Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

They have a national 'count the kicks policy' here. You pick the same time each day and they say u shud feel 10 movements within 2 hrs. I was told that even though baby is big u should still feel the same amount of movements they will just be a little smaller. Xxx
Ok so I freaked out n went to l&d. I told them she was rather lethargic and they hooked me on the NST. And there you have it...she starts rolling around! I felt like such a fraud! So I leave there happily an hour later and she's barely moved ever she freaking joking me????
Oh my poor Christiana, she's goin to be trouble this little lady. I feel so much for you I'd be freaking out too. I have no idea what to suggest, maybe keep checking with the Doppler for your peace of mind. These babies are sent to test us aren't they, you can finally relax about IC and there's something else to worry about. The great news is she's ok and u are so close to full term. Bless your heart and hers lol xxx
Thanks babe! I m not sure if it's the way she is positioned or my Doppler has gone dead on me but yesterday before heading to l&d I was using it and I could barely hear her hb. Then at hospital there it was galloping away!! I tell myself that it's because I was so stressed about her position..see now I don't care if she's head up down or sideways, all I want is for her to be ok and make it to 37 weeks! 9 days to go!!! Enough about me, how are you doing?
No wonder u freaked out if the Doppler didn't pick it up especially with what the Dr said about the placenta. Bet u nearly had a heart attack.
I think once you turn 37 weeks you will be happy for her to arrive with this stress. Full term in 9 days how awesome is that i can't wait to get there although I am terrified of the labor ( I wasn't with my other 2 but I now get bad panic attacks and am scared I will have one)
As for me I am enjoying being boring I Definately get more twinges in my stitch and sometimes I feel a pressure on it ( got some today I think it's baby position) but I try not to stress as he can't just drop out so I will have time to get to a hospital and if he was born he should do well so am trying to chill for the first time this pregnancy xxx
Yes - must have been scary, given the news about the placenta! And of course she'd be super active when you are in the hospital, just so that they can think you are paranoid... Btw, my two were always small babies (6+ pds) at 39+ weeks. Nobody ever said a thing (so I didn't even know!!), and they were very healthy.
I got news that my Ferritin (iron storage) dropped like a rock over the past two months (it was well above average for non-preggo ladies even at 20 weeks pregnant, and now they are totally gone!). For one, I am worried what would have made them drop that much (they drop during pregnancy, but usually not that much this soon)? And I don't know how to take in the iron I need? Away from meals, away from thyroid meds, and how to deal with severe constipation (afraid to push with the cervix). Getting pretty depressed. And of course since I am essentially in bed, there is nothing to distract me:cry: Sorry for the rant ladies!
Don't be sorry septie that's what we're here for. I don't really know much about iron so not sure what to say what have the Drs said? When on bedrest you have all the time in the world to think and worry I've laid in bed and cried all day with worry so I know how u feel.
I'm having a pressure day today every once in a while I wake up and it feels like baby is going to drop out I go to bed on a night wake up and it's fine next morning hoping it will be gone tomorrow it's an awful feeling
Hello everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself and ask for advice.

My first pregnancy I went in for a routine ultrasound at 20 weeks. They noticed my cervix was short, around 1.9 cm. I chose to not get the cerclage because I was afraid of the risks of emergent cerclages. I put myself on strict bedrest and started progesterone shots and received steroid shots. At 25 weeks I went in for my weekly cervix check and I was 8 cm dilated with a bulging bag. No contractions. I was flown by helicopter to a bigger hospital where my baby would have a better chance for survival. I lasted there another week before delivering my son at 26 weeks. He is now almost 3 and doing great.

So now I am 11.5 weeks pregnant. I am going in for a preventative cerclage on Monday. I was hoping for some advice on what to expect during the procedure and what to expect for the next few weeks after. I'm quite nervous and reading through this thread has been so helpful.
Hey little bird your 1st pregnancy was very similar to mine. I was 6cm dilated at 25 weeks. I've had 3 stitches now 1 emergency 2 preventative. Where do u live if u don't mind me asking I am in the UK. Over here for a preventive stitch ( r u having a McDonald stitch do u know). They are almost always done with a spinal. You will go in hosp early get checks done then put a gown on then to theatre where they ask you to sit and bend over where they put the spinal in ( for me this is worst bit) it's a funny sensation but is quite quick they gave me a mild sedative as I panicked a bit. Then you go numb pretty quickly your legs go in stirrups and they do the stitch a McDonald takes about 20 mins it's not long. Then u go to recovery takes a good while for feeling to come back. You may need some pain killers and some anti contraction meds. They will decide with 2 of my stitches I had a lot of pain with one I didn't most women don't have much pain or bleeding I was just unlucky. They usually keep you overnight. Some ladies spot blood some have a good bleed you can lose some mucus plug but it replaces itself. Any more questions just ask xxx
Hey, just wanted to update. I lost my babies at 21 weeks 1 day. I went for my one week checkup with high risk doctor and my water was bulging through the Pessary. I was admitted to the hospital and gave birth that night. Thanks for the hope when I needed it before.
Thank you laney. That really helps.
I live in the US. I'm not sure which type of stitch I'm getting but I trust my doctor. I actually have to travel 7 hours to get the stitch. I live in such a secluded little town with only one OB. And he's terrible. So I'm getting the stitch and then staying with my husbands parents for a few days as they live close to that hospital.

Hopefully this all goes well and I can keep the baby in much longer this time! It took my husband and me a long time to get brave enough to try again!
Hi Klabro I am so so sorry you must be beyond heartbroken. There are no words I can even think to say. My thoughts and prayers are with you cxx
Sorry ladies, I ve been pretty busy with the party and didn't check in for a day.
Klabro I m so terribly sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. I hope you have a lot of support around you and of course we re here if you need to talk. RIP little angels :(

Little bird, congrats on your pregnancy! I myself don't know wha my stitch is called but both my stitches were preventative ones which I think is so much better. With my dd I had it at 17 weeks and was in quite a bit of pain afterwards as apparently she was pushing down. So I stayed on strict bed rest for the whole of the pg and delivered her at 35 weeks. This time round I had no pain whatsoever afterwards but did stay on bed rest for 2 weeks just in case. I m currently 36 (or 35+6 not sure) and my cervix is holding up just fine. I had a general anesthesia to place it both times. I wish you a worry free rest of your pregnancy :)

Septie how are you girl? How come your son was so small? My boy was only 2300g at 38+4 but he had a thing with having only 2 arteries in his umbilical cord instead of three (don't know what it's called in English)

Laney how's the pressure girl? Hope it's eased up already. I feel quite a bit of pressure down there most of the time I stand up now, but I guess our babies are growing so consider normal. When are you seeing your doc again?

Afm: well Lo is back to being herself. I ve been getting many bh but they re not painful so not so worried about them. Walking makes the pressure and kind of pulling sensation increase but I don't want to cry wolf again so I ll wait it out until Wednesday. The placenta thing is constantly on my mind but as long as she kicks I can handle it.
The pressure was gone this morning it's so bizarre. As long as it stays away I'm happy as u say the bigger the babies get the more we are going to feel it. When I was 6cm dilated with neve I didn't get pressure then it more felt like she was trying to scratch her way out. I next see my dr at 2nd of June so it's a whole away, if I get worried I can always get checked I suppose.
How did the party go? So glad little madam is back to herself I bet you feel more at peace. Have u been resting more or not managing it? I've bit the bullet and ordered some sleep suits. Hope I haven't jinxed myself xxx
Naaahhh too late to jinx yourself hun!!!! Glad the pressure is gone! I m sure it's just the los jumping somehow in there!
The party is on Sunday so nooooo not been managing any rest! I have the most horrid heartburn ever plus I m down with a non stop cough...great!!! Anyway...about that "scratching her way out" can you pls elaborate? I ve feeling this kind of scratching down there actually feels like the stitch is scratching me somehow...I wonder now...
Yeah sure. I was standing up and it felt like she had sharp little nails and was scratching more in my vagina than my cervix. I was 25 was pregnant at this stage and didn't have a stitch in. It was REALLY sharp the scratching.

They took my 2nd stitch out a few days early as it was pulling and uncomfortable so the Dr on the ward removed it however when my consultant found out he wasn't happy as he wanted it leaving in till 38 wks. I gave birth the day I was supposed to have stitch removed xxx
Thanks hun! Now another stupid question....I ve been getting bh very very often (like every half an hour or so but they are completely painless. Is there any chance these are actually proper contractions but I don't feel the pain due to the stitch and not being able to dilate????
From what the drs say if they are completely painless then they are ok and they say no more than 4 in an hour. If they were contractions I think you would definitely notice them getting more regular or start getting a bit of pain.
They are going to be getting quite intense with you being so close to term. I don't think I'd worry at this point maybe write down when I have one to see if they get more regular. Some Drs have already removed the stitch at your gestation already although you have to make it to your little ones birthday party. No waters breaking in the middle of the party mind lol xxx

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