Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour


This is my first post on this thread, just a brief history had a healthy first pregnancy and went into labour at 38+3 and ended up with an EMCS due to undiagnosed breach.

Lost our 2nd child at 20+2 unfortunately the definite cause wasn't pinpointed but placental issues were present and chronioamnionitis (sp?). Basically don't know whether the infection was primary or secondly to the miscarriage, baby was prefect though.

Plan for this pregnancy was to have cervical monitoring @ 14, 16 and 20 weeks as a precaution. Measurement @14 weeks was 63mm, measurement today @ 16 weeks was 25mm. In shock to say the least, quite a drop. Unfortunately I didn't get to see my consultant after the scan, we saw another Dr who said 25mm is the cut-off and that we should come back in 2 weeks for a repeat scan and take it from there, and she would recommend a stitch if it's drops below 25mm. She also said because the sonographer was different that could account for the difference in measurement.

After much discussion she agreed to have me come in again in a week for a repeat scan as I was anxious to wait 2 weeks since my cervix has decreased so much in size (there was also funnelling), she is also going to talk to my consultant tomorrow and get his opinion. She also said if I wanted to have the stitch now I could have it but she scared me a bit with the risk of miscarriage and infection and also said it would only prolong a pregnancy for a few weeks!!! I am pretty sure that that is not correct.

What would you do? would you push for a stitch now or hold off for a week until the next scan?

My own consultant also mentioned the possibility of giving hormones when we discussed it @ the 14 week appointment although obviously at that stage he wasn't worried. This Dr we saw today didn't talk about it even when it was brought up by us and said the options are a stitch now or wait and see for a week.

Any advice or insights would be great. So worried right now....

Hello...your situation is almost identical to mine. I lost my first at 22wks due to an infection of the placenta plus I had a short cervix...With my current MFM Dr. he wanted to take no chances and I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks. I was already down to 2cm (the normal range is 3-4cm). So mine wasn't great but it wasn't bad. It was the cut off so I glad he did it at 14wks and we didn't wait. Now, my doc explained the risks to us and it almost made me change my mind. So I asked him how common are these risk. He advised me they are rare and the risk decrease the early you get the cerclage. Plus my cousin had a cerclage with 2/3 of her children and they were successful births.

So my advice, don't wait. My Dr. told us not to wait and see what happens because once u hit a certain point in your preg, they can no longer perform the cerclage. I know it sounds scary but ask yourself "Does the risk outweigh the chance to save the baby?" Unfortunately, there are risk either way; there's risk if u don't get the cerclage and there's risk if you do get it. It's ultimately up to u. Fx'd and good luck
Thank you so much for replying, it really helps to hear other's stories and I am so sorry about your first child.

Today has been a bit of a whirlwind - I managed to see my own Dr this afternoon and he took me straight down to get scanned - he did it himself and took lots of measurements. All above 3cm today so although there has been a shortening it's not as bad as was thought yesterday and he thinks the initial measurement was perhaps off and he estimates it was closer to 4cm 2 weeks ago, but it was just by re-measuring the stills from the scan so not as accurate as when they do it in real time. Regardless he has put me on progesterone and he will see me again next week.

Felt so relieved after the assessment today and we discussed having a stitch put in if my cervix shortens below 2.5cm.

I am glad I spoke up and didn't just go with what the Dr said yesterday.
Thank you so much for replying, it really helps to hear other's stories and I am so sorry about your first child.

Today has been a bit of a whirlwind - I managed to see my own Dr this afternoon and he took me straight down to get scanned - he did it himself and took lots of measurements. All above 3cm today so although there has been a shortening it's not as bad as was thought yesterday and he thinks the initial measurement was perhaps off and he estimates it was closer to 4cm 2 weeks ago, but it was just by re-measuring the stills from the scan so not as accurate as when they do it in real time. Regardless he has put me on progesterone and he will see me again next week.

Felt so relieved after the assessment today and we discussed having a stitch put in if my cervix shortens below 2.5cm.

I am glad I spoke up and didn't just go with what the Dr said yesterday.

That is great news. I'm so happy that you demanded that scan and it yielded great results...sounds like you have great length and the progesterone is great. My stitch was put on caz I hit 2cm and the recovery was really short and after 24hrs I had no pain...if you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here!!! :hugs:
Hello ladies, I'd like the introduce myself now in case I am need support in the future. I am 15+3 today and am now being checked weekly for cervical length due to 2 previous surgeries on my cervix. After my second surgery I had a situation with cervical stenosis and had to have multiple d&c's and in office dialation and even when we did finally pg via iui my periods were not yet back to normal. My cervix has consistently been measured at 1.5-1.8 cm and my doctor has made comments that I have the shortest most stable cervix they have seem. They were almost sure by 14-15 weeks they would have seen some shortening but nothing yet. So on with the weekly checks. They said if they are going to do something they would def make a decision by 18 weeks. I'm just hoping that the scarring from the surgery may have created its own natural cerclage. My primary ob and gyn seem to be in agreement with that so I guess I wait and see and hope for the best.
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. In my mind I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. In my mind I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

I just wanted to give a little feedback...I am 21 weeks as well, with a cerclage. I also take progesterone, but I take weekly shots since cervix started out short, so I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks and I was already 2cm...I went to an appt this past Wednesday and my doctor told me that my cervix looks LONG And to answer the question, I think the cerclage and the progesterone can work together to strengthen your cervix and hopefully gain length. I guess I'm one of those ppl...

I have heard that straining on the toilet does not help your situation so I would take some stool softener or eat prunes. I feel like the same muscles are used to push, so better safe than question I have, is this your first cerclage, and when was it put on?
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. II don'tnd I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

I just wanted to give a little feedback...I am 21 weeks as well, with a cerclage. I also take progesterone, but I take weekly shots since cervix started out short, so I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks and I was already 2cm...I went to an appt this past Wednesday and my doctor told me that my cervix looks LONG And to answer the question, I think the cerclage and the progesterone can work together to strengthen your cervix and hopefully gain length. I guess I'm one of those ppl...

I have heard that straining on the toilet does not help your situation so I would take some stool softener or eat prunes. I feel like the same muscles are used to push, so better safe than question I have, is this your first cerclage, and when was it put on?[/

Yes this is my first. I had it put in at 14 weeks as well. My cervix was fine then at 4cm but has since shortened...I kind of zoned out as the Dr was talking so iI didn't hear the exact number. I just know its 1 point something. I just started the suppositories on Wednesday. I do back this Wednesday to see if it has helped and if not we they will start giving me the shots...Iddon't know if taking both are an option. I will ask the Dr. Thanks for your advice about the stool softener. I was thinking the same thing. I was drinking prune juice but baby didn't like it and throws it back up.
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. II don'tnd I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

I just wanted to give a little feedback...I am 21 weeks as well, with a cerclage. I also take progesterone, but I take weekly shots since cervix started out short, so I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks and I was already 2cm...I went to an appt this past Wednesday and my doctor told me that my cervix looks LONG And to answer the question, I think the cerclage and the progesterone can work together to strengthen your cervix and hopefully gain length. I guess I'm one of those ppl...

I have heard that straining on the toilet does not help your situation so I would take some stool softener or eat prunes. I feel like the same muscles are used to push, so better safe than question I have, is this your first cerclage, and when was it put on?[/

Yes this is my first. I had it put in at 14 weeks as well. My cervix was fine then at 4cm but has since shortened...I kind of zoned out as the Dr was talking so iI didn't hear the exact number. I just know its 1 point something. I just started the suppositories on Wednesday. I do back this Wednesday to see if it has helped and if not we they will start giving me the shots...Iddon't know if taking both are an option. I will ask the Dr. Thanks for your advice about the stool softener. I was thinking the same thing. I was drinking prune juice but baby didn't like it and throws it back up.

Oh wow sorry to hear that your stitch is not holding up. So is it that your cervix is shortening and pushing the stitch down? If so, that is scary. I really hope the progesterone works. I think you can only do either or, shots or suppositories....With my first pregnancy I found out at 18 weeks that I had a short cervix. I was already down to .8cm. They immediately put me on suppositories. I was devastated. By 22weeks I went into labor and lost the baby...
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. II don'tnd I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

I just wanted to give a little feedback...I am 21 weeks as well, with a cerclage. I also take progesterone, but I take weekly shots since cervix started out short, so I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks and I was already 2cm...I went to an appt this past Wednesday and my doctor told me that my cervix looks LONG And to answer the question, I think the cerclage and the progesterone can work together to strengthen your cervix and hopefully gain length. I guess I'm one of those ppl...

I have heard that straining on the toilet does not help your situation so I would take some stool softener or eat prunes. I feel like the same muscles are used to push, so better safe than question I have, is this your first cerclage, and when was it put on?[/

Yes this is my first. I had it put in at 14 weeks as well. My cervix was fine then at 4cm but has since shortened...I kind of zoned out as the Dr was talking so iI didn't hear the exact number. I just know its 1 point something. I just started the suppositories on Wednesday. I do back this Wednesday to see if it has helped and if not we they will start giving me the shots...Iddon't know if taking both are an option. I will ask the Dr. Thanks for your advice about the stool softener. I was thinking the same thing. I was drinking prune juice but baby didn't like it and throws it back up.

Oh wow sorry to hear that your stitch is not holding up. So is it that your cervix is shortening and pushing the stitch down? If so, that is scary. I really hope the progesterone works. I think you can only do either or, shots or suppositories....With my first pregnancy I found out at 18 weeks that I had a short cervix. I was already down to .8cm. They immediately put me on suppositories. I was devastated. By 22weeks I went into labor and lost the baby...

No no the stitch is holding. Its just the cervix that's shortening. That's why I'm taking the progesterone to strengthen it and hopefully lengthen it. And its actually the fibroid that's pushing on my cervix causing it to shorten. Thankfully I'm still close to 2 which is why I don't want to push in the bathroom and shorten it any more. Did the Dr say if the shits are better than the suppositories?
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. II don'tnd I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

I just wanted to give a little feedback...I am 21 weeks as well, with a cerclage. I also take progesterone, but I take weekly shots since cervix started out short, so I got a preventative cerclage at 14wks and I was already 2cm...I went to an appt this past Wednesday and my doctor told me that my cervix looks LONG And to answer the question, I think the cerclage and the progesterone can work together to strengthen your cervix and hopefully gain length. I guess I'm one of those ppl...

I have heard that straining on the toilet does not help your situation so I would take some stool softener or eat prunes. I feel like the same muscles are used to push, so better safe than question I have, is this your first cerclage, and when was it put on?[/

Yes this is my first. I had it put in at 14 weeks as well. My cervix was fine then at 4cm but has since shortened...I kind of zoned out as the Dr was talking so iI didn't hear the exact number. I just know its 1 point something. I just started the suppositories on Wednesday. I do back this Wednesday to see if it has helped and if not we they will start giving me the shots...Iddon't know if taking both are an option. I will ask the Dr. Thanks for your advice about the stool softener. I was thinking the same thing. I was drinking prune juice but baby didn't like it and throws it back up.

Oh wow sorry to hear that your stitch is not holding up. So is it that your cervix is shortening and pushing the stitch down? If so, that is scary. I really hope the progesterone works. I think you can only do either or, shots or suppositories....With my first pregnancy I found out at 18 weeks that I had a short cervix. I was already down to .8cm. They immediately put me on suppositories. I was devastated. By 22weeks I went into labor and lost the baby...

No no the stitch is holding. Its just the cervix that's shortening. That's why I'm taking the progesterone to strengthen it and hopefully lengthen it. And its actually the fibroid that's pushing on my cervix causing it to shorten. Thankfully I'm still close to 2 which is why I don't want to push in the bathroom and shorten it any more. Did the Dr say if the shits are better than the suppositories?

Sorry I meant if the shots are better lol
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. In my mind I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

At 27 weeks, my cervix was less than 1 cm and I was too far along for a cerclage. Started taking progesterone suppositories and at my last ultrasound at 30 weeks, it was measuring 2 cm! So it seems to have a positive affect, and I'm not on strict bed rest, just modified. And no cerclage!
Hi ladies its so good to hear these stories to know that I'm not alone in this. Ive pretty much had all the sypmtom mentioned in previous posts. Im 21 weeks and just started my progesterone suppositories. My cervix has shortened to less than 2 cm with the cerclage in place due to fibroids and I've also had that gel-snot discharge before about 2 weeks ago.

My question now is 1) does the cervical length increase with the progesterone? And more importantly 2), does "pushing" on the toilet affect the stitch in any way? Sorry probably tmi but I feel like I have to go but I guess I'm a little backed up and I'm scared to push :blush: ...I'm scared to do any kind if movement actually. I feel a little tingling/burning kinda where I'm guessing the stitch is sometimes. Its like I can feel the stitch with everything I do. The worst part is the throwing up (which I'm having way more of now than I did in the first trimester). It puts so much pressure down there. In my mind I just see the stitch ripping open and the baby falling out...I know that's probably a bit dramatic lol. But this is my 3 pregnancy and I really need this little one to make it. I've been on bedrest for 3 months already and it looks like I'll be spending the rest of the pregnancy the same way. Hopefully it will be at least 4 more months!

I can't wait for your responses.

At 27 weeks, my cervix was less than 1 cm and I was too far along for a cerclage. Started taking progesterone suppositories and at my last ultrasound at 30 weeks, it was measuring 2 cm! So it seems to have a positive affect, and I'm not on strict bed rest, just modified. And no cerclage!

Thanks 2pupsforkids! Thats great news! Was that your first sono after you started it? Orndidbyou have one done prior? It looks like mine are going to be weekly and I'm wondering if a week is enough time to notice a difference...
Thanks 2pupsforkids! Thats great news! Was that your first sono after you started it? Orndidbyou have one done prior? It looks like mine are going to be weekly and I'm wondering if a week is enough time to notice a difference...

Yeah it was. I had been going in every two weeks up to that point and they'd stopped doing internal ultrasounds once they saw that it had shortened to less than 1 cm. They then said there was no point in doing more ultrasounds since we knew it was short. I just happened to have an ultrasound to ensure my placenta had moved up since 20 weeks and that's where they determined that my cervix was 2 cm, although I don't entirely trust the accuracy of the measurement with the abdominal ultrasound as my first one showed I was 5 cm and then soon after, my first internal showed 3.6 cm.

So it's entirely possible that it is shorter than was measured, but reassuring that I'm obviously not dilating.

Measurements every week seems close together although I had shortened from 2.6 cm one week to 8 mm 2 weeks later, so it can happen more quickly than you think!

Hope this helps ;) Best of luck to you and your ever growing little bundle!
OMG 8MM! How low can you go before its too late?!

This is my first followup since starting the progesterone. I think the doc just wants to check to make sure it isn't still lowering because if it is then he will be switching me to the shot. Not sure what the ultrasound followup will be like after that but I'm guessing I'll have to go see him every week for the shot.

He said the next 2 weeks are crucial as he is trying to make sure I gett to 24 weeks so they can give me steroids to advance baby's internal organs...not sure how I feel about that...I guess that's another post I have to do but I'm just trying to focus on the next 2 1\2 weeks to get to that point first. He's even threatening to put me in the hospital until then which would suck but anything to keep little one safe! I learn my fate on Wednesday so praying for the best!

Thanks so much for your responses. It helps to talk it out :flower:
Good luck MrsRiot I hope you get good news!

My cervix was 7mm when we found out it was short. I went into preterm labor at 20 weeks and had a week long hospital stay. I wasn't a candidate for the cerclage so they did progesterone suppositories and a pessary. The day I hit 24 weeks I had steroid injections. I'll be forever thankful because little Ellie was born the next week at 25w5d. I made it almost 6 weeks after my first episode of preterm labor. I was also on strict bedrest that whole time as well. My follow up measurements were as high as 1.2cm afer starting my treatment plan.
OMG 8MM! How low can you go before its too late?!

This is my first followup since starting the progesterone. I think the doc just wants to check to make sure it isn't still lowering because if it is then he will be switching me to the shot. Not sure what the ultrasound followup will be like after that but I'm guessing I'll have to go see him every week for the shot.

He said the next 2 weeks are crucial as he is trying to make sure I gett to 24 weeks so they can give me steroids to advance baby's internal organs...not sure how I feel about that...I guess that's another post I have to do but I'm just trying to focus on the next 2 1\2 weeks to get to that point first. He's even threatening to put me in the hospital until then which would suck but anything to keep little one safe! I learn my fate on Wednesday so praying for the best!

Thanks so much for your responses. It helps to talk it out :flower:

No worries! I got lots of support on BnB when I was going through this and it helped cope with it all :) I got the steroid shots and even if the baby makes it to term, it's my understanding that the effects of it wear off after 2 weeks or so, so no worries there. It's best for baby if they decide to make an early appearance!

I was in hospital for 3 days after I found out about being 8 mm because I was having regular contractions every 5 minutes or so for hours, but even that didn't dilate me, so it just goes to show the effectiveness of the progesterone! I have a super irritable uterus, so I've been having contractions every day since about 18 weeks along, and baby's still cooking away :)
Good luck MrsRiot I hope you get good news!

My cervix was 7mm when we found out it was short. I went into preterm labor at 20 weeks and had a week long hospital stay. I wasn't a candidate for the cerclage so they did progesterone suppositories and a pessary. The day I hit 24 weeks I had steroid injections. I'll be forever thankful because little Ellie was born the next week at 25w5d. I made it almost 6 weeks after my first episode of preterm labor. I was also on strict bedrest that whole time as well. My follow up measurements were as high as 1.2cm afer starting my treatment plan.

Thanks BabyMaybe917! Your story definitely encourages me! I'm already 21 weeks and my cervix is closer to 2cm so I'm hopeful to go make it as long into the pregnancy as possible. I'm also happy to hear that you had the steroids as well without any side effects or complications! Now if I could just get over this nausea and vomiting I'dbe much better :nope:
Hi everyone, just thought I'd update...

My cervix started out at 2.7-2.8cm, measured at 14 weeks. I have had weekly transvaginal ultrasounds since that point. At 18 weeks, my measurement was 2.2 at lowest and 2.6ish at longest. My doctor at MFM strongly felt that she did not want to stitch me unless I dropped below 2cm, started progesterone, and continued to drop.

Today I had my weekly scan at 23w3d. We have been holding stable at 2.5cm for the past 3 weeks. I have one more weekly scan a week from now and then two more scheduled for 26 weeks and 28 weeks. I have not been on bedrest or any steroids - pelvic rest only. I will be 24 weeks on Saturday and am praying that we remain stable. I have been doing a little more every week as in the beginning when I discovered that my cervix was short I couch-rested myself out of fear, despite my doctor that I trust telling me that bedrest would not help. I'm guessing that she has been right as the past 3 weeks I've been up and going to the grocery store, painted the nursery, and ran errands with no cervical change.

I am praying that our LO stays in and cooks until he's nice and big and fat. Hopefully the 3 scans that we have left will continue to show no change.
Love Noel, wow...I'm surprised at your Dr However my Dr did tell me there are 2 types of drs...the ones who believe in the cerclage and bedrest and the ones who don't He said uultimately the decision was mine but he advised to do both to air on the side of caution. And I am happy to oblige. I wasnt thrilled with the idea of the cerclage but I would hate to do the opposite and have something go horribly wrong then blame myself.

I go for my first follow up tomorrow since starting the progesterone and I am praying nothing has changed...or at least not ina negative direction anyway. Especially with all the throwing up I have been doing all week. I'm only 22 weeks this Friday so we have some time to put in!

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