Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Glad you're getting the shots MrsRiot! And you're 24w4d - awesome!

I had my weekly measurement today (26w3d). The first measurement that the tech took was 1.8cm, which is the lowest I've ever had. All subsequent measurements were 2.2-2.4cm - the tech tried to get a 2nd short measurement but could not, even with fundal pressure. My doctor came in to talk to me afterwards and did not seem super concerned. She said that since the 1.8 was isolated and 4 other lengths were above 2cm that she would not give me steroid shots today and also reassured me that I can come back in 2 weeks instead of 1.

If I'm measuring short in 2 weeks (I'll be 28w3d), she said she will consider the steroid shots. In the meantime, I'm not on bedrest and I am supposed to call my doctor if I feel increased pressure, have any bleeding, or painful contractions.

I'm nervous but I do trust my doctor. It'll be a long 2 weeks!

Yay! So glad you only had that one short measurement and they couldn't duplicate it. I always have trouble with my measurements the dr lets the tech do what she's gonna do and he usually ends up pulling them back up in the computer or machine and doing his own measurements. I try to stick with the same us tech each time but I never get the girl I really want but he assures me that he can do his own measurements at any time, he can even pull up the scans from my very first visit and compare them all. Which is reassuring.

I've been 15 days without a scan and it is nerve wracking.. So I feel your pain.

Oh man mrsriot, that's a bummer but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully the dr will make you feel better. Good luck with everything and keep us updated.
Yay! So glad you only had that one short measurement and they couldn't duplicate it. I always have trouble with my measurements the dr lets the tech do what she's gonna do and he usually ends up pulling them back up in the computer or machine and doing his own measurements. I try to stick with the same us tech each time but I never get the girl I really want but he assures me that he can do his own measurements at any time, he can even pull up the scans from my very first visit and compare them all. Which is reassuring.

I've been 15 days without a scan and it is nerve wracking.. So I feel your pain.

Oh man mrsriot, that's a bummer but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully the dr will make you feel better. Good luck with everything and keep us updated.

There are two techs at my MFM office and thankfully they are both good - but one is a little nicer than the other. Scary to have the one short measurement but they wouldn't stitch me now anyway, so I just have to watch out for preterm labor signs. High risk OB says that at this point, it's unlikely for my cervix to silently open so I should pay attention and call my regular OB if anything funny goes on. It's scary though because this is my first pregnancy...everything that happens is alarming to me!

When is your next scan, sprite? I haven't had to go two weeks between measurements since I was 12 weeks pregnant! I might go nuts.
Yay! So glad you only had that one short measurement and they couldn't duplicate it. I always have trouble with my measurements the dr lets the tech do what she's gonna do and he usually ends up pulling them back up in the computer or machine and doing his own measurements. I try to stick with the same us tech each time but I never get the girl I really want but he assures me that he can do his own measurements at any time, he can even pull up the scans from my very first visit and compare them all. Which is reassuring.

I've been 15 days without a scan and it is nerve wracking.. So I feel your pain.

Oh man mrsriot, that's a bummer but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully the dr will make you feel better. Good luck with everything and keep us updated.

There are two techs at my MFM office and thankfully they are both good - but one is a little nicer than the other. Scary to have the one short measurement but they wouldn't stitch me now anyway, so I just have to watch out for preterm labor signs. High risk OB says that at this point, it's unlikely for my cervix to silently open so I should pay attention and call my regular OB if anything funny goes on. It's scary though because this is my first pregnancy...everything that happens is alarming to me!

When is your next scan, sprite? I haven't had to go two weeks between measurements since I was 12 weeks pregnant! I might go nuts.

Oh your lucky there is only 2, I think there is 4 at my mfm..or at least 4 that I've seen already. That's exactly what my dr said that they will do the cerclage up until 24 weeks but he thinks likely it will be an issue now of just preventing preterm labor but same here it's my first so everything is alarming lol.

My next appt is Thursday morning. So not too much longer yet. There will be 17 days between scans and last time it was 10 days between scans but It went quick for me because of the holiday so that kept me a bit busy. I'm trying not to get too confident tho.
Yay! So glad you only had that one short measurement and they couldn't duplicate it. I always have trouble with my measurements the dr lets the tech do what she's gonna do and he usually ends up pulling them back up in the computer or machine and doing his own measurements. I try to stick with the same us tech each time but I never get the girl I really want but he assures me that he can do his own measurements at any time, he can even pull up the scans from my very first visit and compare them all. Which is reassuring.

I've been 15 days without a scan and it is nerve wracking.. So I feel your pain.

Oh man mrsriot, that's a bummer but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully the dr will make you feel better. Good luck with everything and keep us updated.

There are two techs at my MFM office and thankfully they are both good - but one is a little nicer than the other. Scary to have the one short measurement but they wouldn't stitch me now anyway, so I just have to watch out for preterm labor signs. High risk OB says that at this point, it's unlikely for my cervix to silently open so I should pay attention and call my regular OB if anything funny goes on. It's scary though because this is my first pregnancy...everything that happens is alarming to me!

When is your next scan, sprite? I haven't had to go two weeks between measurements since I was 12 weeks pregnant! I might go nuts.

Oh your lucky there is only 2, I think there is 4 at my mfm..or at least 4 that I've seen already. That's exactly what my dr said that they will do the cerclage up until 24 weeks but he thinks likely it will be an issue now of just preventing preterm labor but same here it's my first so everything is alarming lol.

My next appt is Thursday morning. So not too much longer yet. There will be 17 days between scans and last time it was 10 days between scans but It went quick for me because of the holiday so that kept me a bit busy. I'm trying not to get too confident tho.

So im officially in the hospital for the remainder of the pregnancy...however long that is... My cervix is down to .9mm and my FFM was positive so I will have to stay here to give her the best chance possible!
Oh wow MrsRiot! Fingers crossed that she stays put as long as possible!! Keep us updated please.
Aww so sorry to hear that mrsriot, how many weeks are you up too now?

Afm, I had my cervical length check this morning and I'm holding steady at 2.3-2.5 and the dr is very happy about that. I have another appt in 2 weeks and that will be my last chance to get a cerclage if needed. He said they'll keep checking my cervix until 28 weeks but it will most likely be a situation of preventing preterm labor. He said whatever I'm doing to keep doing it lol
Oh mrsriot I meant to ask you what ffm stood for I know you said it was to measure if you'd go I to labor soon or not but I've never heard of it and trust me you dont want to google that. You'll get all porn results hah ! What exactly did they do?
Aww so sorry to hear that mrsriot, how many weeks are you up too now?

Afm, I had my cervical length check this morning and I'm holding steady at 2.3-2.5 and the dr is very happy about that. I have another appt in 2 weeks and that will be my last chance to get a cerclage if needed. He said they'll keep checking my cervix until 28 weeks but it will most likely be a situation of preventing preterm labor. He said whatever I'm doing to keep doing it lol

Im 25 weeks tomorrow so im here until 28 and then we will see what happens but more than likely im here until 32 so I have 7 weeks to look forward to.

im glad your situation is better! Yes keep doing what you're doing because you don't wanna end up in here like me! There is another lady next door with the same problem but shes already 27 weeks

Good luck!
Fx baby gets comfy in their and decides to hang out a while but I guess it's better to be in a controlled enviroment right now as much as 7 weeks seems like a long time. Good thing you can be on the internet I'd go nuts without it.

Oh never mind about my question on the ffm, I actually found it only i was searching ffm and it's ffn...stupid auto correct lol my dr actually mentioned that today but he just called it glue lol and I was thinking is he crazy but now that I did some research on it it all makes more sense.
Hi ladies I hope you don't mind me butting in here. I'm pregnant with my second child and was diagnosed with IC when I was 24 weeks pregnant with my daughter. That's when the emergent cerclage came in along with bedrest for almost 8 weeks. My beautiful healthy daughter was born at 31w4days. Hoping to make it further this time. In my 8th week now and time already stands still. Waiting for the cerclage in a few weeks.

Mrsriot I know how you feel! I found it helped me to set small goals like getting passed the week or passed 28 weeks etc... After that I felt more relaxed and just made myself a routine with books and tv series. Having friends and family visit helped a lot too. That and all the pissing from the gallons of water I drank pretty much took all my time :lol: Wishing all you ladies all the best.
Hi ladies I hope you don't mind me butting in here. I'm pregnant with my second child and was diagnosed with IC when I was 24 weeks pregnant with my daughter. That's when the emergent cerclage came in along with bedrest for almost 8 weeks. My beautiful healthy daughter was born at 31w4days. Hoping to make it further this time. In my 8th week now and time already stands still. Waiting for the cerclage in a few weeks.

Mrsriot I know how you feel! I found it helped me to set small goals like getting passed the week or passed 28 weeks etc... After that I felt more relaxed and just made myself a routine with books and tv series. Having friends and family visit helped a lot too. That and all the pissing from the gallons of water I drank pretty much took all my time :lol: Wishing all you ladies all the best.

Clearbluesky thats exactly what im doing. My goal is 32 weeks but im going for 28 first. Im doing it week by week though so tomorrow I will be 25 weeks. I brought a ton of books so hopefully I will be able to stay occupied!

I hope this time around is better for you. Im scared to even think of the possibility of a second one after all this! I guess we will see once this little one makes it out.
That's perfect once you past the phase you are more comfortable with you will see time go by quicker. I remember the week before my baby was born I knew it! I just felt it was coming and had a lot of (tmi sorry) mucousy stuff coming.

I know I feel like a crazy person going through this again but I'm trying to remain positive and hopefully get away with at least less bedrest. I had no idea I had an IC until I went to the hospital at 24 weeks and before that I was working out, travelling and doing the exact opposite of bedrest. Hopefully this time knowing the problem and being cautious from the start will help.
Hi ladies,

Can I join too? I'll be getting a cerclage within the next few weeks and will probably be on bed rest for a lot of this pregnancy. Drs think I have an incompetent cervix because I had my son at 24 weeks last year. I dilated almost completely without any contractions. He fought hard for 3 weeks but got an infection that was just too much for him.

I am wondering about something though. I'm a bit worried about some tightenings that I've been having in the mornings before I get out of bed. My tummy hardens and I know this can happen in pregnancy but I'm wondering if it's normal so early? They seem to go away when I change position or get up but I worry that they might be shortening my cervix. I plan on mentioning it to my mfm doc when I see her in a week but I'm just curious if you ladies have any advice or personal experience you'd like to share.
I would say to call your dr about it, even if you have an appointment in a week. Better safe than sorry. It's true that it's still early and not sure what they can do, but they can ease your mind knowing better what this could be. Also try bed rest and take it slowly until the cerclage it's in place.

Good luck and be cautious!
Hello everyone! Well I apparently have IC. Last year, I lost my baby boy at 15 weeks, 5 days due to PPROM. My water broke one morning with no warning (no bleeding, cramps, etc.). Although I did have a lot of issues with that pregnancy (severe food aversions, fever, 3 bleeding episodes), nothing occurred in the three weeks leading up to my PPROM.

Now I'm 17 weeks, 2 days along. I had a referral to a MFM group and they wanted me to start progesterone shots (p17) and cervical scans at 16 weeks. Well at my first scan, they already saw a problem. My cervix was only measuring 4 mm, and I was starting to dilate (clinically, they referred to it as "1 cm", but my Dr. said it was just a pinprick really).

An urgent cerclage was placed the next day. For whatever reason (a miracle :shrug: ) my membranes where still not bulging into my cervical canal. In spite of being able to place the cerclage, my Dr. spoke very cautiously about this pregnancy even making it to 24 weeks. I'm only on modified bedrest...which is really all I can do anyway. Since I still have to work (no FMLA benefits....main breadwinner at home).

I have my follow-up appointment tomorrow, and I'm very worried. 48 hours after the procedure, I had the bloody show and lost my mucus plug. Then all weekend, I've been having tons of watery vaginal discharge. It has tapered off significantly today, so I really don't know what to think. I also feel like there is a tampon stuck in my vagina. It's very unsettling...especially since 8 days ago, I felt great...and I thought this pregnancy was going very well!

24 weeks seems like ages away....much less 28 or 32 weeks. I just don't know how I'm going to get through it. :cry:
:hugs: My cervix at its lowest measured 6mm. I couldn't get a cerclage and with a pessary and complete bedrest still made it to 25w5d. I hope you get good news at your appointment. Please update us. Also I'm so very sorry for your previous loss.
Well I saw two doctors at my appointment today; the one that was on rotation and the one who actually placed my stitch (he was roaming around). They acknowledged and tested the fluid/discharge. They said that they are pretty confident that it isn't amniotic fluid. The one doctor said that you can see it collecting in the vaginal canal, and it has a milky appearance...not clear (in spite of what's coming out on my hand). They also said that my cervix looks great compared to last week. The stitch looks good...and I'm totally closed up. No more cervical scans or measurements. And I got my 2nd p17 shot.

I do feel quite a bit more at ease. However I know I'm still not out of the woods. My doctor even noted that I was really worried...however he feels good about the cerclage.

Another slightly encouraging thing is that my charts have moved my due date up 4 days (due to my short cycles and the baby measurements that they obtained on the last ultrasound). I'm now 17 weeks, 6 days. :happydance:
Hi everyone, just wanted to update...

28w3d today and went in for our cervical length measurement scan. Amazingly, we're still at 2.4-2.6cm! I have one more appointment scheduled next Friday where they will do a growth scan as well. My MFM Doctor told me that it was really optional at this point, but she would book me for the last appointment if I wanted it, so I said yes. After that, if all looks good..I graduate from seeing her at all anymore and it will all be my regular OB.

We also got a wonderful mil came with me to the scan and the tech surprised us with 3D. Here's a shot of our LO.

I hope everyone else is doing well and hanging in there!


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Hi everyone, just wanted to update...

28w3d today and went in for our cervical length measurement scan. Amazingly, we're still at 2.4-2.6cm! I have one more appointment scheduled next Friday where they will do a growth scan as well. My MFM Doctor told me that it was really optional at this point, but she would book me for the last appointment if I wanted it, so I said yes. After that, if all looks good..I graduate from seeing her at all anymore and it will all be my regular OB.

We also got a wonderful mil came with me to the scan and the tech surprised us with 3D. Here's a shot of our LO.

I hope everyone else is doing well and hanging in there!

Aww so adorable and so glad to hear your cervix is holding up. I have my follow up tomorrow afternoon and I'm nervous but also excited because I think everything is going well so I'm just hoping my instincts are right. They're doing a cervix length and growth check too. I'll be 23+4 so I'm getting so close to v-day. If all goes well I'll have just two more appointments and also be released to the reg ob gyn.

Yay so glad your appointment went well gives me just alittle more hope.

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