Hello ladies I hope I can join you, IM in desperate need of help.
I lost my last baby at 21 weeks, no pain or anything just spotting for 2 days then my waters suddenly went.
This time I am 16 weeks pg tomorrow. For the last week I have felt lots of pressure in my vagina, like, if I didn't clench everything would drop. I have been down to the hospital they have sent off my urine to the labs, checked for prolapse and had my cervix length checked it was 2.9cm. They said that was quite ok. But after reading on different groups I am a member of it seems that is quite low for my gestation. There was no funneling or anything. So I am assuming this pressure is something else?
I'm so worried there's something they have over looked. They don't think I need another length check, but I really do especially over the next few weeks until I pass 24 weeks.
Can any of you help me, or shed some light on this Im losing sleep and everything. I lost my mum 4 weeks ago and I'm wondering if stress has caused anything, or if its just ligaments and things changing?
Thank you in advance
Hi Bec.
I'm sorry to hear about your first baby and your Mum, you have had a tough time!
I thought I'd share my story with you because some of it might help you out as measurement wise I was quite similar.
I lost my first set of twins (Oliver and Matthew) after I went in to spontaneous pre-term labour totally out of the blue at 24w. They died of complications at 6 days old. the general consensus amoungst the Drs was that it was probably due to multiple birth that the came so early but IC could have been a factor but it was unlikely as I didn't have any more risk factors. I was told that having another set of twins was unlikely and If I had a singleton I would probably be fine.
Fast forward nearly 4 months and I fell pregnant....with another set of twins (naturally and a complete shock!) Understandably I was petrified!!! I had my cervix measured at 12 weeks as a baseline and it was 3.7cm- totally normal. By 20w it had shortened to 2.65cm but holding out under pressure and no funneling etc. Now technically this was above the diagnostic length for IC of 2.5cm so officially normal, but like you, I thought it was a bit close for comfort and I had a rescan at 23w where my cervix was changing between 2.3cm and 1,3cm on the screen and funneling whenever the bottom twin moved. I hadn't had any dilation from the outside though. That evening I had a stitch put in, followed 2 days later by steroid injections and then by daily vaginal progesterone.
I am now 30w+4 with twins who each weigh nearly 4lb so, although I am not out of the woods yet, I really feel that something has worked and that they would have made an appearance at least 4-6 weeks ago if I hadn't been monitored so closely
Like me at 20 weeks, your cervix is at the short end of normal but not yet diagnostic. However, as you can see from my story things can change. I would ask for a re scan maybe in 2 weeks and I would also ask your Dr about vaginal progesterone as it has shown some very positive results in singleton pregnancies especially those with mild/borderline IC.
Also, I was going to ask where in Cornwall do you live? My Father in Law is a consultant neonatologist in South Devon (recently retired) and knows lots of people in the South West medical community so if you want I can pick his brains about who is good for cervical issues if you need a second opinion.
Good Luck,