Hi ladies,
Sorry to crash in on this thread but I have a question I'm hoping you might be able to answer for me. My consultant is concerned that I am at risk of IC as I had a previous PROM and premature baby born at 33 weeks. No-none is sure whether this was due to IC or something else but in the absence of any other explanation, they are monitoring my cervix this pregnancy just in case.
My last cervical scan was at 20 weeks and it measured 4.9cm which I understand is actually on the long side. I have to go for a repeat scan at 24 weeks.
So my question - in your experience would you say that because my cervix was measuring long at 20 weeks that this is a good sign that I am not suffering from IC or have any of you found that your measurement dropped significantly after 20 weeks?
Any comments or advice very welcome. Thanks. x
Like Lizzie said, very unlikely.