Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Yes we are :)
Ds is nikolas after my dad and dd is Natalia just because! Let's see if I can get my way with this one lol!
Hey I had my scan today no idea what cervix is doing couldn't see it on abdominal scan and I didn't want internal or speculum. We are defo having a boy lol no mistaking it lol. Baby measuring just where he shud be estimated at 4.1lb. Feeling quite relieved xxx I go back in 4 weeks (God willing I'll still be pregnant at 36 wks) then I will get stitch removal date xxx hope all is well with everyone. How r u doin Christiana xxx
That's great news laney!! So so happy for you! I m guessing if anything was really wrong with your cervix it would have shown!!! And yaaaaayyy for 32 weeks!!
I m kind of on edge today. Firstly I think she turned upside down again but most importantly she has barely moved today. I mean I do feel a kick here and there but it's so reduced its really freaking me out. Even when I poke her she doesn't respond. But then I don't want to be the drama queen who calls in every other day. I ll be seeing my doc for a cervical check and test on Thursday so I m trying to hold off till then :(
Hey sweetie keep checking her with the Doppler but if u r worried please go in and get her checked, the Drs don't mind and it will put you at ease xxx
So I had my 20 week anatomy scan today with fraternal twins. Babies look great, my cervix, not so great. I am completely thinned out, not open but thinned. The high risk doctor essentially told me to go home for a week and come back next week and they'll be able to tell me which way they think its going to go. I'm only 20 weeks right now. I'm in the states and they don't offer cerclage or pessary for twins where I am. Any experiences or opinions on this? I'm in a complete state of shock and just don't really know how to respond right now.
Laney thanks sweety, she picked up her kicking last night and this morning and got quiet again about an hour ago. I m guessing she has her times! And unfortunately I m pretty sure (but secretly really really hope I m wrong) she turned head up again :( I have a big round bump right where my stomach should be and have the worst heartburn. Booooooooooooooooooo so much for thinking she might stay head down :(

Kiabro..I m so sorry for the stress you re going through. If you re completely thinned out what does your doctor expect the bed rest to help with? it might make sense in that if you stay on bed rest your cervix won't shorten. Did he tell you what his next move/options might be? Why are they not offering a cerclage? Could you get another opinion? The 'good' thing is you only have 4 weeks to reach viability so your babies have a good chance. I m so sorry, I know I m not offering much help or insight here.
Hey Christiana, see you don't have to worry about your stitch anymore so she is giving you something else to worry about. Mummy isn't allowed any peace lol. The main thing is she's ok and that's fantastic. Ooh if she's gone head up again noooooo little lady get that head back down. My boy is head down I think he has sharp something as he keeps stabbing me with something that hurts lol xxx
Hey Klabro oh sweetie I bet u r in shock. Did they say what little bit of length u have left. I had my 1st stitch at 25 weeks at 6cm dilated ( just a singleton) and we made it to 38 weeks. Drs seem to be more reluctant to stitch with twins but if u read the history of this post there have been twin ladies who had a stitch with great success. They can't just leave u surely. Did they at least give u progesterone xxx
Hey ladies thanks for the replies. They literally sent me home, no bed rest, no progesterone...nothing. Said that bed rest isn't proven to do anything, won't do cerclage with twins because it's not proven. The only option I was given was to go online and order myself a Pessary from over seas (I'm im the U.S. And it's not FDA approved) and they would place the Pessary for me if I got it in time. They didn't give me the "what's left" measurement of my cervix. Basically said, we can tell you more of how this is going to move forward in a week when we see if you are holding out or have progressed. That was a high risk OB doctor too...I'm going to call my regular OB today and see if she offers anything else or any further information. Until then I lay here, feeling like a ticking time bomb. I have my stomach I'm knots, just trying to keep myself calm if I can.
I'm so sorry it seems a very cruel thing to do. What I had done was also something Drs will not do I was very lucky in that a Dr took it on himself to take a chance. Bed rest isn't proven however how can it not help in situations like these. Please sweetie give your other Dr a call if they refuse to do anything they shud at least admit u to hospital so if u start contracting they can give u stuff to stop. There has to be more that can be done in this situation surely xxx
KLabor I agree with least if you keep your feet up the babies won't put any pressure on your cervix. Surely this is better than doing nothing. I also agree with maybe demanding to be admitted just in least that way should anything happen you can hold till viability.

Laney, lol sure, if I can't worry about my stitch I can worry about anything else! She's definitely changed positions! I put some music down low tonight in the hope that she ll try to move back down but the only thing I got were some really angry and painful jabs on my side! had to laugh with your boys sharp something....maybe an elbow or a knee?? Happy (n jealous) to hear he's head down...see now that's a clever baby!
Well ladies I have a little bit more news for now. Still won't admit to the hospital this early. However, my OB called me today and they have a Pessary so I don't have to wait for mine to come from overseas. Sounds like they'll let me get it tomorrow and I'm going to call about getting it placed earlier than my appointment on Tuesday and hoping they will do that for me. Also found out that depending on how the Pessary holds up they will admit me to the hospital at 23 weeks for a minimum of 2-3 weeks depending on how I'm doing. I know it's not 100% but at least I know something now.
lol good morning Christiana so you 2 don't share the same taste in Music then lol. She's going to be a feiSty one isn't she. Yup boy is head down although I think he must turn his bum and legs to different sides as where they told me his bum is is where I get All my kicks lol. My goodness Christiana when is stitch removal date for u it must be so close now. 😄

Klabor how are things today? Have u got anymore details on this pessary. I do seem to remember hearing of a different pessary to progesterone once a while ago but my brain is a little rusty. Keep those legs up as the Drs always say to me everyday counts xxx have u read on this post the twin success stories here? It may be worth it if u r feeling a bit bored xxx
Laney yup, feisty one alrighty!! I saw the doc today for a cervical check or actually a stitch check. He confirmed she turned sideways again. Uuurrrggg.... Stitch is holding just fine! When I asked him what's the plan he said if labor doesn't start earlier he ll remove the stitch at 38 weeks which is roughly around the 28th of May and we ll see about the vbac or c section at that point depending on her position. I was kind of expecting him to say earlier than that but I guess it's good if she stays in until 38 weeks! I m just too impatient! How are you today hun?

Klabor that's definitely an improved plan so yaaayy for that! Is a pessary like progesterone?? Sorry that s a daft question but I really don't know! Also being admitted sounds like a good plan, that way you can be closely monitored! I think things are looking up for your babies!
Christiana woooo hooooooo that is goin to fly over isn't it. You wud think they'd remove it at 37 wks with your history wouldn't u. My last Dr wanted to remove mine at 38 but at 37 I cud feel the stitch pulling so they took it out. I didn't have the baby for another few days. I'm starting to think about what size baby grows to buy its all very confusing and a little scary I just daren't press the order button and jinx myself I bet your the same. Now little girl get that head down or mammy will not be impressed lol xxx
Llabor how r u doing xxx
A Pessary is just an alternate for the cerclage. It's a band that they will place around the cervix that is meant to help take the weight off of it so to say. So hopefully I'll hear more back on that. I'm going to be calling them today to see if I can get it placed earlier or if I have to wait until Tuesday.
Just heard back and they are going to be placing it for me tomorrow so at least that's really only one more day of having to wait at home before I feel like I am doing something.
Klabro yaaaayyy that's awesome news! Well done you for standing your ground!

Laney, yup yup yup. I though 38 is rather late given I had dd at 35 and stitch almost ripped...when you say you could feel it pulling can you please please explain how it felt?? This is really a worry for me as I m sure I won't understand what's going on n will again end up with an emcs :(
And yes, totally the same! I went to h&m to get a present for a kid today and I passed through the baby section...soooooooo wanted to buy a few cute things but didn't dare! We haven't even prepared the crib or bought any supplies!! BUT I did buy a long shirt today for the hopital stay...I thought whatever happens I m still being admitted! (I know bad humor but I did actually have this thought, God forbid that anything goes wrong)
Is your little man still stabbing you?
Christiana I know what u mean I got my clothes for delivery. Few weeks ago I had the same thought that no matter what baby will be coming out. When I had it took out early it was pulling and pinching I went in to l and d and The Dr there decided to snip it out there and then. My consultant was not happy as he wanted it in till 38 wks looking back I was not having contractions abs it wasn't hurting that much it probably wud have been ok.
Today I have been getting some mega pinching in my stitch no cramps or braxtons just shooting pains making me feel a bit uneasy hoping it's just a bit of stretching. I think my cervix did tear a little at 24 wks for a few hours I felt a tearing/burning sensation for a few hours then I had bright red blood and it had pieces of tissue in it and it stung like heck really really stung.
K labor hope it all goes well this pessary must be a new thing I'm really interested to hear about it when you get a chance. Wishing u all the very best for its placement xxx
So ladies, quick recall and update: at 21w 1 d my cervix measured 3.1 TV, at 23w 3d it measured 3.2-3.4; they were going to stop measuring then. Went into labor and delivery in the middle of the night due to repeated cervical stabs (multiple a minute over an hour +, after fewer yesterday) today at 26w5d between 2.5 and 3 (no contractions on monitor)...unfortunately. Thoughts? How worrisome is this? As of now, I am scheduled to go back in for another measurement and follow up with my regular ob in 10 days. No other precautions mentioned. Is that good enough?
Note that I have been on moderate self-imposed bedrest for 5+ weeks already - essentially no walking (like from the parking lot to the beach), showers, very limited sitting etc.
Good wishes to those nearing the end of this journey, and those just starting...

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