Cautiously pregnant #2
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Monro have they said how long on average they think it will be before your deliver? What length is your cervix at? I was told the length and dilation but not effacement. Atleast your going in the right direction and dilated a littlehopefully it won't be too long for you. Keep ball bouncing lol.
Gm thankyou for the advice about gbs and sex, I actually felt confident enough to do it last night without worryingwas hoping it would kick start labour but nope nothing
I have just realised that your on your 5th little boy, isn't it strange how some women have all of the same sex child. I'm so excited for a little boyI, hoping there easier than girls lol. My little girl is only 4 but thinks she's 14.
Faibel sorry to hear your waters have gone already, wishing your babies a safe delivery and a short hospital stay x
Sunny love happy to hear your little boy is doing well
Jessiemum i think when your high risk it's up to your consultant if you can fly or not
Lizzie this heat is killing me, it wasn't too bad at the start of the heat wave as I was loving having a nice summer, ESP as its rare for us to have a decent one here. When it's hot I'm use to wearing shorts and vest tops but I don't fit in any of my clothes so had to invest in two maxi dresses which both feel like I have a blanket wrapped around me. So i never feel nice and cool lol. I can't sleep much at night either as the house is far too hot. I envy people with air con lol
Jadey I'm so happy to read that you didn't think tearing during labour wasn't too bad, it relaxes me a little![]()
Thanks everyone for your kind and positive thoughts. I'm still hanging in there, no contractions or signs of infection, so trying to stay positive! My waters have completely gone for twin 1, so they say that 80% of women usually labour within 48hrs, so I'm hoping we are in the 20% bracket that gets a few more weeks!
Thanks for the info Lizzie, as usual you always know what to say to make me feel better. I feel a bit more positive now. I know i've had a 26wker before but it scary going back to nicu again.
Katy - yes I'm on 34, its so hot but they are lovely! If (big if) things stay quiet they may let me home mon but then I have to come in twice a week for scan n monitoring! Better than being kept in though!
Hope everyone else is having an uneventful time and cooking those bubs x
Thanks everyone for your kind and positive thoughts. I'm still hanging in there, no contractions or signs of infection, so trying to stay positive! My waters have completely gone for twin 1, so they say that 80% of women usually labour within 48hrs, so I'm hoping we are in the 20% bracket that gets a few more weeks!
Thanks for the info Lizzie, as usual you always know what to say to make me feel better. I feel a bit more positive now. I know i've had a 26wker before but it scary going back to nicu again.
Katy - yes I'm on 34, its so hot but they are lovely! If (big if) things stay quiet they may let me home mon but then I have to come in twice a week for scan n monitoring! Better than being kept in though!
Hope everyone else is having an uneventful time and cooking those bubs x
It was scorching when I was there. First time I was next to the window so it wasn't too bad, second time wasn't and it was so stuffy. Keeping everything
crossed for you. Do they know yet if it is down to IC or the twin pregnancy?
Thank you eveyone
Twinkle- no he did not say he did say. He is the type that is kinda vage on things. Like he did not give me a % of enfacement he just said that my cervix is the same as it was when the stitch went in but I was not dilated externally when the stitch was put in so I am guessing he ment the length which it was 2.5 cm and went to 2cm at one point so I am guessing my length now is b/w 2.5 and 2 cm.
He said he is engaged however not sure if 2/5th or all the way or what but I do know he is lower then the last appt and he said he was engaged kinda then so I am going to say he is b/w 2/5th and 4/5ths engaged
. He asked me about if I wanted to be induced next week I told him I wanted to go on my on unless there was any danger of me having a c section b/c of the babys weight he said I should be fine. I also told him that at one point the placenta starts to die off so I would like to be induced before then. He said usually after 41 or 42 wks is when they won't let you go over so I told him we would talk about inducement around 41 wks. That is if I can live with this hip pain till then.
Faibel--praying that they stay baking a little while longer. Your waters can replentish and so can your mucus plug so hopfully that will happen but I am not sure about what happens to the sac on baby 1 if the waters already went. I have always been confused about if your waters go how do you stay a few more weeks does that not mean the sac has broken I don't think it can repair itself
Faibel - I remember so distinctly with Evie that we were desperate to get her to 28wks because the odds for survival with optimum health sky rocket at that gestation. Witoh the twins my consultant breathed an audible sigh of relief at my 28wk scan just because I had made it to that deemed 'safe' point for their health and outcome. I do know that like you I desperately wanted more weeks, but at 24 I prayed to make that point, and became so much more relaxed once I had made that gestation.
Pregnancy is very unpredictable hun, don't assume anything until it happens. I have known many women defy the odds when they were very much stacked against them. As for those little munchkins, they will be born fighters darlin'. Lots of love xxx
I remember thinking that at 24 weeks too but now I'm here it seems way to early again...always wanting more! I am pleased I'm heading towards 29 weeks and pray these bubs are strong and healthy.
I so scared about infection and cord compression, it's such a risk and with the cord how would I know before its too late? If they send me home I'll be a bag of nerves, however being in hosp with this heat is not very pleasant but a small price to pay! In some ways delivering might be safer...x
Ladies I have got myself into a right state worrying about listeria. I have been googling (I know, I know) and it's really scared me.
I have been feeling flu ish today and yesterday. Could be the heat but I haven't been outside - as it's too hot and Ive kept my fluids up. I feel awful. Stiff neck and all achey with chills. Logic would say it's the heat or a bug but I can't stop thinking about the veggie pate, or the soft serves I had before I new I shouldn't. This is really panicking me :/