So a little about me... I am 39 yrs old, and am about 21+3 or 22+3 depending on which dr. you talk too. They actually were exactly a week apart.
This is my first viable pregnancy, I had one miscarriage when I was 28, but nothing ever made baby. It was just the sac so they did a D & C to clear it all out.
I got married when I was 34, and we always said if it happens it happens. (getting pregnant that is).
My periods had been intermittently irregular from Nov. of 2013 to March of 2014, but I didn't want to get put on birth control because that would defeat the 'if it happens it happens' outcome. I let my body kind of do its own thing for the first little while. Then in April I had no cycle at all. I took a pregnancy test at the end of the month, and it came back negative. Then came may, still no period. This time I took 2 pregnancy tests, and they still showed negative. So I was like wth is going on. At that poing my husband and I were to the decision that we wanted to try fertility since I was getting older and didn't want to wait much longer. Went in for a fertility appt and while there they always do a pea test no matter what. So I waited what seemed like forever, and she said "welp we don't need to talk about fertility you're pregnant". I'm an emotional person so of course I started crying. She started to do a vaginal US, and then pulled the wand out said uhmmm lets do the other kind of US. At that point she had a measurement of 13w+3. i was like I'm 13 weeks pregnant? She said yeap... She said you're just starting your second trimester, and I need you here next week so we can get more tests, etc... I was like wow uhmm yeah okay.. I got home and was just baffled.
Husband was like wow.. great.. cool.. and said 'now what'. Leave it to him... God love him... So i started going to all my appts, and due to my age enlisted a Perinatal specialist. I got to learn the sex super early I did this super non invasive "cell free dna" test and knew what I was having by 16 weeks.
Fast forward to now... last week went in to see my specialist, I bounce between the specialist and my ob every 3 weeks or so it seems like. I had a normal u/s, and then a vaginal u/s. The u/s of the baby showed baby was good, healthy developing on track, etc... Then she asked about the vaginal u/s, and told me I didn't have to have if it if I didn't want it. I was like well I'm already here, and better to check everything since I am here, then to not.
The Dr came in and the stenographer started doing the u/s. The first words out of my Dr were and I quote
"Not Good". They did a quick measurement and determined that my cervix was at 1.53 cm. He told me it should be up over 3. He then looked at me and told me that I had some decisions to make. I could go sbr and do progesterone suppositories or I could do the suppositories, cerclage, and sbr for at minimum 2 weeks, but starting that day I could not return to work. It was like someone had just came in, hung me up from my feet and shook the f*ck out of me. I didn't understand anything that was going on at all. Then I calmed down, and said I wanted to go with whatever had the most success rate.
Was scheduled immediately for a cerclage the following tuesday, was given my prescription for the suppositories, and was told to call my work because I would not be returning for awhile.
Early morning Friday received a call, and they switched my appt for cerclage to this past Saturday, and now I am on sbr until the 21st.
Cerclage is seriously the weirdest surgery I've ever had. Being numb from your bum down, having your feet up int he air, and being coherent the whole time is just remarkable.
So now here we are.. I am 21 or 22 weeks a long. (I'm almost certain that my hubby and I conceived on vacation in March). Cerclage went well, bleeding has stopped, but I have what I like to call the 'egg white' discharge. To the ladies that have had a cerclage far along into pregnancy, does the discharge go away? Mine has no odor. It's just clear and sticky. Heavier in the morning, but if I cough or sneeze, I can feel a little leakage (sorry for tmi). I am taking the suppositories, and my antibiotic is this gel I also happen to insert inside like a monistat 7 plunger thing. I have no pain, except for ligament pain, but since all of this is so new I can't tell if everything I'm going through is 'normal' or if the discharge is something I should worry about? My specialist said everyone's different.
For me what I would like is my little Everly Simone to stay right where she is and continue to grow/bake/cook whatever you'd like to call it in this oven of mine.
Dr. said had I not had the cerclage and taken any action, I would have most likely miscarried in next week or two. Thank goodness for me saying wth and having the vaginal u/s done.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I'm a typer/talker/venter.