Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hey Laney, so good to hear from you 😘 I love the name Noah. Its beautiful ❤
Hope everyone is doing well. I am a bit sore all over today so I put myself on bedrest for the day. Speak soon. Love you all😘💋
Good morning my lovelies 😘
Hope everyone is doing great.
I have been having contractions since yesterday and I have a lot of pain down there. I called the midwife and she said that if it gets any worse to go to maternity triage. I've already been there twice in the last few days. I qm 35 weeks now and I really want to reach 36. Lets see what happens.
I hope everything is well with all of you ladies and babies. Miss you all😘
Hey Tuga you can make it ❤️💚💙even if you don't u have done amazing to get this far xxx
Hey tuga!! I know you want to reach 36 weeks and I really hope with all my heart that you do but if the pain gets worse then definitely go in. I m only saying this because I delayed it with dd1 and by the time I got to the hospital it was a matter of max half an hour before she would have ripped through the stitch. I really don't want to scare you so pls pls excuse me but for me being rushed for an emcs was so unpleasant I really wouldn't want you to go through this. I had my first daughter at 35+2 and she only stayed for monitoring 3 days. On the third night she slept in my room and on the 4th day we went home! Its a great gestation!! Anywa Hope the settle down and we don't get to meet your lo for a few more weeks!!
Hi Tuga, good luck girl! When in doubt go in!! Will be thinking of you and your little one; hopefully you'll manage to cook for a few more days - but you are at a fab gestation now!!
Laney - sorry, no idea how to post! How's the little one?
As for me, lots and lots of cervix/vagina pressure/lightenings. No contractions, not many BH. Was very sore yesterday (pelvis, back), nausea Sunday. 3 more weeks till section date...
Ladies i havnt been on in a while as iv not been feeling too well :( im in an absoloute panic this morning can anyone offer some advice.

For the last 3 days iv been feeling a HUGE amount of pressure. In 18+4 wks and have my stitch in place. I went to the hospital hesterday to ask for a cervical length scan. The consultant said he would give me a speculum to check see if everythings ok. I refused the speculum as they hurt so much and lat time i was preegnant they told me not to have speculums. Im now waiting to be booked in for a cervical length scan and i could be waiting for it up to next week. Im going absoloutly insane with worrying. Is it normal to feel pressure in my bum and lady bits? I can remember in my last pregnancy i felt pressure but i cant remember how intense and now i cant rest as i have my daughter to take to achool and a 2 yr old to look after. Theres also no one to help look after them either other than my partner who works daily.

Please can someone offer me some reassurance im on the verge of an emotional break down. I promised myself i wouldnt worry this pregnancy as the stitch held my little boy in perfectly last time xx

I hope your all ok :) xx
Hi Twinkle, I know exactly how u feel I was in exactly the same boat the fear is almost paralysing isn't it I did not want to move but still had to take my kids to school. At 16 weeks the school run felt a bit too much ( it's on a huge hill) the school let me drop the kids off at the front gate at 9.10 and a friend brought them to the car for me on a night ) also I got hubby/grandparent to do the after school activities and we lived off ready meals ( not proud of this ) as for the pressure. When u get time go back and read ur old posts you got a load of it even I can remember reading so it may make u feel a bit better. I got a lot more pressure this preg plus bleeding which is never had. I felt this pregnancy was doomed from the start and we wud never get there every week id have pressure and bleeding it was much worse than the other 2. After 28 weeks everything settled and we sailed through the rest of the preg. I wondered with myself and the same for u is a lot of this pressure down to the SPD rather than the cervix. Take it day by day I totally know how u r feeling it's like u r in ur own personal hell xxx
Hey Tuga how r things hope they've settled if not u have done fab.
Septie u r almost there also u go girl.
Christiana how's it goin I bet Maya is coming on a treat I hope things aren't too bad for u over there I keep thinking of u. How's the reflux, we've had a bit reflux here too but not too bad we have to keep him propped up 30 mins after each feed xxx if u r struggling to get hold of anything over there just let me know I will get it here and post it over to u its no trouble, I do it all the time for my friend in the USA xxx
Hello my lovelies😚
So Good thear from all of you. I went to the hospital yesterday and they kept me in overnight as a precaution. I had a lot of abdominal pain and was feeling very poorly. This morning my consultant came to see me and after taking meds the pain reduced. He told me that I could come home but anything at all I should go back. I am really tired and I kinda of know that this baby won't be waiting till August.
Hope everyone is doing great. Love to all❤
Ooww thank you so much laney, that was such a lovely thing to say :) we re doing much better, thankfully I had managed to get hold of two bottles of colic calm from the uk before the capital control started. Reflux is still bad, last night I held her upright for an hour after feeding and she still threw up 4-5 times in the next 3 hours :( thankfully she s been better during the day though :)
Hope little Noah isn't in pain with his reflux and that it settles soon :) how are you doing? How are your older ones doing???

Tuga so good to hear things have kind of settled down! It doesn't sound like your lo is waitin till August but whenever he/she comes it's already great!! Rest up now momma, you ll need your rest for the big day!!

Twinkle I m so sorry you re feeling like this. I have to say that I too felt a lot of pressure very very often. I kind of always felt like her head was pushing really low but then every time I d see the doc he was like "nop she's actually really high". So I d say not to worry only I know you will anyway. Could you exaggerate a bit to get in a bit earlier?? Hope it's soon hun so you can be reassured.

Septie I can't believe it's only 3 weeks to your section!!! How are you feeling?

Koifish how are you and little ones doing??
Christiana, yes I spent all last night keeping him upright. It's worried me a little as after he is sick it takes him a couple of seconds to catch his breath does Maya do that I can't remember my other 2 being like this.
YES! She opens her eyes wide open and stares in panic for a little bit before she actually takes a breath. There have been times when I actually kind of tapped her just to get her to breath. It's scary but I think it's normal (or at least I hope so) I ve noticed that if I eat anything with cow milk her reflux gets way worse. The other night I ate spaghetti carbonara, kept her upright for an hour and she kept throwing up even 3 hours later. Never again! How is little Noah otherwise?
Hi ladies, can I creep in here?

I don't know yet if I do have an incompetent cervix, but since Nathan was spontaneous labour and delivery (waters going first, then labour starting) at 35+4, and I developed pre-eclampsia just after he was born - they are treating me in advance in case I do.

I have my first cervical length check scan next Thursday, and honestly? I'm terrified.

Thing is, I'd put it down to the endometriosis they diagnosed me with last September (Stage 4, totally blocked tubes - both children are a miracle!) and they arne't factoring that in at all.

So I'm in limbo really, and starting to worry a tad...
Hey Christiana that's really interesting as I've been drinking cows milk by the gallon literally if I don't have the energy to eat I just down a glass of milk so that is very interesting. I know here if they have milk intolerance the Drs prescribe a special baby milk on prescription it's supposed to be really helpful but if u r breast feeding id be reluctant to give that up. I took Noah to the dr yesterday and they gave me infant gaviscon which I know some parents find really helps and if not they can give baby ranitidine. The offer stands If u need anything posting over from the UK. I saw the midwives who did his tongue tie today they don't think it is reflux just normal baby spit up so goodness knows but the good thing is I have the gaviscon of we need it. Apart from the reflux Noah is great I'm so in love with him, the kids have taken to him really well I think maybe it's coz they are a little older. He actually looks quite blonde/ginger which feels really bizarre as I and my 2 other children are dark ( I get asked if I'm Mexican or Italian usually lol). Our house is starting to smell of sour milk or is it just me and Noah lol xxx
Hey ladies,

I'd love to read through everything but will in a bit. I hope each of you are doing well. I am sorry that you are dealing with reflux Laney and sorry your still dealing with it Christina. Hope it gets better soon! Septie that's crazy how close we could be with our due dates, if mine can cooperate that long. I hope your holding well. Tuga hope you are hanging in there and doing well!

I'm currently on monitoring in l&d as I've dilated to 2cm. I got a steroid injection and I'll find out in an hour if there keeping me overnight or if I go home and come back for 2nd injection tomorrow. The plans still to keep cooking them just past 35 weeks. We will see.

To update I am in overnight labor won't be stopped and if I dilate 2 to 3 more I am to be delivered so we will see.
Well they were born at 2am today, contractions started to get more painful at 9pm then worse at 11pm at 1 to 2 min apart the call was made at midnight. Had a section, both are in nicu now ones holding good the other needs some help. I am so excited to have Kolten and Khoi here finally even though I'd like to have cooked longer. Hoping it goes smooth from here.
Koi fish congratulations on the birth of your twins, hope they are doing well. My lfirst born was born at 29wks and she did perfect. They didn't have time for steroid injections either so I'm sure your twins will do brilliantly.

Thankyou to the other ladies for your advice in my time of panic, I am a lot calmer now as I went for my cervical length scan yesterday (after me pestering and pestering for it!) my cervix is closed and measured 36mm. My consultant is happy with it and says that he dosnt think my cervix is the problem that is causing all my pain and pressure, he seems to think my SPD is the problem for it all.

Laney I have had a look back and I suffered sooo badly with pressure last time it's reassuring to know how I felt and I'm so glad I wrote on these threads, it keeps me sane.

I'm crossing my fingers and waiting for my milestone of 24weeks to come. On,y 5 more weeks to go,

Hope you ladies and your babies are all doing well xxxx
Hi Koifish! Congratulations on the birth of your twins, and especially keeping them in to 33 weeks!! With twins, that's really quite good:thumbup: I am sure the docs will manage and hopefully you all will be home before you know it.
Be sure to get some rest after your's tough to do in the hospital I know, with staff stopping by at all hours to take temps etc. (not looking forward to my 3rd section).
Twinkle, good news on the cervix length!
Koifish congratulations momma!! I m glad your boys are doing good!! 33 weeks is really good and hopefully you won't have a long stay there! Rest up hun, so so happy for you!

Twinkle 36mm is fantastic. Keep resting whenever you can! :) you ll be at v day before you know it!

Septie how fare you girl?

Laney ooowww a blondy! You have to post a picture at some point!!! Cow milk intolerance is very common so maybe try cutting it out from your diet for a week to check it out! But maybe your doctor know way more and it's nothing :) so glad to hear your kids have taken well to him, makes things so much easier!! Thanks for the offer again, I feel like I have a good friend caring! We were given something called epadoren but it doesn't seem to be working. I m actually worried tha last couple of days because she just won't keep pretty much anything down :( going to the doc again on Monday.

Fliss I m no expert but don't think endometriosis could cause preterm labor. But I really never researched it. What does the doc think? Have you had a cerclage done?

Tuga how are you?

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