Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

@faible you are at a good gestation almost 29 weeks, the twins will do well
I was told that as my first DS was term plus they are not wholly convinced that it is incompetent cervix. The tests on the placenta afterwards showed signs of chorioamnionitis infection but its the chicken and the egg scenario as to what came first! So for that reason the OB consultant would prefer to monitor closely then react as soon as there is any sign of shortening.

To be honest I'm just grateful I will be looked after by the consultant who knows my history. And I'm just going to take one day at a time this time.

Hi Sharan sorry to hear you lost your lo at 22 weeks last year. I dilated at 21 weeks in my last pregnancy and after 5 days of not labouring I had a stitch placed. I got an infection at 25 weeks which triggered labour. During the month with my stitch my bloods etc were all over the place so they weren't sure if my dilation was caused by something brewing, an incompetent cervix or just because it was a twin pregnancy. This pregnancy I was given cervical scans fortnightly from 16 weeks to 24 weeks and swabs taken 4 weekly from 16 weeks to 28 weeks. Thankfully this one has been much smoother and I am 34 weeks today. There is a thread on here called cervical measurements to give you some ideas if variations. You might need to look back a page or two.

I hope you have a smooth 9 months xx
I just had to share with people who would understand that I am 28W today! I know that I'm not out of the woods yet and obviously I'd love my babies would cook for longer but my consultant said when she put my stitch in about a month ago " let's aim for 28 weeks" and here I am.

I also wouldn't have believed it weeks ago if someone would have told me that I'd get this far!

Sharan- I was monitored as they weren't sure if my previous loss (twins at 24+3 whom lived for 6 days) was down to IC or a twin pregnancy complication. I shortened a bit initially (3.7-2.6 between 12 and 20w) then significantly to between 2.3 and 1.4 at 23w when I had a stitch put in. However this time they caught it before it dilated so the procedure was quite straightforward. I have been on progesterone since then and whilst not properly on bed rest, taking it very easy!
Hi Sharan and welcome :flower:

So sorry for your loss last year hun, thats really tough :nope: Your situation is much like mine in that I carried my first baby to term with no problems, only to present at 23wks with IC in my second pregnancy. My first borns traumatic delivery (ventouse) caused cervical tearing which left it extremely weak.

Doctors are reluctant to diagnose IC, and it goes unnoticed most of the time. Its fair enough that they're monitoring things closely this time, but be sure to ask for regular scans to check your cervix after 14wks. If there are any signs of premature shortening, you are entitled to press for a stitch sooner rather than later. The sooner the better in fact. Really, if IC is your problem, then it will begin to show itself around 16wks or so. Lots of love and luck, and we're here if you need us xxx

Katyb - yey for 28wks xxx
Monroe, the 'show' can come away a bit at a time hun, but as you dilate more and more its likely it will eventually come away as a big blob of gloop! There's no mistaking it when it does appear ;) You might just lose bits and pieces like this for a few more weeks until labour gets going, or you could all of a sudden feel full on contractions and a proper show! There's no way of knowing. It does sound as though labour isn't far off for you tho sweet xxx
Katyb - 28 weeks is great!

Fabiel - hope things are ok with you. I know it's been said but u are at a great gestation :)

Welcome Sharon - Sorry for your loss. I was monitterd instead of having a stitch put in early. Mine was placed 20 weeks and here I am now :) I am sure I wouldn't be without the stitch

Lizzie - Thats interesting about your history. I had my first pregnancy go to term but had a ventouse delivery also. I am wondering if this could have also impacted on my cervix. I had always put my IC down to the LLETZ I had, which interestingly caused me cervical stenosis, so I then had to be dilated for my periods to come!

Twinkle & Monroe - Keep bouncing, walking and enjoy the last days of being pregnant!
Hey Jadey - I don't think it was the ventouse which caused my IC hun (tho my post did imply that - doh). My babies tend to be large and have big heads (the twins already wear age 11-14 hats at age 3 lol), and so my first son's head and body were really too large for me to deliver vaginally. That's why the ventouse, and why my cervix tore. The cervix is actually a complex, muscular but elastic structure and for me was torn and stitched in such a way as to make it weak (I'm not sure that the reg looking after me was very experienced at either complicated delivery or suturing :( - tho to be fair I was probably just really unlucky and should have had a section when it became clear Harry was stuck.

Was your Lletz performed after your first baby I'm guessing? It's much more likely that the procedure was responsible for your IC than the ventouse. Lots of love xx
Hi ladies, still waiting for this baby, I know I'm only 37+4 weeks but it's so frustrating waiting after expecting him to be here early! I wouldn't be so bothered about him taking his time to come out but with me having no stitch, lots of cramps and strong tightenings all day long, loss of mucus plug, 1-2cm dilated hardly any cervix left and his head at +1 station then it sort of plays with your mind that any day he can come but then never does lol!!!

Kate Middleton is in labour so for the coin he needs to come today :)

But then again alsong as he's healthy when he's born then that's all that matters, I'm just a very impatient mummy waiting to meet my little miracle :)

How are you all doing?
full moon tonight Twinkle. Lots of ladies go into labour bcos their water goes on a full moon. It's to do with the pressure change the moon causes that effects 'bodies' of water! :) Maternity units are always busy on a full moon!
Ya never know Kate's baby might not get here til after 12 tonight so you have today and tomorrow at a push :) get bouncing on the ball again boys are lazy x
Oooh I hope so Jadey :) I'll probably still be on the thread moaning he isn't hereat 40+weeks lol
Ya never know Kate's baby might not get here til after 12 tonight so you have today and tomorrow at a push :) get bouncing on the ball again boys are lazy x

Everyone keeps telling me that boys are lazy, if hes anything like his dad he's going to be super lazy lol! I'll get ball bouncing and see what happens :) x
Hi, quick update...

They arrived sat night and sun morn, one just before midnight and the other just after, different birthdays! It was a very traumatic birth, you name it, it happened, drs running around like headless chickens etc but they made it here safely! Esme, twin 1 weighed 2lb 13ozs and is in air doing well. Neve, twin 2 weighed exactly the same and on cpap but doing well also. So far so good! I'm still in shock I think, still can't believe it happened and the way it happened! Will keep you updated. Thanks for all your support and positive thoughts ladies x

Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats on 28 wks Katy x
Fabiel - congratulations! They sound like they're doing very well. Look after yourself and keep us updated when you can. Lovely names by the way! Xx
Twinkle, I'm willing you on! I keep checking just in case!
Jadey, look at your ticker, wow! Hope you're well
Katy, well done 28wks is a fab milestone x
I'm excitedly awaiting to hear the news on the royal baby! It's reassuring to know though, that even though the baby is a future king/queen and will have the best care ever, he/she will still keep Kate & William awake at night and cover their expensive clothes with baby sick, just like the rest of our babies do!
Huge congrats Faibel. Lovely names and great that they are on air and cpap all ready( am so up on my NICU jargon that when we probably end up back there am sure to be a nightmare parent) I'm sure you are being really well looked after and I know it will be a long hospital journey but it will probably be much easier than your 26 weeker and shorter too. Am at the RVI tomorrow and fingers crossed on our tour of SCBU on Thus so will be thinking bout yoU and your little bundles!
Hi, quick update...

They arrived sat night and sun morn, one just before midnight and the other just after, different birthdays! It was a very traumatic birth, you name it, it happened, drs running around like headless chickens etc but they made it here safely! Esme, twin 1 weighed 2lb 13ozs and is in air doing well. Neve, twin 2 weighed exactly the same and on cpap but doing well also. So far so good! I'm still in shock I think, still can't believe it happened and the way it happened! Will keep you updated. Thanks for all your support and positive thoughts ladies x

Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats on 28 wks Katy x

Congrats Fabiel. Love the names and good weights at just under 3lb each. Glad to hear they are doing well. I am sure they will have a smooth stay at the hosp. 28 + weeks is great. How are u recovering?
Aww Faibel, congratulations sweetie, the girls sound fab and already doing so well. Love their names :) Wish my twinnies had seperate birthdays - they'll love that as they get older. The weights were good too. Being girls, and reaching 29wks are all positives darlin', fingers crossed that they go from strength to strength. Make sure to look after you too :hugs:
Twinkle, I tend to agree, boys are lazy! I find I do things for my son that he's more than capable of doing himself! He's a lazy monkey!
Congrats Faibel - love and best wishes for your time in nnu

SIL thinks I should bounce on trampoline...........................just to coincide with Kate!!
Congrats faibel and well done great weights and love the names and how funny having different birthdays bless them you will just have 2 days worth of partying once they get older :) pleased they are doing so well xxx

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