Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi ladies we have a baby. We haven't got a name yet he was born 6.52 this morning 7lb 15 and a half . I had my pessary at half past midnight got an epidural 4am he was born 6.52 it was a lovely birth I was sat up and over and hubby was next to me so we kind of had him together nothing like the other 2. I tore Down my episiotomy scar but nothing too bad. I was terrified of epidural but it was fantastic. I'm not sure how to post a pic I will try work it out tomorrow just thought I'd pop on and let u know our news. Love to all u lovely ladies xxx
Awwww Laney❤ congratulations 😍😍 so so happy for you. Glad it went well. Cant wait to see little man. Take care of yourself. Speak soon. So so happy❤❤❤
Congratulations momma!!! And welcome to the world little man! So happy to hear everything went so well and you had a lovely birth!! Enjoy your bundle my friend and rest up if you can! Can't wait to see you boy too!!
Came on here hoping for good news:happydance: Congratulations on your little man and the wonderful birth!! Enjoy! And hoping you can get some rest.
Yay congratulations on the arrival of your little man how wonderful!!!! Glad that it went well, hope he gets settled in nicely. 😃💙
Good morning my lovely ladies😘
Hope everyone is doing great.
Laney, I hope little man is settling in ok and you are getting enough rest.
Christiana, how's Maya? Hope she is better. I have been looking at the news regarding Greece and thinking about you and other friends I have there. I hope things are better soon. So heartbreaking to see peoples desperation...
Koifish and Septie, I hope all is well and you are all cooking this babies nicely😘
I have my midwife appointment today. I am now 34 weeks and I cannot believe I am 2 weeks from reaching 36❤ .
Much love to you all😘
Hey tuga!! Wow I can't believe you re 34 weeks!! That's awesome news! How are you feeling???
We ve been good! Maya has colic but I m giving her a homeopathic remedy and she's much better lately! She still wants to be held most of the time but I really love holding her! She's 1 month old today, has put on 1 kg and 4cm from birth! She's also just started giving us shy smiles and she drives me crazy with love!! I just can't believe the bond we have created already!
Thanks for thinking about us, it's a really sad situation here in Greece and with the banks closed for over a week now it's been difficult. Thankfully my mind is on my baby and I kind of stay out of all the madness.
Septie, koifish how are you ladies? How are these babies cooking along?

Laney, how's the little man and momma?
Hi Christiana, I am okish lol. Just came out of the appointment with the midwife and was told to be ready because baby could come at anytime. Tomorrow morning I have to go to the hospital to do more exams. They think I won't make another 2 weeks. So I am a bit excited but also a bit apprehensive. I have to Wai for my hubby to come home so we can go get the essential stuff we need for baby. 😘
Ooowwwww tuga this is so exciting!!!! You're at a perfect gestation too! But just in case you want some hope you ll cook a little longer...I was told first I wouldn't make it to 35..I did...then not to 38...I did..was sure the baby would fly out after stitch removal...she didn't...all the way to 39w1d!
Tuga how exciting and nerve racking at the same time! Great gestation too!!
Yes, Maya is much more important than all that mess, so it must be good to have the distraction. As long as it doesn't affect the kiddos, of course (and great that your kids are too young to really understand, or be affected in their educational or career choices!). Can't believe she grew 4 cm already! Crazy!!
I am ok pregnancy wise, quite good actually. More detailed checkups due to my AMA start next week. But getting very stressed as we need to move before school starts in early Sept; and we haven't found a place yet!!! I was on bedrest for the spring after all, when most places were available. So it's getting very late. Yikes!! Also worried about start of school for my eldest will brink home all kinds of sickness to the newborn/infant (and I will probably get postpartum thyroiditis)...Will also need to find new doctors etc. And a new car, ours is in bad shape. Stress:wacko:
Glad to hear Maya is doing much better! Hope it continues to improve. Glad she's able to keep you occupied with all that is going on. I hope it all gets better soon. It sounds like your really enjoying your time with Maya :)

Glad that the rest of you ladies are hanging in there! Keep cooking!! Tuga your at a good point so just cook as long as you can I am sure your little one will be fine!

I am currently just trying to hit 34 weeks. Just need to get through 2.5 more weeks. I ve dropped, i felt my first bh contractions the other night, baby a is as low as he can go, both are have been head down for a while now and still are. I am not sure if this is a sign (ftm, i have no clue) I am close and I'll go into preterm labor first or if I'll hit the 34 week mark for a section first. Just going to do my best to keep them cooking.
Septie wow girl that's way too much for anyone! Where are you moving to? I love moves but I can totally get all the stress with you expecting! How old is your kiddie going to school?

Koifish I have read that dropping can be a sign but with two in there I m guessing it can be totally normal! If labor starts before are you still having a section? I don't even know if you can have twin naturally.

Thanks for your thoughts ladies. I m hoping whatever happens my kids won't have to live the way we do in 20-30 years time. On a more positive note maya slept so well for a second night! Yay! She still fed 3-4 times but didn't cry a second!!!
Yay for Maya sleeping better (nights with lots of crying are tough on parents!) I am not sleeping all that well atm, and both of mine were terrible sleepers (especially our first) forever - so it's hard to think that things will get much worse than they are now very soon...Our older ones are just sleeping 8-9 hrs now, which feels like heaven. Given the ages of yours, the adjustment must have been similar.
We are moving close to the school (about 35 mins out from where we live now). Not really looking forward to it - it's in the middle of nowhere. Nothing to do, and you have to drive everywhere (like any typical American suburb!). But you've got to do what you've got to do for the kiddos, and with three, I guess there won't be much time to do anything anyway lol. Our firstborn will turn six in early fall and attend 1st grade. Scary thought! What about your kiddos? Are they staying at home with you?
I think it drops like it does with a single? Not sure really. I feel like something pokes out sometimes, i get quick feelings of nasuea, my back aches, I get pains and cramps. I see my ob Friday so I am hoping we get a plan sorted then and I can find out for sure what's going on it just started in the last 2 days.

There actually in a great position for natural birth but I'll still get a section. I can try if I want but there is a high risk of cord issues and entanglement, hemorrhage due to my small frame and the possibility baby b changing position while A comes out.
Koifish, I am a few weeks ahead of you with one (over 35 weeks), and those aches seem normal to me, but I surely am no expert at labor signs. I am also starting with backpains, crampiness, lots of vagina stabbings, pushes down there where it feels like it's pushing out (head has been down); no real nausea, but occasional ickiness (might be digestion related?). And you have two, so prob ahead of me in many ways! I do remember that last time by 38 weeks, I really thought he might come any second (and asked my inlaws to come stay with us early just in case) - and still no signs of real labor until my planned section at 39w4d. Who knows what's going on... Ideally you'll get to cook them just a bit more:thumbup:
I'm not either, from what I looked up it signs your heading towards it. It doesn't help that I was told to look out for a lot of these things and call if I get them. They weren't sure at my last appt. If they'd decide come first or I'd get scheduled first.

Thanks for posting that though it makes me feel better that it can be normal. I really want them in a minimum of 34 weeks rather not have them in the hospital for long.

Sorry your feeling all these fun symptoms to though :/ not so fun! Glad that your getting closer to term, That's great!
Hi ladies so sorry I've been missing my phone internet went down and with the baby it's taken me a while to get it fixed. I will have to go back and read your posts to see how everyone is, I've missed you guys and hope So much everyone and their bumps and / or babies are well. We have called our little boy Noah, I'm madly in love with him, he's doing really well but has tongue tie which has made feeding ( breast) a bit of a nightmare as he can't latch on properly my boobs are shredded. He goes for a quick procedure on Monday to fix it, I'm not looking forward as it will hurt but it will be quick. I must work out how to post some photos. Love to u all I'm goin to read all the posts I've missed now xxx
Glad to hear he's doing well Laney!! Can't wait to see photos once you figure it out. Sorry breastfeeding isn't going as well I hope everything goes great Monday and breastfeeding goes more smoothly. :)

I went to ob today and it went well cervix is closed and babies are still good. If all goes well with growth on Tuesday and nothing else happens then it looks like August 3rd might be my day!
Laney, great to hear from you!! Love the name Noah. Good luck with the tongue tie procedure!
Koifish, great news! If all goes well with you next week, we might be on around the same time (scheduled section morning of the 4th).

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