Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hey so sorry you re both feeling down with tooth ache. I actually hate anything to do with teeth! I hate the pain, I hate doctors fiddling in there...but I totally agree with you laney, just get it removed and get it over with so you can enjoy these last few weeks!

Koifish, hopefully the bed rest might do even a little bit of help despite evidence. Again, your measurements were not bad at all for all that double weight on your cervix!

Afm: well NST went just find this morning! I had 0 contractions which basically felt like lo was just joking with me! The doc just brushed me off and said "ow your uterus is so peaceful there's absolutely no reason to take the stitch out yet"... So here I am waiting for Tuesday for another NST! I see me going to 40 weeks after all this worrying! Another quick question (I keep having them!).. My feet are extremely swollen today. I did show the mw this morning (but they weren't even half as what they are now) and she said its normal and due to the heat...I ll admit I walked a little too much today but seriously, I ve never seen feet that swollen! Do you think I should be concerned or is it indeed common?
Glad to hear your holding out well! That's good. I had bad swelling in my feet if I walked a lot or was on my feet all day. I was told it was normal. Resting with your feet elevated is supposed to help the swelling go down. I was told i can put an ice pack on it also for a short period of time. It worked for me, it might be worth a try.
Too hoo how's the swelling doing. Swelling is something I know nothing about but if you have a lie down it should reduce hopefully bet it's really uncomfortable.
It's unbelievable about the calm uterus so typical after all those contractions you were having weeks ago, the human body is a funny thing isn't it.
Awesome news that she's grown as well all is looking good Christiana xxx
Septie and koi fish how's it goin hope you are both doing well.
As for me, tooth is a little better although I'm not hopeful it will get me till after baby is born ugh. Yesterday I went out for a drive with hubby decided I need to get my muscles working a little bit more before baby is here as I don't want to be too weak xxx
29 weeks today, yoohoo! Things are fairly calm here thank goodness. Still taking it easy, but walking a few mins a day (ended up getting an ultrasound on my leg last week, as I was having leg pain, to rule out a DVT...).
I've never had enormous amounts of swelling in late pregnancy so far (well, a lot for me, but not objectively enormous) - but know others who have had huge feet. As long as it's confined to the legs (though I often notice some in my fingers as well!), with normal BP and no protein in urine/headaches, it should be fine. Certainly the heat in Greece must be terrible this time of year already (you must be glad to be due before the worst of summer! I hate that all my kids have been very late summer babies! It gets so hot and humid here). If you feel off in other ways and are swollen, I'd get checked again. Btw, how is prenatal care in Greece atm? The news we get here are pretty dire...
As long as I don't drink or eat anything hot or cold on that side of my mouth, my tooth is still fine. But don't think it will hold out for a few more months (I don't want to go in right after a c-section either...). I don't even have a dentist here yet (well, well, saw one once, but didn't like him)
Hi girls! Thanks for your advice, swelling has been pretty big but only confined on my feet so far. I ve never ever had any swelling with my previous pgs..only after the section with dd for a couple of days. Anyway, I have another NST on Tuesday so I ll try to hold it till then before I call in freaked out! Truth is, as septie said, the heat is quite intense already..we re at around 30s which is a lot of may so it's not helping! I m glad I don't have to go through the summer, I d probably boil!

Septie well it depends af what you can get re prenatal care here in Greece. If you have to go via the public sector you might as well start crying! It's tragic! Thankfully we have a private doctor and are due to give birth af a private hospital so things are way better. I m not sure how costs are your end (where about are you btw?) but here for the 3 days in hospital (mandatory) plus the doc and now it'd about 3000 euros. Thankfully I rarely pay for the office scans or dopplers or NSTs!

How are you ladies doing? Glad to hear tooth ache has subsided a little for both!
Septie, 29 weeks! That's fantastic! Touch wood I think you re out if he ic danger zone!

Laney, 35 weeks right? Yaaayyyy! Remember you were like.."Owwww I so wanna be at 35 re there!!!! When did you say stitch comes out?how are you feeling doing a big more?

Koi fish, how are you hun???
Woo hoo Septie 29 weeks awesome have you increased your activity at all or are you still laying low. Great that all is quiet that's what you want.
Hey Christiana 30 degrees wow that's hot no wonder u r swelling I'm pretty sure it will just be normal and it's great you are seeing your Dr he can put your mind at rest my goodness you are just so close now I can't believe it cud be anytime . Do you feel ready?
Afm yes I've increased my activity not loads but quite a bit been cleaning car seats and cots as has a panic that I've got nothing ready. Thought I had a water infection so had to come to l and d but I'm all clear they put me on the monitor while I'm here and all seems well. I'm 35 weeks tomorrow had a lot of braxtons yesterday but they are gone today. Got a growth scan next week and then I will get stitch removal date but pretty sure they will remove it 9 th June which is 27 weeks xxx
Ow lucky lucky you, I wish I could get my doc to stick to an official date! I think if he doesn't see any contractions he s not taking it out!! Phew, why did you think you had a water infection?? Good thing that you don't although now touch wood you re very very safe! I ve been doing a lot of cleaning myself, feels like nesting...well about time I d say!!! Hope everyone is in completely calm and easy waters girls, let's cook those babies!!!
I had a lot of braxtons and my tummy felt tight, my wee was cloudy so thought I'd take a sample in they thought it looked infected but it tested fine and now braxtons have settled right back down.
I haven't even started baby bag but have made a start on that tonight and getting car seat cover washed etc etc. it all seems very real all of a sudden.
Haha you will be like 50 weeks and your Dr still won't want to take that stitch out lol xxx
I m very much afraid so! So much for "you will barely make it to your month"!!!
Glad the bh settled down :)
Ha he started talking about possibly letting the stitch in until 39weeks and the possibility of going overdue ���� in for a growth scan tomorrow again!
Laney when's your scan??
Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi, 29 weeks preggo, newly on BR, (bored out of my mind already) nervous short cervix momma here! :)

Edited: also, anyone have any positive stories about how long I can hang on with 1 cm of cervical length left, no cerclage? Trying to keep positive but, also preparing myself for possibility of a preemie.
Any news yet Christiana? Yesterday I started to panic realising how much I have yet to do. Have been washing car seat covers and bouncy chair covers like a mad woman. They were filthy. Why did I not wash them before i put them away, I am very ashamed of myself lol am doing my hospital bag as well have this sudden urge to be organised which isn't like me xxx
Hey Mommastork. Commiserations on the bedrest I've done more than my fair share and am really going crazy now. You could still go all the way it is possible and you are at a great gestation. Definitely keep on the bedrest though. Are u having any contractions or is your uterus calm. Xxx
Hope everything is still going well for you ladies! Sounds like you each are doing pretty well for the most part!

I had my scan today only down .1 which is good so I stay on modified bed rest and go back again next week to see if it holds this way.
Hey laney!
So far no contx. Spent Friday in labour and delivery hooked up to monitors. Doing biweekly ultrasounds since 20 weeks. I think I might be having some bh? Not sure, stomach hardens, but no period like cramping. Don't remember that with my first! Lol. Glad im not the only one who isn't enjoying bed rest! Hahaha misery loves company I guess ;)
Hey koi fish .1 is nothing that is fab news you just keep doing what you are doing, those weeks are really increasing now xxx
Hey Mommastork that's really good if you aren't having any, I've been getting episodes of BHs since very early on however some say having a stitch in causes them as its a foreign body. From what I've been told from many different sources at 28 weeks the baby is too big to slip out of your cervix as an incompetent cervix will only dilate to 3cm without contractions so you would have to go into proper labor with contractions to deliver at 29 weeks ( this is what I have been told I have no concrete evidence) the bigger the baby get the more pressure releases off the cervix and the pelvis takes some of the weight. Have u got any history of operations in your cervix some ladies have a strong just short cervix so yours may just hold where it is. Fingers crossed it does. At 35 weeks now been resting since 12 and I'm not sure when I can come off resting though I must admit I've been doing more the last couple of days xxx
No hx of any cervical procedures. I think that a)I am not that tall, only 5 ft 2, and b) I carried my son very low as well - so perhaps my cervix is just weaker/shorter this time around, or maybe it was never very long to begin with! Wow I couldn't imagine bed rest from 12 weeks on. Pat on the back to you keeping your sanity. I would think you'd be able to come off br very soon - provided babe is growing healthy and strong :) I thought usually around week 34-36 they would take most ppl off. But what do I know! Lol
Mommastork my Drs don't believe in bed rest I did it for my last 2 so felt I shud do it for this one also. Whether it had made the difference between making it this far I have no idea and never will. 2 ladies I have contact with sis t rest and both their stitches failed but I also know women who didn't rest and made it to term. There are no studies to determine if bedrest works or not I just didn't feel I could take the risk xxx bedrest definitely screws with your head xxx
Laney, lol I ask myself the same thing...I put everything away just the way they I don't know where to start from!!! Ts ts ts shame on us!

Koifish, that's fantastic news! 0.1 is absolutely nothing! Keep it up, you lol soon be walking around amazed with yourself!

Mommastork, welcome! I agree with lanes, 29 weeks your baby is too big for ic so unless you re actually in full blown labor I wouldn't worry too much!! Now I did my fair bit of br with dd1.. I was on strict bed rest from w13 to w35 and she came 35+2 so I can't really say whether it helped of not (although I did finish my dissertation while I was in bed dead bored..yaaayyy me!).. This time round I only did a total of 5 weeks and then resumed normal if not more activities..i m 37w4d and she shows no signs of ever coming out! So I really can't say if br is crucial or not but I guess if it makes you less stressed then pug your feet up..I know it's boring but you know you ll miss some resting after you bub is here!

Afm: ok...I m assuming it's nothing but i m lying here and I feel soooooo much pressure down there! It actually feels like she's pushing with all her might on both my hip bones. Do you think she might be engaging???? I m really curious for the scan tomorrow!
Thanks ladies!
My docs don't believe in strict bed rest either, said no studies to prove it helps. However they said it can't hurt to get off my feet as much as I can. Where as the nurses on l&d basically told me to go on strict bed rest. The hospital in my small city cannot look after babies before 32 weeks. So id be transferred 3 hours away if I went into labour early. Therefore... To make a long story short, I'm trying to keep my feet up and my stress down! lol!

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