Hello there,
I'm following this thread since january 2013 when we lost our son due to IC. I was 19 weeks 5 days pregnant at the time. I had a complete funneling of the cervix, membranes bulging out and 2 cm opening when I went to the hospital. I had no symptoms that something could be wrong, besides a bit of blood loss.
I have never written anything, because this thread helped me sufficiently to prepare for a new pregnancy, untill now...
At the moment I'm 18w5d pregnant, I got a preventive cerclage at 14 weeks With a double stitch. At my 16 weeks check up everything was great: my cervix was 3,7cm long, and I could continu working until 18 weeks after which I would have to stay at home and take iT easy. Last wednesday I was almost 18 weeks, and in the evening I had a tiny bit of bloodloss so we went to the hospital: baby still very fine, my cervix 3,4cm long, but on the internal Side, we saw a V-funneling. From the V towards the cerclage I still had 1,5 cm of closed cervix left, after the cerclage (so external cervix) still almost 1,5cm left. The cervix stayed closed under pressure, everything looked fine, so we could go home.
On friday I had my biweekly apointment With my gynaecologist and here it began: the previous bloodloss was probably linked to the funneling, so she put me on bedrest: I'm allowed to get up to go to the toilet, take a shower or eat and that's it. Then I got a specialised echo to see what really was happening with my cervix: still 3,4cm in Total, but under pressure my cervix opens in a U-funneling from womb to cerclage. This funneling had a length of 2,1cm. My cerclage is closed, and my external cervix is 1,3cm long and completely closed.
The doctor said I need to rest as much as possible, and it is up to my cerclage to do it's work.
Hubby and I really freaked out with this echo, because I have no complaints, feel good, and to see the cervix change under small pressure is so scary! I'm so scared to do something wrong...
I know this is a long story, but I just wantend to ask -with all the experience on this thread - for succes stories in cases like mine: still long cervix but with funneling to the cerclage... I have a long time of bedrest ahead and succes stories are very welcome!!!
Kat mom of Jules*