Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Thank you! I feel so negative and I usually don't complain near as much as I have been but I'm just so annoyed with everything involving these doctors. Wouldn't you think they would want the best result and accurate, not lets do something quick and say everything is okay so we don't have to get a plan from the specialist. Of course I would love to hear everything is perfect but it won't help if I know they didn't try.
Monro good luck hope you meet your little one soon :) you sound like you have been busy trying to get the baby out.
I had a walk yest and a bounce on a ball but nothings happend, I'm still getting strong Braxton hicks this morning, I had them all day yest after the stitch was removed and I had some cramping so I thought labour wouldn't be far off, turns out I was wrong :( I just hope he's here soon as I really want to meet him :)

Jadey they didn't do a scan after stitch removal, he estimated my cervical length was less than 1cm as I had an internal examination like you do when your in labour. All my dignity went out of the window yest :blush: the stitch placement was a lot more dignified than what I experienced at the removal.. All for a good cause though.

CW I'm hoping this little boy comes soon. I can't believe your little girl is 6weeks already!!! How time has flown by. Hope you feel better soon. Have you seen the breast pad things with gel in? that you can put in the microwave or freezer that can help with mastitis, They are about 11.99 but might be worth a try if your in some discomfort and dont want to take painkillers. Here's a link®-TheraPearl-3-in-1-Breast-Therapy®/495206,default,pd.html

Lizzie It really looks like this little boy dosnt want to make an appearance anytime soon, you was right that we spend all the time trying to keep the babies in then when they can safely come out they stay out for weeks :) It's just so strange how my cervix gave way to a 2lb 12 baby and then a 1lb baby but it's still holding up a 5lb+ baby with a 1-2cm dilated cervix and with the baby's head really really low. I just can't figure out incompetent cervix :haha:
It doesn't give way Hun cos bubs is now big and so unable to come out unless you contract to dilate beyond 3/4cms :) IC thankfully is typically a second trimester problem, and the majority of women who make it past 26wks are usually waiting for their babies to arrive at their due date - unless of course ptl is independently triggered before then :) xxx

PS - that point about IC should really reassure those of you battling the second trimester. The ladies currently reaching term will tell you just how scared they were back then, convinced they'd never make it to 28wks only to now have 40wks well and truly in their sights. All other pregnancy complications aside, if IC is your issue, and particularly if you have an elective stitch, then not only are your chances of getting thru the danger zone excellent, but once you do chances are you'll then go all the way xx
Back to nothing for me. I bounced a good bit last night on the ball though. However I did wake up to pee this morning for the 3rd or 4th time and felt really wet so I wiped before I peed and there was a couple of good chunks of mucus plug so maybe the bouncing did help that out. If that is the case I will be bouncing tonight.:winkwink:
Monro I'm hoping labour starts soon for you. It's frustrating isn't it when your so excited to meet your baby and all the signs of labour don't progress into anything. Hopefully it wont be too long for you. Bouncing on the ball is what I have been doing, it gives me back ache and makes the Braxton hicks worse but I get really uncomfortable as I feel like I'm bouncing on the babies head as he's that low x
Monroe, thanks - sorry but reading your message (and all the bouncing) really made me :rofl: xxxxxx
Seriously ladies, to really get things going you should get the breast pump out and start pumping!! Please please don't try it before 37/38wks because brain development really does continue until that point, but nipple stimulation works wonders. Word of caution - beware, because it also makes for some really powerful contractions!! Xxx
Love all you IC ladies, but please bear in mind that mother nature made pregnancy 40wks long for a reason - hard as it is try to hang in there, even with plenty of nipple stimulation, your babies will only come out when they're good and ready lol ;-) xxxx
twinkle--I am ready to meet him and for labor to start but still scared to go through it. The main parts I dread are the epidural and the stitches b/c I do not want to get cut.

lizzie--I got something that will make you lol even more then. I have discovered a way that we would not have to be confined to one area when when we are bouncing we could bounce all over the house then and never have to leave the ball lol.:haha:

I even remember wanting one as a kid :haha:
I would actually get it if it was a couple of weeks back so maybe all you other ladies when you make it right before stitch removal can get it and have fun.

I would love to start pumping but my pump has not arrived yet I have a week before it does:dohh: I woke up to a wet arm last night from leaking.
So excited for the ladies at term and waiting for labor!! :happydance: :yipee: :bunny:

Update on the OB that is a complete jerk :growlmad:
Gosh, Radiance. It must be so frustrating for you.
I don't know what to say but I do know that CL scans need to start at around 16 weeks as it's from then that cervical problems show them selves.
Once u get to 24 weeks your risk of complications due to IC are minimal as baby is bigger and can't just 'slip' through but obviously that doesn't include pre term labour which can happen at any point.
I don't have any advice but to keep pushing for what u need care wise.
Thinking of u, HUGS
Twinkle and monroe, any update?
Is anyone else scared that they wont make it to the hosp in time? It's a big fear of mine. I laboured quick with my daughter and I didn't have cervical issues then.
Jadey I ain't got ic surprisingly as they were pretty sure I would have due to loop biopsies but clearly have a super long cervix it's flush with my womb now but really long inside but I worry I won't get to the hospital in time due to ds4 s birth as I only went for a check up at 39 weeks with him and I was dilated 4cms with no pains at all half an hour later still no pain and I was at 6cms this was 1:45pm I got my first pain at 3pm and baby was born at 3:20pm had I not of been given an internal at that check I would of never of made it to hospital in time to have him its rather scary to think you might not make it there my advice would be as soon as you get a pain go!!! Luckily I'm getting started off early this time due to strep b and the fact that ds4 came so quick cause I didn't know I was in labour I'm very high risk for other reasons too so my labour needs to be medically managed I think even my consultant is a bit worried about how quick my last labour was looking at me after labour you would of never thought I had just given birth except I was white with shock cause of the speed!! I also worry about the opposite of ic as the scar tissue can stop dilation I can't find anyone who has had this problem but I had a miscarriage and I was rushed to surgery as my cervix wouldn't open to let the miscarriage pass through so I just hemeraged if anyone knows of anyone this has happened to could you tell me the outcome!! X
Geordiemammy, it's interesting u should bring that up about scar tissue after LOOP/LLETZ. A good friend of mine had repeated LLETZ then got pregnant. She couldn't dilate in labour and the docs at the time were very dismissive this might be the case as it is rare.. When they realised that this was what was happening she had an emergency c section. It was a little stressful for her as she bled a lot but they are both well and happy now :)
This is also a fear of mine! I will be making sure that I tell everyone who looks after me on the labour ward that yes I do have IC but I also have had a big LLETZ and am worried about the scar tissue.
Thats crazy how quick your labours were! I am scared that I wont be a ble to cope with the pain and there will be no time for pain relief!!
They do seem pretty dismissive of it but as all my labours were quite quick and I dilated reall fast I'm hoping they will take it seriously if I don't dilate my midwife thinks if they induce they will let me go a max of 6 hours then do a section which after 4 natural births I'd rather not have bit if I have to then I have to its the recovery that worries me which 5 kids to look after plus if I was going to have once I would rather it was planned than emergency if that makes sense x
I only had gas and air with babies 3&4 and they were big babies but there was no time for anything else with 1&2 I had gas and air with a shot of pethidine xx
GM - there was a lady here with scar tissue after the stitch. She had a longer labour but eventually delivered safely and fairly easily. It was also the thing which had helped keep her baby in, so she was quite relieved that there had been scarring.

As for a section - I had 2 natural births (both traumatic) then a section for the twins. It was by far my calmest and most positive birthing experience. I haemorrhaged afterwards but only because of the boys' combined size (my uterus was badly over stretched) and not due to the surgery. I was poorly for a few weeks after, had two kids plus newborn twins to manage but would still be happy to have a section again if it became necessary. I took plenty of painkillers and just took things as easy as poss. Natural birth if it goes well is obviously the better option, but a section is totally manageable too :)

If you do need one, and I doubt you will, it can be a very positive experience xxx
Jadey everythings pretty much the same for me.. lost chunks of mucus but thats it. this little boy dosnt want to come out lol.

im scared of not making it to the hosp in time. When i had my daughter i got to the hosp at 8pm and 9.35pm she was born. the staff didnt even beleive i was in labour until i made them check me and thy saw my little girls head. with my second labour i just woke up from a peacefull nights sleep with terrible pain and ready to push. i was literally 10cm within a few mins of having pains. i had to get an ambulance to the hosp as everything was far too fast. im hoping this time that i have enough time to get to the hosp as i live further away from it now and i also need to be hooked up to anti biotic drip for 6hrs as im gbs +.

The pain of labour dosnt scare me, its the thought of tearing or the baby getting stuck that is terrifying me. the biggest baby i have had is 2lb 12 so with this one being more than double that, im pretty scared. Pain wise though i think if you have gas and air you cant go wrong :)

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