Hello ladies how are u all getting on? Its quite sad that everyone who was on this thread throughout my pregnancy now rarely comes on it! all of you ladies helped me so much and kept me sane during my most worry some hours! I keep trying to have a quick read through whats going on as with a newborn i hardly have the time i used to lol.
I miss belonging to this thread and post in other places sometimes, but don't feel like I belong we need a post stitch thread Twinkle would love to know how Jadey is !!!!!! (Gonna start one and see what happens)
New ladies - I have had 4 successful stitches with relatively uncomplicated pregnancies. No bed rest or complications. I am very lucky and in my last one I enjoyed some lovely support and chats on here (Lizzie is the house expert) It's so nice to get some support from people in the same situation.
Best wishes to you all..............I hope you find some comfort here on your journey.