Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi ladies, Im back again after my sucessful cerclage in 2012. I just had my new cerclage placed at 13.6 weeks friday. It was such a emotionally draining experience I dont recall feeling that way about it the first time. I hope this one does the job just as good as the last one did. Glad to say if all goes well this is my last pregnancy. I hope everyone is doing well. Congrats to all the recent cerclage graduates.

What a precious lil one you have there! Congrats on your new pregnancy and hoping things work out just as well this time around for you.
Those of you who are not doing bedrest, do you ever feel a lot of pressure and strong pinching feeling in cervix? What has been done to relieve it? Have you spoken with your doctor about it?

I think your body is telling you to go on bed rest for a break :shrug:
I had this feeling constantly when I stood up and sat down I ended up in so much pain I just had to stay off my feet, you've done great getting to 26wk but now maybe a good time to put your feet up and try bed rest it's difficult with other kids but your husband will have to take over !!

I used to get a pulling stretchy feeling like my cervix were ripping and horrid pain it was a nightmare


Boy you've been pretty busy reading all these responses today. Yeah I keep saying maybe it's time. I hate going to work every day but not quite ready to stop just yet. I wish DH would just say I think it's time. He just listens to the DRs saying I'm fine. I remember having these pains whenever I stood with my emergency cerclage. Then I was on bedrest. Now I'm on my feet for most of the day. My next appt. isn't for another 2 weeks, but I don't expect them to tell me to stop working yet.

Glad to see you're doing well. It's nice that you still pop in and check on us. Thanks for the support:hugs: 7 months, wow. Soon he will be walking and talking. Running around with his big brothers. You think you want to try for another?

Hi :hugs: you've just admitted you think maybe it's time and if that's how you honestly feel maybe you SHOULD do it not say maybe!! I'm not been horrid :haha: but as a mum your the most important right now your carrying your baby your providing everything for your unborn and at the same time your trying to prevent your baby been early trust me if your baby wants to come it will stitch or no stitch and if your feeling sore pains, anything that's upsetting or hurting then you need to stop rest and put yourself first...:thumbup:
Can't remember if you've said in previous posts but how many children have you got and what hours etc does your husband work? Do you have any family close by??

We'll as for your question I said after baby no3 I was done 3 premmis with medical issues due to preterm is a struggle emotionally and physically :wacko:.. I love my boys to bits but it's hard.. Also like you we were moving house,we'd be looking for ages finally found one was going through the sale process and moving date was April 2013 but just 2 weeks befor we were going to sign over I found out we were pregnant with no4 so we cancelled everything and lost out on a home and a lot of money:growlmad:
We still want to move just waiting for little one to grow up a it..
Yeah times going fast but I really don't know if I could handle another high risk pregnancy when there early I've spent most of there first months years in hospital and it would be great to have a normal pregancy and baby but at the moment my family is complete so I'm grateful for what I have...

Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.

Hi and welcome :flower: congratulations on your pregnancy.
Wel all I can say is you've made the biggest step and had the stitch put in now it's a matter of letting your body do the rest..
Bed rest is tough but I found it worked for me it's was a struggle as I had 3 sons to look after but my husband had no choice to take over and don't feel guilty letting your husband be in charge your unborn baby needs to stay in as long as possible :thumbup:
Take each day as it comes there's going to be ups and downs but try enjoy your pregnancy
We'll all try to support you when we can :hugs:
Hi ladies, Im back again after my sucessful cerclage in 2012. I just had my new cerclage placed at 13.6 weeks friday. It was such a emotionally draining experience I dont recall feeling that way about it the first time. I hope this one does the job just as good as the last one did. Glad to say if all goes well this is my last pregnancy. I hope everyone is doing well. Congrats to all the recent cerclage graduates.

Congratulations and I personally only joined in 2013 so we not met before so you've probably got better knowledge and advice than me :haha:
It's good to share our thoughts and support one another and it just shows you've come back after 2 years so I hope all goes well for you.:hugs:

You've experienced the cerclage before so for first timers your advice would be great and proves it does work,unfortunately it doesn't for some but so far I've not read it,but they've ended up having a premi.
Any way enough jabbering from me :blush: welcome back enjoy your pregnancy and keep updated there's been a few babies born so thread is a little quiet

Take care :hugs::hugs:
4 boys Im wondering how much we might have in common, so far Im at 3 boys in two weeks I will know my fate.

I managed my cerclage without bedrest last time, I have a desk job so I sat in a chair mostly all day except bathroom breaks. I will be around to lend support and advice daily.

Gvum, although 2. anything sounds scary thats the norm for 20+ weeks and it can carry you all the way to full term if you take it easy. I think you doing fine so far.
So I was just at the hospital to get my cervix length measured since 2 weeks ago when it was 2.6 cm.

Well my measurement today was 0.8 cm...

I'm not allowed to see my midwife anymore because I'm at too high of a risk of preterm labour now. They gave me a steroid injection today and I have to go back for another one tomorrow...The doctor also gave me a prescription for progesterone.

Hoping these extra precautions keep this baby cooking as long as possible.

Pretty freaked out but trying to stay as calm as possible for the sake of my baby...
So I was just at the hospital to get my cervix length measured since 2 weeks ago when it was 2.6 cm.

Well my measurement today was 0.8 cm...

I'm not allowed to see my midwife anymore because I'm at too high of a risk of preterm labour now. They gave me a steroid injection today and I have to go back for another one tomorrow...The doctor also gave me a prescription for progesterone.

Hoping these extra precautions keep this baby cooking as long as possible.

Pretty freaked out but trying to stay as calm as possible for the sake of my baby...

Incompetent Cervix becomes less of an issue once you enter the third trimester. Baby is too big to just "fall out" and he starts to move up and off the cervix the bigger he gets. You made it past 26 weeks, so you are doing great!! Hang in there.
So I was just at the hospital to get my cervix length measured since 2 weeks ago when it was 2.6 cm.

Well my measurement today was 0.8 cm...

I'm not allowed to see my midwife anymore because I'm at too high of a risk of preterm labour now. They gave me a steroid injection today and I have to go back for another one tomorrow...The doctor also gave me a prescription for progesterone.

Hoping these extra precautions keep this baby cooking as long as possible.

Pretty freaked out but trying to stay as calm as possible for the sake of my baby...

Incompetent Cervix becomes less of an issue once you enter the third trimester. Baby is too big to just "fall out" and he starts to move up and off the cervix the bigger he gets. You made it past 26 weeks, so you are doing great!! Hang in there.

Thanks!! This is super reassuring :) :)
What sunnylove said! My cervix was .7cm at 20 weeks. (It did increase some with treatment). If I had made it to 28 weeks they were going to loosen up on my strict bedrest because baby's weight is more distributed. Steroids are wonderful glad you got them! My 25 weeker was ventilated for only 14 hours. I know every baby is different but I was lucky to have gotten injections at 24 weeks.

I hope your lo stays put. Rest and try to relax as much as possible. The best advice I was given is that everything can wait until after your baby is born. In the beginning of my bedrest I was worried about finishing the nursery and the house being clean. :dohh:
What sunnylove said! My cervix was .7cm at 20 weeks. (It did increase some with treatment). If I had made it to 28 weeks they were going to loosen up on my strict bedrest because baby's weight is more distributed. Steroids are wonderful glad you got them! My 25 weeker was ventilated for only 14 hours. I know every baby is different but I was lucky to have gotten injections at 24 weeks.

I hope your lo stays put. Rest and try to relax as much as possible. The best advice I was given is that everything can wait until after your baby is born. In the beginning of my bedrest I was worried about finishing the nursery and the house being clean. :dohh:

Thank you for this... I think they're just a bit more concerned as this seems to be happening as a result of the contractions I've been having since 20 weeks. I have around 15-20 per day and that's what seems to be shortening the cervix. Up until 22 weeks, I had no issues with cervical incompetency. Then the contractions started picking up and then the shortening started to happen.

Rest and lots of water will hopefully do the trick :)
What sunnylove said! My cervix was .7cm at 20 weeks. (It did increase some with treatment). If I had made it to 28 weeks they were going to loosen up on my strict bedrest because baby's weight is more distributed. Steroids are wonderful glad you got them! My 25 weeker was ventilated for only 14 hours. I know every baby is different but I was lucky to have gotten injections at 24 weeks.

I hope your lo stays put. Rest and try to relax as much as possible. The best advice I was given is that everything can wait until after your baby is born. In the beginning of my bedrest I was worried about finishing the nursery and the house being clean. :dohh:

Thank you for this... I think they're just a bit more concerned as this seems to be happening as a result of the contractions I've been having since 20 weeks. I have around 15-20 per day and that's what seems to be shortening the cervix. Up until 22 weeks, I had no issues with cervical incompetency. Then the contractions started picking up and then the shortening started to happen.

Rest and lots of water will hopefully do the trick :)

My contractions started at 19w6d. Have they given you anything to stop them? I took Procardia every 6 hours until I got admitted for ptl again at 25w. It kept them at bay for a while! I don't know if they'll give it later in pregnancy though.
My contractions started at 19w6d. Have they given you anything to stop them? I took Procardia every 6 hours until I got admitted for ptl again at 25w. It kept them at bay for a while! I don't know if they'll give it later in pregnancy though.

No, just the progesterone... :shrug:

I've been taking calcium and magnesium supplements which was suggested by my midwife. Not sure if they're really making a difference though.

Looks like just physical exertion and such makes the contractions more severe than anything else... but I find at night, it doesn't matter what I do--I could be sitting still for hours and randomly get some. That seems to be when I get them the most.
Sounds like PTL as opposed to IC. True incompetent cervix happens silently. Procardia really helped me! I kept getting contractions from 20-22 weeks and after two weeks they were gone!
Sounds like PTL as opposed to IC. True incompetent cervix happens silently. Procardia really helped me! I kept getting contractions from 20-22 weeks and after two weeks they were gone!

Well I think you're right about PTL. I'm in hospital overnight because contractions started picking up last night. By the time I got to the hospital, I was having one every 5 mins or so, sometimes shorter. They were able to slow them down with some saline at first (even though I've been drinking water like nuts)... it worked for about 20 mins and the they randomly started up again a bit more intensely. They got me on medication to reduce blood pressure hoping that it would slow the blood flow to the uterus and they gave me nepedifine (sp?) and some other capsules I cant remember. Contractions came down in intensity and shortened, but where still there every 10 mins or so. They were satisfied with that and took off my monitors so I could get some rest. Woke up and I'm feeling much better... no contractions so far :)

Not sure what the hospital plans on doing with me yet. I'll keep you all posted :) thannks for all your positive stories and encouraging comments.. they're really appreciated!!! Xox
Sounds like PTL as opposed to IC. True incompetent cervix happens silently. Procardia really helped me! I kept getting contractions from 20-22 weeks and after two weeks they were gone!

Well I think you're right about PTL. I'm in hospital overnight because contractions started picking up last night. By the time I got to the hospital, I was having one every 5 mins or so, sometimes shorter. They were able to slow them down with some saline at first (even though I've been drinking water like nuts)... it worked for about 20 mins and the they randomly started up again a bit more intensely. They got me on medication to reduce blood pressure hoping that it would slow the blood flow to the uterus and they gave me nepedifine (sp?) and some other capsules I cant remember. Contractions came down in intensity and shortened, but where still there every 10 mins or so. They were satisfied with that and took off my monitors so I could get some rest. Woke up and I'm feeling much better... no contractions so far :)

Not sure what the hospital plans on doing with me yet. I'll keep you all posted :) thannks for all your positive stories and encouraging comments.. they're really appreciated!!! Xox
Nifedipine is the generic name of Procardia. :) It is technically a blood pressure medication but the way it reduces blood pressure also causes it to relax the muscles of the utetus.

Hope the contractions stay away and hope you're able to get some rest.
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.

Hi and welcome :flower: congratulations on your pregnancy.
Wel all I can say is you've made the biggest step and had the stitch put in now it's a matter of letting your body do the rest..
Bed rest is tough but I found it worked for me it's was a struggle as I had 3 sons to look after but my husband had no choice to take over and don't feel guilty letting your husband be in charge your unborn baby needs to stay in as long as possible :thumbup:
Take each day as it comes there's going to be ups and downs but try enjoy your pregnancy
We'll all try to support you when we can :hugs:

Thank you for the support. Monday went for the growth scan baby is doing good. She is head down, previously she was sitting on my cervix and kicking.Now my peri doesn't want to measure CL via tvu. But she said its appropriate with TAU and no funneling. I did see that there is some length above the stitch. She said if needed my OB should do digital measurement. Will complete 27 weeks by tomorrow. My next growth scan is in 6 weeks from now.
But really I am freaked out with even slight discomfort. Last evening was having a pulling feeling around pubic and groin area. I am not sure if that is ligament pain or my cervix or my growing uterus :( I am still not sure where I will feel my stitch, any idea where I will feel if my stitch hurts?
Want to be as safe as I can till I cross 28 weeks.
Hello everyone!!

I used to be on here a lot and it helped me through the worry of ic and the stitch and all that goes with it

I lost my first and then went on to be blessed with 4 children now 8/6/4/ and 7 months.
I had a stitch with all of them. I am not an expert but send my best to you all on your journeys, and will happily answer anything I can.

This is my first post on this thread, just a brief history had a healthy first pregnancy and went into labour at 38+3 and ended up with an EMCS due to undiagnosed breach.

Lost our 2nd child at 20+2 unfortunately the definite cause wasn't pinpointed but placental issues were present and chronioamnionitis (sp?). Basically don't know whether the infection was primary or secondly to the miscarriage, baby was prefect though.

Plan for this pregnancy was to have cervical monitoring @ 14, 16 and 20 weeks as a precaution. Measurement @14 weeks was 63mm, measurement today @ 16 weeks was 25mm. In shock to say the least, quite a drop. Unfortunately I didn't get to see my consultant after the scan, we saw another Dr who said 25mm is the cut-off and that we should come back in 2 weeks for a repeat scan and take it from there, and she would recommend a stitch if it's drops below 25mm. She also said because the sonographer was different that could account for the difference in measurement.

After much discussion she agreed to have me come in again in a week for a repeat scan as I was anxious to wait 2 weeks since my cervix has decreased so much in size (there was also funnelling), she is also going to talk to my consultant tomorrow and get his opinion. She also said if I wanted to have the stitch now I could have it but she scared me a bit with the risk of miscarriage and infection and also said it would only prolong a pregnancy for a few weeks!!! I am pretty sure that that is not correct.

What would you do? would you push for a stitch now or hold off for a week until the next scan?

My own consultant also mentioned the possibility of giving hormones when we discussed it @ the 14 week appointment although obviously at that stage he wasn't worried. This Dr we saw today didn't talk about it even when it was brought up by us and said the options are a stitch now or wait and see for a week.

Any advice or insights would be great. So worried right now....
I wanted to chime in and update..

I was very concerned about IC due to a LEEP procedure I'd had 10 years ago where the doctor pretty much told me I'd need a stitch. Fast forward and I've moved to a new state and am expecting my first. After I got pregnant, I expressed my concerns to my regular OB, who referred me to Maternal Fetal Medicine. I was checked for cervical length at 14w5d where I measured 2.7-2.8cm. After the initial scan, I was booked for weekly transvaginal ultrasounds to watch my cervical length. Since then, I've had small changes throughout each week, but not enough for my doctor to want to do a cerclage.

14w5d: 2.7-2.8cm
15w5d: 2.6-2.7cm
16w5d: 2.5-2.8cm
17w5d: 2.5-2.8cm
18w5d: 2.3-2.7cm
19w3d (went in earlier because of some pressure I was having): 2.2-2.6cm

My high risk OB has said that she will start me on progesterone if I drop below 2cm and if I continued to lose length, they would consider a cerclage - but for now, she is content to monitor me weekly until 24 weeks. After that, they will back off and do checks every two weeks as they would not stitch my cervix past that point anyway.

She feels that my cervix has not changed at a fast enough rate to warrant the risk of a cerclage. I have not been on any kind of bedrest and she has told me that she does not think it will help - but I should avoid straining myself.

It's hard for me to understand why they don't just want to stitch me up just in case, but I do trust my doctor - so at this point, I'm just hoping and praying that this baby stays in there cooking long enough!
I wanted to chime in and update..

I was very concerned about IC due to a LEEP procedure I'd had 10 years ago where the doctor pretty much told me I'd need a stitch. Fast forward and I've moved to a new state and am expecting my first. After I got pregnant, I expressed my concerns to my regular OB, who referred me to Maternal Fetal Medicine. I was checked for cervical length at 14w5d where I measured 2.7-2.8cm. After the initial scan, I was booked for weekly transvaginal ultrasounds to watch my cervical length. Since then, I've had small changes throughout each week, but not enough for my doctor to want to do a cerclage.

14w5d: 2.7-2.8cm
15w5d: 2.6-2.7cm
16w5d: 2.5-2.8cm
17w5d: 2.5-2.8cm
18w5d: 2.3-2.7cm
19w3d (went in earlier because of some pressure I was having): 2.2-2.6cm

My high risk OB has said that she will start me on progesterone if I drop below 2cm and if I continued to lose length, they would consider a cerclage - but for now, she is content to monitor me weekly until 24 weeks. After that, they will back off and do checks every two weeks as they would not stitch my cervix past that point anyway.

She feels that my cervix has not changed at a fast enough rate to warrant the risk of a cerclage. I have not been on any kind of bedrest and she has told me that she does not think it will help - but I should avoid straining myself.

It's hard for me to understand why they don't just want to stitch me up just in case, but I do trust my doctor - so at this point, I'm just hoping and praying that this baby stays in there cooking long enough!

Hey...I don't really post here often but I wanted to just give my opinion. First, congrats on the pregnancy. Like you, I have a short cervix and was told that I would need a stitch. I lost my first due to the short cervix, so with this pregnancy my last doctor wanted to start monitoring my CL at 14wks. I asked the doctor to just do the cerclage but she wanted to just monitor my length and just see if a significant change occurred. I was not comfortable but I did trust her. Well, my job required me to move to another state so I had to switch doctors. With the new doctor, he viewed my chart and immediately booked me for a cerclage at 14wks. He advised me that the cerclages are more successful the earlier they are performed. Basically he didn't want to wait and see.

My point is every doctor has their own opinion on the matter and will do what they believe is affective. My current MFM told me to be my own advocate. The doctors work for you and if you don't feel comfortable or if something doesn't feel right then you have to speak up. At the end of the day these are our babies and we have to live with the outcome of their decisions. So don't let anyone make a decision for u, if it doesn't feel right then demand the cerclage. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Trust me I know. I wish I would've went with my gut with my first preg, then maybe I would've had a different outcome.

I don't mean to scare you or alarm you, I was just in a similar situation. I trust the doctors BUT you also have to trust your gut and let the doctor know what you are comfortable with.

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