Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hello Ladies...I have searched all over for this thread and I am so happy that I found it...Just a little background on me. DH and I got our first BFP last year in May and we were more than excited. Well when we went in for our anatomy scan at 18wks I was told I have a short cervix measuring .8cm! We were completely terrified and desperate for answer. They explained that we were not eligible for a cerclage and most women with a short cervix go full term. That didn't completely ease my mind but went forth with faith. Well at 22wks I went into labor and gave birth to my beautiful daughter Mariah Brooklyn. She only survived for a few moments; took her last breath and we said goodbye. It broke my heart!!!

Well January 9th of this year we got our 2nd BFP!!!!!!!! I am currently 13wks and I'm scheduled for an cerclage Wednesday the 19th. I really hope it works this time because I can not go through another loss :(

After reading some of the post from you ladies, it gives me a lot of hope...I wish you all success and I hope you guys have room on the thread for me :)

Just wanted to say I'm so sorry you had to go through the loss of your precious baby girl. I wish you the best with the cerclage and am glad they're putting it in so soon. :hugs:

Thank you :hugs:

I see that you had a baby at is she doing? Did you have a cerclage performed?
She's doing really good overall, she has good days and bad days. The doctors keep telling us she must not understand how early she came! We've been pretty lucky compared to other preemie parents. Thank you for asking. :) I did not have a cerclage because I wasnt a candidate. At 20 weeks I had contractions with my cervix shortened to .7cm. I had a cervical pessary instead, almost 6 weeks bedrest, and prometrium.
Generally brown discharge in small amounts is nothing to worry about. I had it quite a few times. You might just ask at your appt though.

Sounds like your cervix was irritated at one point

Thank you Brandy you were totally right my doc says its nothing to worry about it all clear up a few days ago.Everything is back to normal now.
Hello Ladies...I have searched all over for this thread and I am so happy that I found it...Just a little background on me. DH and I got our first BFP last year in May and we were more than excited. Well when we went in for our anatomy scan at 18wks I was told I have a short cervix measuring .8cm! We were completely terrified and desperate for answer. They explained that we were not eligible for a cerclage and most women with a short cervix go full term. That didn't completely ease my mind but went forth with faith. Well at 22wks I went into labor and gave birth to my beautiful daughter Mariah Brooklyn. She only survived for a few moments; took her last breath and we said goodbye. It broke my heart!!!

Well January 9th of this year we got our 2nd BFP!!!!!!!! I am currently 13wks and I'm scheduled for an cerclage Wednesday the 19th. I really hope it works this time because I can not go through another loss :(

After reading some of the post from you ladies, it gives me a lot of hope...I wish you all success and I hope you guys have room on the thread for me :)

Just wanted to say I'm so sorry you had to go through the loss of your precious baby girl. I wish you the best with the cerclage and am glad they're putting it in so soon. :hugs:

Thank you :hugs:

I see that you had a baby at is she doing? Did you have a cerclage performed?
She's doing really good overall, she has good days and bad days. The doctors keep telling us she must not understand how early she came! We've been pretty lucky compared to other preemie parents. Thank you for asking. :) I did not have a cerclage because I wasnt a candidate. At 20 weeks I had contractions with my cervix shortened to .7cm. I had a cervical pessary instead, almost 6 weeks bedrest, and prometrium.

I'm glad that your lil girl is doing well overall. She was born so early so I'm assuming that comes with good and bad days. I can't imagine the un-nerving feeling of anxiety you guys must feel.

Your situation sounds almost identical to mine, but you had a better outcome, thank god for that. :hugs: I have your family in my prayers and Fx'd!!!
To Brandy, Sharan, and Babymaybe congratulations on delivering 4 beautiful babies:flower::yipee: I was wondering how many there was gonna be when I returned. It's been awild and crazy experience for us all and I'm glad you have reached our goal, giving birth to healthy babies.

Babymaybe my dd was born at 25 wks. Each day was a new struggle but she is a healthy teenage girl now. Causing a whole other list of problems now, lol..

4Boys thanks for asking about me. Things have been pretty uneventful over here. I'm not gonna complain about that. Almost 26 wks:happydance::happydance: Still working. Haven't been on BnB too much lately. Been devoting my internet time to house searching. Really need to be in a bigger spot before lil man arrives.
Hi ladies... Just wondering if any of you would be able to offer any insight. My cervix has been all over the map the past 5 weeks.

At 20 weeks it was over 5 cm
At 21.5 weeks it was 3.4 cm
At 23 weeks it was suddenly down to 2.8 cm
The NEXT DAY I was having regular contractions and went in to be checked... contractions slowed down and my cervix was 3.4 cm again!
Then I got checked again today (scheduled appt 25+4) and it's now 2.6 cm..

They'll be checking me again in another 2 weeks. Has anyone ever dealt with what they consider a 'dynamic' cervix?
Hi ladies... Just wondering if any of you would be able to offer any insight. My cervix has been all over the map the past 5 weeks.

At 20 weeks it was over 5 cm
At 21.5 weeks it was 3.4 cm
At 23 weeks it was suddenly down to 2.8 cm
The NEXT DAY I was having regular contractions and went in to be checked... contractions slowed down and my cervix was 3.4 cm again!
Then I got checked again today (scheduled appt 25+4) and it's now 2.6 cm..

They'll be checking me again in another 2 weeks. Has anyone ever dealt with what they consider a 'dynamic' cervix?

No I haven't. Is that what it's called when The cervix changes depending on how much pressure you put on it?
No I haven't. Is that what it's called when The cervix changes depending on how much pressure you put on it?

I didn't think so... I just get randomly checked and I'm laying there doing nothing and my cervix measures differently each time... So strange.

Getting rechecked on April 2nd so that might give me a better idea. :shrug:
Hey ladies,

Do any of you know of any charities in the UK that are there to support IC?

I'm looking to either join one or start one, I want to screening for IC compulsory or at least available in the UK before you have a baby die.

Those of you who are not doing bedrest, do you ever feel a lot of pressure and strong pinching feeling in cervix? What has been done to relieve it? Have you spoken with your doctor about it?
I have a question for all those who've suffered with IC, would you PURPOSELY put yourself at high risk of twins?? I know cerclage has been successful with twin pregnancies.

Personally would you though?, I'm doing IVF soon and really would love two being out back but can't go through another late loss I think it'd kill me.
Congratulations just seen your pic of babies :happydance:
I've not been on for a while just had a read and you've not posted so I'm guessing you've just had babies :shrug::shrug:

They look healthy and I'm guessing all is good, how are you ??

Take care wait to hear from you soon :hugs::hugs:
To Brandy, Sharan, and Babymaybe congratulations on delivering 4 beautiful babies:flower::yipee: I was wondering how many there was gonna be when I returned. It's been awild and crazy experience for us all and I'm glad you have reached our goal, giving birth to healthy babies.

Babymaybe my dd was born at 25 wks. Each day was a new struggle but she is a healthy teenage girl now. Causing a whole other list of problems now, lol..

4Boys thanks for asking about me. Things have been pretty uneventful over here. I'm not gonna complain about that. Almost 26 wks:happydance::happydance: Still working. Haven't been on BnB too much lately. Been devoting my internet time to house searching. Really need to be in a bigger spot before lil man arrives.

Hey, so glad your ok, it's good to talk if you need to you don't need to keep it in, your not complaining :winkwink:
Wow, 26 wk, it's great just feels like forever I remember but everyday inside is a bonus we don't want baby yet :nope:.

I'm ok just busy with boys little one is 7 mth now time goes fast, doesn't seem that long I had him, where does the time go :shrug:

Keep in touch and take it easy :hugs:
Hello Ladies...I have searched all over for this thread and I am so happy that I found it...Just a little background on me. DH and I got our first BFP last year in May and we were more than excited. Well when we went in for our anatomy scan at 18wks I was told I have a short cervix measuring .8cm! We were completely terrified and desperate for answer. They explained that we were not eligible for a cerclage and most women with a short cervix go full term. That didn't completely ease my mind but went forth with faith. Well at 22wks I went into labor and gave birth to my beautiful daughter Mariah Brooklyn. She only survived for a few moments; took her last breath and we said goodbye. It broke my heart!!!

Well January 9th of this year we got our 2nd BFP!!!!!!!! I am currently 13wks and I'm scheduled for an cerclage Wednesday the 19th. I really hope it works this time because I can not go through another loss :(

After reading some of the post from you ladies, it gives me a lot of hope...I wish you all success and I hope you guys have room on the thread for me :)

Congratulations on your pregnancy and I pray all goes well for you and also I'm so sorry for your loss her name is beautiful :hugs:

Not been on for a while so I'm late replying, I hope your stitch placement has been done, your getting it early which is great :thumbup:
I've had 3 prem sons at 34wk, 28wk, 26 wk, they told me sponteonus labour but with my 4th son I had emergency stitch at 18wk as I went into early labour at 17+7. With bulging membranes funneling and 1cm left to stitch so I'm very lucky my son survived he was born at 36wk.
I wish I knew about the stitch with my other sons maybe they wouldn't have been born so soon :shrug::shrug:

Keep us updated and these lovely ladies/mums will support you best they can.:winkwink:

Take care :hugs:
Those of you who are not doing bedrest, do you ever feel a lot of pressure and strong pinching feeling in cervix? What has been done to relieve it? Have you spoken with your doctor about it?

I think your body is telling you to go on bed rest for a break :shrug:
I had this feeling constantly when I stood up and sat down I ended up in so much pain I just had to stay off my feet, you've done great getting to 26wk but now maybe a good time to put your feet up and try bed rest it's difficult with other kids but your husband will have to take over !!

I used to get a pulling stretchy feeling like my cervix were ripping and horrid pain it was a nightmare

Those of you who are not doing bedrest, do you ever feel a lot of pressure and strong pinching feeling in cervix? What has been done to relieve it? Have you spoken with your doctor about it?

I think your body is telling you to go on bed rest for a break :shrug:
I had this feeling constantly when I stood up and sat down I ended up in so much pain I just had to stay off my feet, you've done great getting to 26wk but now maybe a good time to put your feet up and try bed rest it's difficult with other kids but your husband will have to take over !!

I used to get a pulling stretchy feeling like my cervix were ripping and horrid pain it was a nightmare


Boy you've been pretty busy reading all these responses today. Yeah I keep saying maybe it's time. I hate going to work every day but not quite ready to stop just yet. I wish DH would just say I think it's time. He just listens to the DRs saying I'm fine. I remember having these pains whenever I stood with my emergency cerclage. Then I was on bedrest. Now I'm on my feet for most of the day. My next appt. isn't for another 2 weeks, but I don't expect them to tell me to stop working yet.

Glad to see you're doing well. It's nice that you still pop in and check on us. Thanks for the support:hugs: 7 months, wow. Soon he will be walking and talking. Running around with his big brothers. You think you want to try for another?
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.

Hi...I am new o his thread as well...sorry to heaR that yu are having such a difficul time with your pregnancy. im sure we all can relate. With my last pregnancy i found out at 18wks that i had a short cevix. i had only .8oof CL. :growlmad: UnfortunaTELY at 22wks i went in to labor and lost her :cry:

With this pregnancy i had a preventative cerclage put on at 14wks.I only had 2cm OMG I cant believe thats all i have UGH, but your story gives me hope. Im hoping i have the same success that you're having. I hope your appt goes well. Keep me updated!
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.

Hi...I am new o his thread as well...sorry to heaR that yu are having such a difficul time with your pregnancy. im sure we all can relate. With my last pregnancy i found out at 18wks that i had a short cevix. i had only .8oof CL. :growlmad: UnfortunaTELY at 22wks i went in to labor and lost her :cry:

With this pregnancy i had a preventative cerclage put on at 14wks.I only had 2cm OMG I cant believe thats all i have UGH, but your story gives me hope. Im hoping i have the same success that you're having. I hope your appt goes well. Keep me updated!

Yeah, am also tensed and at times get panicked for everything. Just trying to stay on bed as much as possible. After reading so many success stories here feel little comfortable. My first goal was 24, next 26. Will be 26 tomorrow. My next goal is 28 then 30,32,34,36. Peri said they will remove my cerclage at 36. Trying to stay positive but at times I go down :(
Hi ladies, Im back again after my sucessful cerclage in 2012. I just had my new cerclage placed at 13.6 weeks friday. It was such a emotionally draining experience I dont recall feeling that way about it the first time. I hope this one does the job just as good as the last one did. Glad to say if all goes well this is my last pregnancy. I hope everyone is doing well. Congrats to all the recent cerclage graduates.

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