Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi ladies
I pop on from time to time since having my baby in the summer. I just wanted to reassure you how strong the stitch is.
I had mine placed as a preventative measure at 15 weeks as my cervix shortened and funnelled during my first pregnancy.
With the stitch in I carried my baby with no problems to almost 32 weeks when I went into labour and what I will stress is my early labour had nothing to do with my cervix, it was just one of those things.
I was in early labour for 24 hours when my waters broke and was having contractions and when they checked my stitch and cervix it was still perfect! So what I'm trying to say is the stitch is strong old stuff and an amazing but simple treatment. Many ladies on here have also had successful stitches which have carried them to term.

Like you we'd tick the weeks off as they'd drag by, but what I will say is that as each week passes it gets that little bit easier.
So fast forward 4 months and my little lady is amazing, even arriving 8 weeks early she was healthy just small. She now is a smiling 12lb bundle of love and proof that the stitch works!
Wishing you all lots of luck and an uneventful 9 long months! xxx

It is so reassuring to read other women's successful stories of having the stitch. Thank you x
so came home last night thank god. had a bit of back pain from the spinal but other than that was fine. Its now been 48 hours since I had the stitch and about 10 minutes ago I went to the toilet and whilst I was peeing (sorry tmi) I had like a quick sharp shooting / pinching feeling like my stitch was coming out or something.

IT frightened me so I stopped mid flow and now really need a wee and want to finish but im scared it will hurt as everytime I move I can feel this weird pinching feeling as if its the stitch poking me....

Any ideas on what it could be? I had a bit of panic attack thinking it might be cervix dilating etc but I don't want to get myself worked up if its a normal feeling....

if anyone could help I would be grateful. Did anyone else experience this? x
Hi Nat, sorry hun haven't had chance to read back through new posts so not yet sure of your full story but just to reassure you this sensation is perfectly normal and will come and go throughout the pregnancy after a stitch. If you imagine how a wound heals, you experience all kinds of knitting and needling sensation as the skin heals, and pulls together. As your body heals around the stitch sight it will cause all kinds of pinching sensations so try not to worry :hugs: I lived in constant fear that the stitch was giving way, because especially when I passed urine the pain was excruciating! As my bladder emptied my cervix was agony, presumably tension on the stitch was released thus causing pain. Ale care xx
Nat I've had a few sharp pulling and stretching pains yesterday which did scare me. So much so I headed back into the labour ward last night. The doctor checked the stitch and that was holding well and there was no further signs of shortening. They've put it down to just normal stretching of the uterus but they were nice enough to reassure me. Hopefully as lizzie as said your pains are normal too. I think you are going to be like me a neurotic pregnant women at least until the latter stages of third tri.

Hi lizzie I ended up having stitch without any insistence from me. My rescan showed the cervix had shortened a bit more to 22.8mm but the concerning thing was the 10mm of funnelling. I had the stitch put in the following day. I've just got to hope it holds until 36 weeks now.
Thanks girls. I did finish my wee lol and the pain had gone.

Little confused tho. When i was waiting for op the consultant came round and said i was having a MacDonald stitch. Then in theatre they said they were going to do a shirodkar. Then in my notes it says i have a macdonald.

When doc discharged me i was expecting don't do this, don't do tale etc etc but said i could go. I then asked if there was anythin i should shouldn't do and she said like what? I said i don't no, like rest, no sex, swimmin, baths, etc. She just said oh yeah no sex for 4 weeks.

To me that wasn't right cuz listenin to you girls i no ppl have been put on bedrest and to take it easy but she didn't even say that!!!
hello ladies
nat I was toold no sex for the entire pregnancy, until the took out the stitch. I did leave work after stitch placement since I didn't want anything to go wrong if I was working. the Dr had said I didn't have to be on bed rest, but when at 20 weeks I had funneled I decided to put myself in strict bed rest, the Dr thought I was always on moderate bed rest. I felt no use in arguing with him. do what you is right, rest, don't lift anything heavy, even a laundry basket, drink plenty of fluids, I had a glass every hot, which helped with any cramps felt. I did had stabbing pains often, they subsided on their own.three hardest thing is to deal with the mental component of stressing, but everything will be fine, you'll see.
cw glad to read everything is going well, lovely weight.
hugs everyone
Thanks TLM. i am going to carry on work as i will only be sat down all day at a desk.

Just been outside for 5 minutes to stretch my legs and felt this immense pressure down below. Had to get home quick as i felt like i was going to give birth to a bowling ball.... Os this pressure feeling normal after stitch?

I don't have pains, tightening's, bleeding or anything. Just this ridiculous pressure feeling in lower stomach
Also haven't been to the toilet since Thursday night... I have rectal pressure which i guess is constipation but i don't want to push or strain!!! Can anyone recommend anything for this?
Nat, every doctor is different. I hear in the UK bed rest is not commonly prescribed in general? In the US it's prescribed very liberally. I kind of agree with some UK docs because there is no scientific or medical proof that bed rest works. And personally, I do not believe it helped me and I was on complete bed rest for 2 months. Although there is no way to prove it did, or did not work. It's prescribed for women with IC because the theory is that it takes pressure off the cervix. Again, there's no proof it actually does any good. It can't hurt, but I personally hated it and thought I was wasting my time.

So I can't give an opinion on it other than that. There is no proof that it does any good. I would, of course, take it easy, but if your doc doesn't think you need bed rest, TAKE IT lol. Bed rest is horrifyingly horrific.
I can say that in a lot of cases, bed rest DOES really work. If I had been more strict with the bed rest, I would have carried much longer than I did, I think. In my case, though, it wasn't regular IC. I had contractions any time I was standing/moving around, so laying in bed and putting as little stress on my body as possible definitely helped. The days when I stayed in bed the most were the days when I had the fewest (or no) contractions.
Have to agree with Shelby here nat, tho not proven bed rest definitely worked for me. I didn't actually stay in bed, and had two other kids to look after but I did rest in between times on the sofa. Up until 16wks I made meals and got the children ready for and to school but after that I stopped doing the school run. I literally stood for a few minutes to prepare food then sat down while it cooked. Immediately after meals I went back to lying down. I felt the intense pressure you describe so daren't be upright for long, tho I was never told to officially rest. Especially because it was twins I was super cautious, I doubt with a singleton I would have felt quite as bad or needed to lie down as often, but I was too nervous to risk it Hun.

Sharan, good news the stitch is in honey. The funnelling isn't too worrisome, although stitching works best when placed before ANY changes, there have been plenty of women here with shorter and more dilated cervixes who have gone to term after stitching. Lots of love and luck :hugs:
Have to agree with Shelby here nat, tho not proven bed rest definitely worked for me. I didn't actually stay in bed, and had two other kids to look after but I did rest in between times on the sofa. Up until 16wks I made meals and got the children ready for and to school but after that I stopped doing the school run. I literally stood for a few minutes to prepare food then sat down while it cooked. Immediately after meals I went back to lying down. I felt the intense pressure you describe so daren't be upright for long, tho I was never told to officially rest. Especially because it was twins I was super cautious, I doubt with a singleton I would have felt quite as bad or needed to lie down as often, but I was too nervous to risk it Hun.

Sharan, good news the stitch is in honey. The funnelling isn't too worrisome, although stitching works best when placed before ANY changes, there have been plenty of women here with shorter and more dilated cervixes who have gone to term after stitching. Lots of love and luck :hugs:

Thanks Lizzie.... the pressure feeling has somewhat disappeared and i think it may of been becuase i had / have a UTI and was on antibiotics so probably was not emptying my bladder properly.

I do sit down all day at work but have been leaving work at 2pm to go home and lie down until hubby comes in from work at 6pm, then ill get up to do dinner then lie back down again until bedtime so hopefully fingers crossed everything should be fine.....

Roll on next Tuesday as i have my next scan so they will look at cervical length then also..... 20 weeks tomorrow and 40 weeks cant come quick enough now! I'm constantly on edge wondering whats gonna happen everytime i stand up or go to the toilet!

Nat I've had a few sharp pulling and stretching pains yesterday which did scare me. So much so I headed back into the labour ward last night. The doctor checked the stitch and that was holding well and there was no further signs of shortening. They've put it down to just normal stretching of the uterus but they were nice enough to reassure me. Hopefully as lizzie as said your pains are normal too. I think you are going to be like me a neurotic pregnant women at least until the latter stages of third tri.

Hi lizzie I ended up having stitch without any insistence from me. My rescan showed the cervix had shortened a bit more to 22.8mm but the concerning thing was the 10mm of funnelling. I had the stitch put in the following day. I've just got to hope it holds until 36 weeks now.

Hi Sharan, Im just popping on for a little nosey and to see how you ladies are getting on. Its been a while since I last looked at this thread! Im so pleased to see you are expecting again :) I know things havent been plain sailing with your IC. By the sounds of it your doctors are on top of it and I hope and pray you cook a good while longer! Most of the time these stitches work really well - my emergency stitch ruptured at 23 weeks and AJ arrived but I think im in the minority.

Im wishing all you ladies well and I hope you keep cooking and keep fighting IC!! xxx
Most of the time these stitches work really well - my emergency stitch ruptured at 23 weeks and AJ arrived but I think im in the minority.

Same thing happened to me at 26 weeks, but mine was a rescue cerclage. So glad to see your little one is home!! :thumbup: Mine is home now too, after 103 days (he was off oxygen very early on, was only kept in nicu so long for feeding issues).
Hello ladies how are u all getting on? Its quite sad that everyone who was on this thread throughout ny pregnancy now rarely comes on it! all of you ladies helped me so much and kept me sane during my most worrysome hours! I keep trying to have a quick read through whats going on as with a newborn i hardly have the time i used to lol.

for the new ladies joining this thread...just want to say first of all welcome n secondly even though at the time you joim this thread you are terrfied amd worried about your pregnancy you will look back in a few months and be so releived that everythig worked out. The cervical stitch works wonders and so does bed rest. long and short of my story is i had a preterm baby at 29weekd then 3yrs later lost a little boy at 22weeks. i then went on to have a cervical stitch with my 3rd pregnancy and carried all the way to term (38+2) in that pregnancy i suffered with a huge amount of pressurem i was terrified to move i stayed horizontal all the way up to 24weeks then i started doing more things. i had my stitch out at 36weeks and quickly went to 2cm dilated.. i carried on for another 2weeks after that!

It just shows how effective the stitch is and i have 100% confidence in the stitches. i urge anyone who has cervical problema amd is worried to opt for a stitch :) it gve me my miracle baby that i never thought id get.

Just thought id put on my success story for ladies who are worried as througout my pregnancy success storiws gave me hope and was the only thing that kept me positive!

Wishing everyone who is pregnant lots of luck :) x
Hi guys just popping back in to say hello! Haven't had much time to come on due to my 2 bundles of joy. Sophie and Emily are now 3 weeks old. There EDD is this Saturday and they are now almost totally breastfed (apart from one bottle at night) and weigh over 6lb. It would have been their big brother's birthday yesterday so it was an emotional day but I feel so blessed to have my little girls here safe and well with no SCBU time at all. Proof that stitches can work with upwards of 11lb worth of twins! Here are my beautiful little ladies.
Oh and Nat, I had all sorts of odd pressure, was convinced twins were kicking the stitch out. Had 3 stints in hospital with threatened pre-term labour and ended up having an elcs at 36w a full 10 days after having my stitch out as it took me 3 days of contractions to dilate 3cm.. the irony! This is all a year after going in to spontaneous labour and losing my boys at 24w! Stitches can work! I didn't do full on bed rest but like Lizzie I did take it very easy esp from 23w-32w. Good Luck
Nat I've had a few sharp pulling and stretching pains yesterday which did scare me. So much so I headed back into the labour ward last night. The doctor checked the stitch and that was holding well and there was no further signs of shortening. They've put it down to just normal stretching of the uterus but they were nice enough to reassure me. Hopefully as lizzie as said your pains are normal too. I think you are going to be like me a neurotic pregnant women at least until the latter stages of third tri.

Hi lizzie I ended up having stitch without any insistence from me. My rescan showed the cervix had shortened a bit more to 22.8mm but the concerning thing was the 10mm of funnelling. I had the stitch put in the following day. I've just got to hope it holds until 36 weeks now.

Hi Sharan, Im just popping on for a little nosey and to see how you ladies are getting on. Its been a while since I last looked at this thread! Im so pleased to see you are expecting again :) I know things havent been plain sailing with your IC. By the sounds of it your doctors are on top of it and I hope and pray you cook a good while longer! Most of the time these stitches work really well - my emergency stitch ruptured at 23 weeks and AJ arrived but I think im in the minority.

Im wishing all you ladies well and I hope you keep cooking and keep fighting IC!! xxx

Hi Pink_Sparkle it's lovely to hear from you sweetie x I'm glad you got your rainbow baby. Although it sounds like you had a bit of roller coaster ride getting there. But I'm glad Baby AJ is doing well x

I decided to take a little longer before trying again but manage to fall pregnant almost immediately after trying. I am feeling a bit more positive in this pregnancy although I'm still extremely nervous. But I'm taking each day and week at a time.
I absolutely love reading positive stitch stories. It gives me and I'm sure other ladies in the same position so much hope xx

Awww....Katy your girls are absolutely adorable x

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