Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

34mm but like 2 weeks ago and I'm almost 16 weeks now so it's getting less and less elective and no one seems to care. :(
Yes, but I've had previous issues. We know I shorten early, so sooner the better to place it. It's the most effective/least risky when placed in a long closed cervix.
I had mine put in at 17 weeks (16+6). They wouldn't do it earlier as they weren't wholly convinced that I had an IC. However from everything I read and from what I've been told by the surgeons at the time; up to 17 weeks is still good.

If you have history of shortening then insist on having stitch put in as a preventative.
Ladies this is a bit embarrassing and worrying.

I've been told no sex following the cerclage which I am abstaining from and have been since the moment I found out I was expecting. However I'm now waking up in the middle of the night due to orgasms that I'm having in my sleep. I've had them the last two nights and the one last night was particularly strong. I'm worried that they may have an adverse effect on my cervix but I just can't seem to avoid them.

I think I'm becoming even more of a nervous wreck the closer I get to 22 weeks as this was when I lost my son last year.
Ladies this is a bit embarrassing and worrying.

I've been told no sex following the cerclage which I am abstaining from and have been since the moment I found out I was expecting. However I'm now waking up in the middle of the night due to orgasms that I'm having in my sleep. I've had them the last two nights and the one last night was particularly strong. I'm worried that they may have an adverse effect on my cervix but I just can't seem to avoid them.

I think I'm becoming even more of a nervous wreck the closer I get to 22 weeks as this was when I lost my son last year.

i was told no sex for 4 weeks and have had orgasms in the night
asked consultant about it and she said it would be fine and not to worry. Assured me that it wouldn't have an adverse effect on my cervix at all xxx
I had my anomaly scan today and I mentioned my concerns to the sonographer. She checked my cervix albeit transabdominally however the funnelling that was there prior to the stitch and just after has gone. She couldn't measure the cervix accurately but even I could see that there was no funnelling. So that has renewed my hope again.
I had my anomaly scan today and I mentioned my concerns to the sonographer. She checked my cervix albeit transabdominally however the funnelling that was there prior to the stitch and just after has gone. She couldn't measure the cervix accurately but even I could see that there was no funnelling. So that has renewed my hope again.

Congrats hun. the fact that the funnelling has gone is a great sign! :-)

Hi everyone,

I am new to this thread and would like to share my experiences with you all and gain some support and knowledge from your experiences.

I have been trying to conceive for the the past 3 years naturally and had 2 ectopic pregnancies and one missed abortion. Currently I am pregnant for the 4th time. This time through IVF and today I am 19 weeks 1 day pregnant.

On my 16 week scan , Dr told me my cervix was short and funneling and it measured 1.2cm and I have to perform a rescue cerclage in the same week. So I had a McDonalds cerclage done at 16w2d. I recovered well with mild spotting and pain for first two days.Last week I felt some clear liquid when I wiped and I didnt bother much as I thought it would be normal vaginal discharge. But yesterday I had my 19 week scan (first scan after the cerclage) and the technician asked me if I am leaking and this has put me very upset. She showed my baby and baby looked fine. But my questions regarding cervix length were unanswered. She said doctor will speak to me and she is not supposed to tell. When I called the doctors office they told the report will take 4-5 days and they will make a call if anything is abnormal. But I am very much worried as I dont know the scan results. I am suspecting any moisture found when I wipe as amniotic fluid and has become very paranoid from yesterday.

The ultrasound technician told me the water looks ok and baby looks ok but she was not very reassuring. Plus, I didnt get to know my baby's gender, she said its not visible. When my husband asked the same question, she said " Head is more important".:cry: Also, she didnt tell any other details about any improvement or change in cervix. I still doubt why she asked me if I am leaking. My mind is full of questions and I am very upset. Have any of you ever gone through anything similar to this?
Yeah, I'm 16 weeks and my dr. Is pushing them for OR time, so hopefully soon. Are you allowed to go swimming with the stitch? Or have sex? Some say no others yes. I love taking my dd to the pool that would be hard for me...I also really miss sex!
I was told no to sex, baths and swimming. At least not until 36 weeks. But personally even if I wasn't told no I still would have refrained. I've also stopped exercising completely from the moment I got my positive which really got me down as I love going for runs and training.

Oh and sex...yes definitely missing that. I've got high libido anyway and even more so during pregnancy. This I'm finding the hardest. Poor hubby...he's having to suffer too as I don't trust myself to just 'helping' him.
Lol. Yes poor hubby indeed. But at least they can take care of themselves... Pregnancy also ups my sex drive lol. Why no swimming/baths? Risk of infection? It makes me want to take her swimming every night until I get mine put in! Lol.
Lol. Yes poor hubby indeed. But at least they can take care of themselves... Pregnancy also ups my sex drive lol. Why no swimming/baths? Risk of infection? It makes me want to take her swimming every night until I get mine put in! Lol.

I asked my consultant if i could have baths / go swimming and she said not for the first few weeks whilst it heals but after that its fine to carry on and have a nice long hot soak and go swimming so i might start to take swimming up as my new form of exercise seeing as i cant really do much other vigorous exercise ;)
Hi everyone,

I am new to this thread and would like to share my experiences with you all and gain some support and knowledge from your experiences.

I have been trying to conceive for the the past 3 years naturally and had 2 ectopic pregnancies and one missed abortion. Currently I am pregnant for the 4th time. This time through IVF and today I am 19 weeks 1 day pregnant.

On my 16 week scan , Dr told me my cervix was short and funneling and it measured 1.2cm and I have to perform a rescue cerclage in the same week. So I had a McDonalds cerclage done at 16w2d. I recovered well with mild spotting and pain for first two days.Last week I felt some clear liquid when I wiped and I didnt bother much as I thought it would be normal vaginal discharge. But yesterday I had my 19 week scan (first scan after the cerclage) and the technician asked me if I am leaking and this has put me very upset. She showed my baby and baby looked fine. But my questions regarding cervix length were unanswered. She said doctor will speak to me and she is not supposed to tell. When I called the doctors office they told the report will take 4-5 days and they will make a call if anything is abnormal. But I am very much worried as I dont know the scan results. I am suspecting any moisture found when I wipe as amniotic fluid and has become very paranoid from yesterday.

The ultrasound technician told me the water looks ok and baby looks ok but she was not very reassuring. Plus, I didnt get to know my baby's gender, she said its not visible. When my husband asked the same question, she said " Head is more important".:cry: Also, she didnt tell any other details about any improvement or change in cervix. I still doubt why she asked me if I am leaking. My mind is full of questions and I am very upset. Have any of you ever gone through anything similar to this?

bumping for you, sorry your posted landed in our moderation queue. Hoping someone can help? Thanks ladies xxx
Hi Everyone! I will try to make it a short introduction :)

We have 2 older children 21 and 17 whom I had no problems with the pregnancy so this one has been a rollercoaster.

We had a loss earlier in this year but it wasnt due to IC. We got pregnant with twins via IVF and everything was going perfectly! I havent ever had a pregnancy symptom not even MS. I go in for ultrasounds every 2 weeks just because they are twins. When I went for my 16 week ultrasound at 15w5d I told my doctor that I felt pressure on my cervix like the babies were dropping for delivery. He took me straight in for the ultrasound and found that my cervix had shortened from 4.3cm to 2.3CM in the last 2 weeks. I also had funneling and the sac was in the funneling. I was sent straight to labor and delivery and put on IV's and placed in a reclining position for 24 hours.

The next day at 16w0d they took me to the OR for the cerclage. I spent 2 days in the hospital recovering. I have had bleeding what I equate to a light period. They checked me last night before releasing me from the hospital via ultrasound and said that it was much better and the babies looked great on the ultrasound.

I was told to go home to bed rest until Monday when I have another check post op to see how it is doing. They didn't measure the length before I left the hospital as they said their was swelling and we needed to let that go down.

So here I am! I have no idea what to expect from here. I dont know if they will let me return to work or normal activities. I am just so scared that I was so close to losing the babies!
Hi Everyone! I will try to make it a short introduction :)

We have 2 older children 21 and 17 whom I had no problems with the pregnancy so this one has been a rollercoaster.

We had a loss earlier in this year but it wasnt due to IC. We got pregnant with twins via IVF and everything was going perfectly! I havent ever had a pregnancy symptom not even MS. I go in for ultrasounds every 2 weeks just because they are twins. When I went for my 16 week ultrasound at 15w5d I told my doctor that I felt pressure on my cervix like the babies were dropping for delivery. He took me straight in for the ultrasound and found that my cervix had shortened from 4.3cm to 2.3CM in the last 2 weeks. I also had funneling and the sac was in the funneling. I was sent straight to labor and delivery and put on IV's and placed in a reclining position for 24 hours.

The next day at 16w0d they took me to the OR for the cerclage. I spent 2 days in the hospital recovering. I have had bleeding what I equate to a light period. They checked me last night before releasing me from the hospital via ultrasound and said that it was much better and the babies looked great on the ultrasound.

I was told to go home to bed rest until Monday when I have another check post op to see how it is doing. They didn't measure the length before I left the hospital as they said their was swelling and we needed to let that go down.

So here I am! I have no idea what to expect from here. I dont know if they will let me return to work or normal activities. I am just so scared that I was so close to losing the babies!

Hi Brandy, I very recently had a stitch put in when I was 16+6 weeks. I was being monitored fortnightly due to a loss last year when I was 22 weeks. It wasn't diagnosed as being IC but not ruled out either.

My lengths were 38.2mm at 13+5 weeks, 25mm at 15+5 weeks and 22.8mm with 10mm funnelling at 16+5 weeks. It was mainly due the last measurement that I had the cerclage inserted.

I also had some light bleeding which subsided the following day and I had some mild to uncomfortable backache and cramps. I was told to take it easy for a couple of weeks. However after speaking to my midwife and GP it's been decided that I'm signed off from work until I'm 28 weeks. Mainly due to the fact that I work shifts as a police officer although I'm not operational at the moment it can still be quite stressful. The rest appears to be working as at my last scan yesterday at 19 weeks it appears that the funnelling has closed.

I would recommend if you can to take time off from work for at least the duration that we are most at risk (16-28 weeks). In addition rest as much as you can preferably bed rest just so that majority of the pressure is taken off your cervix.

Good luck Hun and this thread is full of such helpful knowledgeable women. It's been a godsend for me xx
Hi everyone,

I am new to this thread and would like to share my experiences with you all and gain some support and knowledge from your experiences.

I have been trying to conceive for the the past 3 years naturally and had 2 ectopic pregnancies and one missed abortion. Currently I am pregnant for the 4th time. This time through IVF and today I am 19 weeks 1 day pregnant.

On my 16 week scan , Dr told me my cervix was short and funneling and it measured 1.2cm and I have to perform a rescue cerclage in the same week. So I had a McDonalds cerclage done at 16w2d. I recovered well with mild spotting and pain for first two days.Last week I felt some clear liquid when I wiped and I didnt bother much as I thought it would be normal vaginal discharge. But yesterday I had my 19 week scan (first scan after the cerclage) and the technician asked me if I am leaking and this has put me very upset. She showed my baby and baby looked fine. But my questions regarding cervix length were unanswered. She said doctor will speak to me and she is not supposed to tell. When I called the doctors office they told the report will take 4-5 days and they will make a call if anything is abnormal. But I am very much worried as I dont know the scan results. I am suspecting any moisture found when I wipe as amniotic fluid and has become very paranoid from yesterday.

The ultrasound technician told me the water looks ok and baby looks ok but she was not very reassuring. Plus, I didnt get to know my baby's gender, she said its not visible. When my husband asked the same question, she said " Head is more important".:cry: Also, she didnt tell any other details about any improvement or change in cervix. I still doubt why she asked me if I am leaking. My mind is full of questions and I am very upset. Have any of you ever gone through anything similar to this?

Sorry Hun I've got no experience with the clear discharge. Hopefully one of the other ladies may be able to help. But I would suggest getting back into doctor stressing that you want to me seen or at least be given answers. Alternatively i don't know if you are able to call your labour ward and tell them you suspect you may be leaking amniotic fluid. They may call you in to check for you.
I do have a question for those with the cerclage... I only had it placed 2 days ago but I keep getting these sharp twinges or spasms in the vagina which I am assuming is from the cervix... is this normal? If it is how long till it normally goes away?

I do see the doctor Monday so I will ask him as well but it concerning but at this point everything is.

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