up on my SKY +

Nice to hear from all who have had theirs...........................keeping going the rest xx
I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first I had 1.3cm of cervix removed via keep and cone biopsies, my cervix is 2.7cm I'm getting an internal scan again next week and my gynae wants to put a stitch in at 16weeks the complications scare me. Any advice?
Monro, is your pain really, really low (around where your cervix/stitch is)? When my stitch started to tear out, I was just feeling very uncomfortable down low, but I slept through the night and woke up to a ton of blood. After that the pain was akin to labor pains. (I still don't know if I was actually in labor, or if the pain was related to the stitch.) I wouldn't worry too much if you're not bleeding but make sure you pay attention to any weird, uncomfortable, low feelings.

Babe is still doing great in NICU. We are so blessed he hasn't had any major problems. He's got 28 week lungs now so hoping he will power through it from here on out. Doc said the stitch was the only thing keeping baby in, I'm glad it bought me enough time where I could bring a living, breathing 2 1/2 pounder into the world. :)

So glad your little man is doing so good.:hugs:

It was in the exact place that you would have af cramps like at the bottom of my bump. But it felt a little different then peroid cramps it felt a little more intence. I still have not had any bleeding which I am taking as a good sign maybe he was engaging but to me it does not look like he has dropped yet so IDK. I have been having cramping today but they feel exactly like af cramps like right before you start bleeding but not the bad af cramps. I have also gotten that feeling like my breath was taken away but it only lasts about 30 sec or so. :shrug:
Welcome Claudinator

Which complications scare you?

There are lots of ladies on here with lots of different experiences and a wealth of knowledge..................I am sure we can help in some way.

I am on my 4th stitch, this one went in at 16 weeks. Mine have all successfully aided me to carry children.

Let us know what ou want to know............

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