Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Did u request a test for gbs? I was told they don't do them routinely in the UK. Is it anything to worry about?
Don't worry about tearing. I did with my daughter and I honestly didn't feel it. The feeling of intense pressure down there must have overcome it! I was stitched up after delivery - which I also didn't feel. They numbed the area. The stitches dissolved. It was fine :)
Twinkle I'm gbs + too they done a swab when I had a massive bleed at 15+ weeks I also had it with ds4 and they only got one lot of antibiotics into me about 90 minutes before he was born but tested him straight away and had to stay in for 48hrs

Jadey they don't routinely test in the uk which is wrong the test only costs around £10 which I'm pretty sure if they told pregnant women that women would pay for it I panicked when I had it as had read so many bad stories about it they can pick it up through urine and swabs they weren't going to test me this time until 34weeks but as I had the bleed the swabbed then and it was just picked up it can be dangerous if the baby contracts it during birth and its not picked up that's why they keep you in when you have it and do regular obs on baby a temp is normally the first sign you could request to be checked but it would be up to your doc if they thought it was needed x
Gm do you still have sex during pregnancy with being gbs + im too scared too.

Jadey i get tested because after my last pregnancy i was really ill after and wouldnt stop bleesing so i had a swab done and they found i was gbs+ so they thought thay might be a reason y i delivered eaely aswel. so in this pregnancy i have been tested aswel. it isnt routinely tested for in the uk though like gm says x
Wow, anybody else struggling with the heat?? I'm
melting! My ankles and feet are huge (no pre-e just heat and weight!) I love the sun but wow I'm wiped out and so uncomfortable! Sorry moan over....

Hope everyone ok and still cooking, except for the termers x
Twinkle gbs doesn't effect the sex I done it loads with ds4 cause for some reason pregnancy makes me terrible horny I was at it 2 days before he was born :/ with this one it's more difficult cause I've been warmed to not do it due to low lying placenta its bloody killing me I have to admit!!! But get having sex now it might bring labour on for you now its safe as long as your waters haven't gone!!

Faibel the heat is killing me had the midwife round today she suggested feet in ice water to help with it I'm huge too which doesn't help at all but she said I only look huge as baby is lying right up the top due to the placenta being at the bottom and I should look smaller if and when he drops down!! The problem with the heat is we aren't used to it when was the last time it was this hot for so long in this country I just stay in the house with fans its still too hot though had a freezing cold shower last night and as soon as I stepped out I was sweating again x
I have dr appt today at 3:45 cst so will know more then I also have an US too. I had pains last night did not really feel like cramps but it was really low like below my bellly it especially hurt when I was on my left side. I lost a little more mucus plug this morning but its not like chunks just small pieces.

I had a hot bath last night and drank some rtl tea in the tube it was very relaxing considering it was the first one I had had in over 9 months.
Interesting. In the USA they do I think? I am worried about it now. LOL I am always worrying about something :/ I will ask to be tested at mw appointment next week
Just got back from my OB appointment, it went great and he wasn't a jerk! He did my scan, both abdominal and vaginal. Cervix has gotten higher and is measuring at 3 now, so looks good! I do have a bladder prolapse at certain positions at level 2 so not too bad. Baby looks big!! :happydance: and I still think it's a girl. :thumbup:

He was worried about my placenta, it attached really low and towards my back which could be one of the reasons I'm having severe lower back pain. He did want them to look at my placenta more and it would seem I have placenta previa.

He is calling the specialist so I can still have my appointment! So they can make my plan for my history of prom and take a farther look and see what we should do about my placenta.

Oh! And he told me that baby's heart beat is 150, they have never told me what it was before!
Yey Radiance :happydance: so pleased it went well! Don't worry about prolapse or low lying placenta. Early on it isn't uncommon for a placenta to be low - it moves up considerably as your uterus grows in size. Are they gonna scan your cervix regularly to check its 'behaviour'? Lots of love xxx

Grief UK ladies, how are you all coping with this heat? I'm melting and I'm not pregnant!! When I was it was like Ihad an internal radiator, so goodness knows how you feel. Sharing your pain Faibel. Being heavily pregnant with twins from Jan to April I never had this to deal with on top of everything else. Take care all xxxx
radiance dw about low lying placenta at this point. Mine was covering my cervix at 20 weeks but has moved up now my uterus has grown. Apparently this is usually the case 80% of the time - it moves :)
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't posted in a while but do catch up most days. The heat is a killer at the mo &chasing after a very active 2 year old is wearing me out lol! I have taken to getting into the paddling pool with him to cool down :)
Was just wondering if anyone had flown in later pregnancy? I wanted to go & visit my family in Ireland next week but Ryanair ask for a fit to fly letter after 28 weeks where other airlines its 32 weeks. I asked a new dr at my gp surgery & he refused to give me one gurrrrr.
Love & tummy rubs all around & hope all the term babies arrive very soon x
So got US today at 38-4 he is 7lbs 14oz and I am 1 cm dilated I asked about thinning and he said my cervix has not changed since I got my stitch in
Looking good Monro!!

Ugh, I am c o n s t a n t l y tired now!! Not in a, 'yeah, I'm tired' kind of way, but in a 'I am literally about to fall asleep right now' kind of way. And I don't think I can use the baby's birth as an excuse anymore because he's almost 5 weeks old now! And he's obviously still in the NICU so I'm not up with him all night. I think I'm possibly so tired all the time because of the trek to the NICU (I live 10 mins away, but going from the car garage to his bedside easily takes 15 mins in and of itself), and also because I've stopped drinking caffeine since I started pumping. I'm hoping this goes away soon, I am literally falling asleep mid-day everyday now. :(

JD is still doing great though. He's 3 lbs, 3.7 ozs now! And he's still had absolutely no issues except being premature, of course. He's on high flow oxygen still, and his breathing situation is not getting worse but it hasn't improved a ton either, he's kind of on cruise control. I can non-nutritive feed him now, which means I can put him to breast to suck but I have to pump right beforehand so no milk comes out. It's just so he can get used to sucking. He's great at it!

Has anyone heard about Pink's baby Ashton?
Hi ladies - drama for me last night, my waters went! It has never happened to me before, I've always delivered in my waters! So mad rush through to hosp, had a few contractions but they have eased. No bleeding or discharge. On magnesium (horrible stuff) and had first dose of steroids. So waiting it out at min, hoping they can cook a little while longer but not holding out much hope. They checked cervix it was difficult to see, as high but looked closed. They don't want to fiddle too much down there, as the risk of infection is higher now. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers x
Positive vibes your way faibel
Monro so exciting, keep us posted, hugs
Sunny breastfeeding and even pumping get me so tired. It may also be the hormones balancing out. I'm super tired all the time plus being in bed.and now up and around gets me really exhausted.
It should get better hun.
Lots of hugs everyone
Right now Diego has slept 3.5 hours in a row... Wow!
Monro have they said how long on average they think it will be before your deliver? What length is your cervix at? I was told the length and dilation but not effacement. Atleast your going in the right direction and dilated a little :) hopefully it won't be too long for you. Keep ball bouncing lol.

Gm thankyou for the advice about gbs and sex, I actually felt confident enough to do it last night without worrying :) was hoping it would kick start labour but nope nothing :(
I have just realised that your on your 5th little boy, isn't it strange how some women have all of the same sex child. I'm so excited for a little boy :) I, hoping there easier than girls lol. My little girl is only 4 but thinks she's 14.

Faibel sorry to hear your waters have gone already, wishing your babies a safe delivery and a short hospital stay x

Sunny love happy to hear your little boy is doing well :)

Jessiemum i think when your high risk it's up to your consultant if you can fly or not :)

Lizzie this heat is killing me, it wasn't too bad at the start of the heat wave as I was loving having a nice summer, ESP as its rare for us to have a decent one here. When it's hot I'm use to wearing shorts and vest tops but I don't fit in any of my clothes so had to invest in two maxi dresses which both feel like I have a blanket wrapped around me. So i never feel nice and cool lol. I can't sleep much at night either as the house is far too hot. I envy people with air con lol

Jadey I'm so happy to read that you didn't think tearing during labour wasn't too bad, it relaxes me a little :)
Sunny,Pinksparkle has a page on facebook for Ashton. You can find it under AJ'S Journey :) Last I saw he was doing well :) She updates the page twice daily

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