Hi Everyone,
I am new to this site, but was going through this site from few weeks, so decided to post my cerclage story so far.
DS is 7 year old who is a fullterm baby and a normal vaginal delivery.
This time around Pregnant with DD and will complete 26 weeks tomorrow. Went for my regular 20 week US and my peri found that my CL was 2.3 cms. Was put on modified bedrest with prometrium for a week, rescan showed 1.9 cms and continued for one more week, CL went down to 1.2cms. Never had any contractions. Got cerclage next day(21.5 weeks), MFM who did my cerclage said she was able to hold close to 2.4cms of cervix and put my cerclage at 2cms. Length after cerclage was 3.7 without pressure and 2.8cms with pressure. This Monday got my length measured by my OB and it's still around 2.8cms. Have appointment coming Monday with my peri this time. Hoping that it stays stable. Keeping fingers crossed.
Hi and welcome

congratulations on your pregnancy.
Wel all I can say is you've made the biggest step and had the stitch put in now it's a matter of letting your body do the rest..
Bed rest is tough but I found it worked for me it's was a struggle as I had 3 sons to look after but my husband had no choice to take over and don't feel guilty letting your husband be in charge your unborn baby needs to stay in as long as possible

Take each day as it comes there's going to be ups and downs but try enjoy your pregnancy
We'll all try to support you when we can