Oh Koifish! Hope they don't find any more defects and can fix the one already. At least it looks like your LO was diagnosed quickly is getting good care, albeit at a different hospital. Are they thinking of transferring you and your second so that you can all be together? Or will you be discharged so that you can visit? It must be so tough with the two little ones at two hospitals...while recovering. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Have they told you how the atrasia would have caused problems in utero? As I'd think they'd only need the esophagus once born and eating?
Christiana, that reflux does not sound like fun - and neither does feeding continuously (my first breasfed continuously, though without reflux - he just became very fat very quickly, from a tiny newborn). Hope it improves soon for you. How are the older two coping?
Tuga, glad things have calmed down a bit for now. Laney, hope all continues going well.
As for me, 37 weeks today

Lots and lots of very uncomfortable lightening crotch in the cevix/vagina, I think baby is settling really low (they already had difficulty measuring the head last week as baby so low). ..Not a whole lot of BH though. Have appointment tomorrow. Should I ask for a cervix check? I am tempted not to...Whatever happens happens at this stage. Though would be curious to know if I will make it to my planned section (if I go early, we'll have nobody to watch the older two, so OH won't be there for birth).