Hi ladies... Here it is, it's finally here

the day of my stitch removal
I'm so so happy but very nervous
Wish me luck, I'm hoping I'm in the small percentage of people who give birth a few hours after removal. I want to meet my baby
After today I will be doing a lot of walking and pineapple eating if there's no signs for labour. It's time for baby eviction
Oooooooh excitement
I just never thought I'd get this far so full of mixed emotions. It's quite strange the way I'm feeling. I'm just going to be very disappointed if I leave the hospital with no baby or signs of labour lol.
I'll keep you all updated and hopefully the stitch removal won't hurt me too much and I'm praying there isn't any scar tissue.
I just want everything to run smoothly and have a straight forward removal and birth.
Hope everyone else is ok