Those pains are totally normal hun. I was convinced my twins were kicking out the stitch as that's what it felt like. They didn't and arrived, as planned at 36w, less than a year after I lost their brothers at 24w.. it can work!
Getting my stitch tomorrow! Finally, hopefully my cervix is still long and it will be quick and easy!
Getting my stitch tomorrow! Finally, hopefully my cervix is still long and it will be quick and easy!
Anyone have a TAC it's an internal stitch.
One of the ladies here had a TAC, I think it was agiboma??
Hi ladies how is everyone doing? FoxMommy did you get your stitch Hun? Hope you're recovering well.
Brandy I'm glad your scan went well and all is looking well with your cervix. Your girls look adorable xx
I've reached my 20 week milestone today; only another 16 weeks until my stitch removal! My next milestone is 22 weeks but this is the one I'm dreading the most. I lost my son last year at 22 weeks. I'm worried as my cervix opened up silently and I was totally oblivious to it until I started bleeding by which point it was too late. So I just hope I get to 22 weeks trouble free.
Hi ladies how is everyone doing? FoxMommy did you get your stitch Hun? Hope you're recovering well.
Brandy I'm glad your scan went well and all is looking well with your cervix. Your girls look adorable xx
I've reached my 20 week milestone today; only another 16 weeks until my stitch removal! My next milestone is 22 weeks but this is the one I'm dreading the most. I lost my son last year at 22 weeks. I'm worried as my cervix opened up silently and I was totally oblivious to it until I started bleeding by which point it was too late. So I just hope I get to 22 weeks trouble free.
Hi ladies how is everyone doing? FoxMommy did you get your stitch Hun? Hope you're recovering well.
Brandy I'm glad your scan went well and all is looking well with your cervix. Your girls look adorable xx
I've reached my 20 week milestone today; only another 16 weeks until my stitch removal! My next milestone is 22 weeks but this is the one I'm dreading the most. I lost my son last year at 22 weeks. I'm worried as my cervix opened up silently and I was totally oblivious to it until I started bleeding by which point it was too late. So I just hope I get to 22 weeks trouble free.
Hi ladies how is everyone doing? FoxMommy did you get your stitch Hun? Hope you're recovering well.
Brandy I'm glad your scan went well and all is looking well with your cervix. Your girls look adorable xx
I've reached my 20 week milestone today; only another 16 weeks until my stitch removal! My next milestone is 22 weeks but this is the one I'm dreading the most. I lost my son last year at 22 weeks. I'm worried as my cervix opened up silently and I was totally oblivious to it until I started bleeding by which point it was too late. So I just hope I get to 22 weeks trouble free.
There was a woman in my area who recently at TRIPLETS at 22+6. Two of them did not survive (one died a couple hours after birth, and one died two months later in NICU) but the survivor is home and doing well. I couldn't believe when I read that because I had NO idea babies could survive at 22 weeks. Now obviously 22+6 is a lot different than 22+1! But still... especially triplets!!! They were all only about 1lb.
Hi Ladies,
20 weeks for me to Sharan! Well 20+1 nowInternet hasnt been on so ive had to just nosey on my very old slow phone lol. Glad your still hanging in there. Its always a worry reaching a milestone. My 17 week milestone was nervewracking, but 23+6 is gonna be the big one for me. Pls waters stay where you are. I had my anomoly scan yesterday and everything looks fine. Bubs is on the large side which is good as Jake was measuring nearly a week smaller at his anomoly scan, they think that the infection i had was already taking effect. Bubs is another boy to so we have decided his name will be Hunter Jakob Jones. OH is more worried than me but i think he will start to relax a bit after 24 weeks. I go for a growth scan at 24 weeks and then another at 28 weeks. They say its just a precaution that everything is going smoothly and Hunter is doing well. They also said they wont give me precautionary steroids this time tho. They will obv give me the steroids if i go into labour or my waters break but if they break they will jus whip him out via c section as they cant wait for any results to come back from swabs, it would be to late going off my history. Just stay where you are tho waters pls!!! and stay away nasty infections!!!
Brandy thats great news! Well done you! and beautiful pics!
Has anybody heard from Nat? Wonder how she is doing?
Also i am wondering what to do about my hospital bag! I obviously dont wanna pack it to early but i wanna be ready incase. I wonder whether it will be a good idea to pack my things soon and just add baby things as the weeks go on. Like at 24 weeks start by adding what i would need for a prem baby and gradually change the things or would that just be chancing fate? I just dont wanna be unprepared for a mad dash to the hospital? What are you guys doing? xxx