Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Congratulations, faibel! Love their names, great weights and how cool about the birthdays! Hope you recover quickly. Get as much rest as you can, it will help you heal faster. :hugs: If you have any questions or need to vent or anything, I'm more than willing to help. I had twins at 29+5. :flower:
Monroe, the 'show' can come away a bit at a time hun, but as you dilate more and more its likely it will eventually come away as a big blob of gloop! There's no mistaking it when it does appear ;) You might just lose bits and pieces like this for a few more weeks until labour gets going, or you could all of a sudden feel full on contractions and a proper show! There's no way of knowing. It does sound as though labour isn't far off for you tho sweet xxx

Lizzie thank you I still have not seen a big glob of it however I did loose alot over the weekend and it was bloody almost everytime I wiped till this morning it seems like its not much mucus anymore. Is is possible I lost it all or I just quit dilating.
Mine just came away in bits about a week before birth and then I went for a check up and was 4cms dilated I didn't have a stitch don't know if that makes a difference at all but I got to 9cm with no pain at all x
My mucus plug was never bloody. It came away over 2-3 days when I was about 4cm dilated.
Faibel--Congrats love the names and different b-days that is so cool.

geordiemammy--Oh that would be so nice it that is the case however no time for epidural then.
I have an appt Thurs so I guess I will see then unless I go before then. But it is possible that I have lost all my mucus plug now. If so then is just my water left to break or contractions start or if I don't have any plug left then is it more likely for my water to break?
Hi, quick update...

They arrived sat night and sun morn, one just before midnight and the other just after, different birthdays! It was a very traumatic birth, you name it, it happened, drs running around like headless chickens etc but they made it here safely! Esme, twin 1 weighed 2lb 13ozs and is in air doing well. Neve, twin 2 weighed exactly the same and on cpap but doing well also. So far so good! I'm still in shock I think, still can't believe it happened and the way it happened! Will keep you updated. Thanks for all your support and positive thoughts ladies x

Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats on 28 wks Katy x

Awesome!!!! Wonderful weights, your girls will do great!! And wow, not on a vent for even a couple hours? Exciting! I hope your NICU journey is smooth and uneventful!
Monroe - difficult to know hun. You are likely losing it bit by bit but then it replenishes in equal measure because you are only a little dilated. When you lose it in a huge glob you are typically moving into the active phase of labour when there is no mistaking it (things are really on the move). This phase could happen literally at any moment, or could be a few more weeks. With my first I lost the whole plug in one afternoon during very mild but very regular contractions - they intensified within a few hrs of the loss. Xxx
was hoping for a royal coin but TWINKLE/MONRO the responsibility is now yours come on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jadey that's fascinating about full moon!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Faibel!! Great weights, glad they are doing good!

Question! I'm not sure if I'm having a small slow amniotic leak or if this sounds like normal pregnancy discharge.

I had mentioned it to the midwife about two weeks ago that I was worried I was leaking and she acted like I was crazy. Her response was no, because I'm so early. I have a history of pprom, part of my water at 29w1d with my 1st and slow leak with my 2nd at 19w5d.

The leak that I asked the midwife about did stop and I had nothing else until this week, the last week my underwear get wet and more wet each hour but not a lot and it's not puddles of anything. It's clear, no smell and no texture. I have leaked pee and there is an obvious smell to urine so no confusion there.

Yesterday, I was pretty wet, it went through my underwear and through my sweats I was wearing. Two days before this my discharged had changed (from hardly anything) and was very VERY thick, clumpy and white (that only lasted for a day and a half and stopped).

*Oh, and when I push during a bowel movement, I will have a small drizzle of fluid (like if I was peeing)
Hi ladies,
Sorry to crash in on this thread but I have a question I'm hoping you might be able to answer for me. My consultant is concerned that I am at risk of IC as I had a previous PROM and premature baby born at 33 weeks. No-none is sure whether this was due to IC or something else but in the absence of any other explanation, they are monitoring my cervix this pregnancy just in case.
My last cervical scan was at 20 weeks and it measured 4.9cm which I understand is actually on the long side. I have to go for a repeat scan at 24 weeks.
So my question - in your experience would you say that because my cervix was measuring long at 20 weeks that this is a good sign that I am not suffering from IC or have any of you found that your measurement dropped significantly after 20 weeks?
Any comments or advice very welcome. Thanks. x
Hi Cat :) If your cervix was 4.9 at 20wks then it is extremely unlikely you have IC. A cervix can shorten rapidly in a short space of time, and theoretically that can happen any time, however, the point about IC is that it usually appears around 16wks when the baby has reached a certain weight. Certainly by 20wks it would have shown some sign of shortening even if only by a small amount.

This coupled with the fact that you had prom and delivered relatively late in the day at 33wks suggests that prom happened independently and was not cervix related Hun. Prom associated with an IC usually occurs by 26wks latest. Sometimes prom happens and no one knows why, but chances are it won't happen again. Hope that helps xxx
Lizzie thank you that does exlpain it better but not what I what to hear :dohh:

shanny--Thanks for the pressure lol. I don't think we will get one in the states but I could be wrong :shrug:
Lizziedripping - thank you so much for your reply. That's pretty much what I thought but I'm relieved to hear you say it. I'm glad they are keeping an eye on things for me anyway but fingers crossed that my previous experience was just one of those things and this little one is planning to stay put to the very end. xxx
Radiance - please go get checked! Don't leave until they test for amniotic fluid. If it is a leak, you're at risk for infection, so your doctor will probably want to start you on antibiotics until the leak fixes itself (which it will hopefully do).
Lizzie, being the lady in the know can I pick your brains?
I've been thinking a lot about my birth and why my waters went.
I had low back ache all night, felt sick and vomited and a few hours later my waters broke. I delivered my daughter at 31+5wks, in the delivery suite they checked my cervix and it hadn't dilated, so my stitch hadn't failed. I was in bed asleep when my waters broke and just wondered why it happened, everything was going well in my pregnancy, or so it seemed!
My little girl is doing fantastically well and I'm so grateful for such a smooth journey through NICU.
That kind of what happened to me (with Holly 33 weeks) waters went but no stitch failure will be interested to see what Lizzie says..............I had to be induced as no contractions..............
Congratulations faibel, you must be so excited, best wishes to you and the girls, xx
Twinkle love that you are at 37+
Monro, I went into labor at 40 weeks, hang in there, it will happen soon, xx
Hugs everyone
Faibel Massive congratulations & welcome to the world girls. D so happy to hear of their weight & how well they are doing. If you can try & rest as you will really need it. Please keep us informed on their progress x x x

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