I was told that as my first DS was term plus they are not wholly convinced that it is incompetent cervix. The tests on the placenta afterwards showed signs of chorioamnionitis infection but its the chicken and the egg scenario as to what came first! So for that reason the OB consultant would prefer to monitor closely then react as soon as there is any sign of shortening.
To be honest I'm just grateful I will be looked after by the consultant who knows my history. And I'm just going to take one day at a time this time.
Ya never know Kate's baby might not get here til after 12 tonight so you have today and tomorrow at a pushget bouncing on the ball again boys are lazy x
Hi, quick update...
They arrived sat night and sun morn, one just before midnight and the other just after, different birthdays! It was a very traumatic birth, you name it, it happened, drs running around like headless chickens etc but they made it here safely! Esme, twin 1 weighed 2lb 13ozs and is in air doing well. Neve, twin 2 weighed exactly the same and on cpap but doing well also. So far so good! I'm still in shock I think, still can't believe it happened and the way it happened! Will keep you updated. Thanks for all your support and positive thoughts ladies x
Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats on 28 wks Katy x