Monro good luck hope you meet your little one soon

you sound like you have been busy trying to get the baby out.
I had a walk yest and a bounce on a ball but nothings happend, I'm still getting strong Braxton hicks this morning, I had them all day yest after the stitch was removed and I had some cramping so I thought labour wouldn't be far off, turns out I was wrong

I just hope he's here soon as I really want to meet him
Jadey they didn't do a scan after stitch removal, he estimated my cervical length was less than 1cm as I had an internal examination like you do when your in labour. All my dignity went out of the window yest

the stitch placement was a lot more dignified than what I experienced at the removal.. All for a good cause though.
CW I'm hoping this little boy comes soon. I can't believe your little girl is 6weeks already!!! How time has flown by. Hope you feel better soon. Have you seen the breast pad things with gel in? that you can put in the microwave or freezer that can help with mastitis, They are about 11.99 but might be worth a try if your in some discomfort and dont want to take painkillers. Here's a link®-TheraPearl-3-in-1-Breast-Therapy®/495206,default,pd.html
Lizzie It really looks like this little boy dosnt want to make an appearance anytime soon, you was right that we spend all the time trying to keep the babies in then when they can safely come out they stay out for weeks

It's just so strange how my cervix gave way to a 2lb 12 baby and then a 1lb baby but it's still holding up a 5lb+ baby with a 1-2cm dilated cervix and with the baby's head really really low. I just can't figure out incompetent cervix