Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Jules congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Although my first daughter was nowhere as premature as yours, I had the stitch in at 17w and remained on strict bed rest all the way from 13w to 35w when I got up to get my son a present and ended up delivering my daughter via emcs that same day. With my 2nd daughter I had the stitch in at 15w, continued normal activity (with 2 toddlers), took the stitch out at 37+6, and continued working until 38+6. I had her at 39+1!
If you re thinking about a second baby so soon and you truly have ic then maybe your best option would be a tuc???
Hi christiana,

Thx for your reply! In fact, it is my age that is forcing ourselves to think so soon about another baby; i'm turning 40 this year so we can't wait much longer :-(

I talked with my doc after I delivered our daughter and she was reluctant about the tuc because of the high maternal risk with this procedure. Apparently the risk is so high (deadly outcome) that she wouldn't perform it. I read about it here, so I asked why it was performed with these risks. And then she answered because for Some women it really is the only option. She believes that for me the stitch can work, if I go on complete bedrest...

With my daughter I still did Some small chores in the house like cooking. But at the moment I was doing them I felt pressures so I know now that I really shoudn't be doing them.
Hence the option of complete bedrest with the next pregnancy.

May I ask, when you were on complete bedrest, did you already have another little one? If yes, how did you manage?

So Many questions/doubts in my head, but I really want a 2 little one :-)

As for now, i'm losing weight, and the moment I reach my goal we'll start again... :-)
Ow I didn't know about the risks, sorry. Yes when I got pg with dd1my son was 15 months n when I went on strict bed rest he was 18 months. It was very difficult in that I was only allowed out of the bed to pee. That meant that when my son would call out in the night only dh could go, in the morning he d spend 1 hour with me in the bed playing and then his grandmothers would take him out to play ect. I d see him again after 5pm for a couple of hours in bed reading stories or playing with his animals before dh would get him ready to sleep. The result of 5 months of this was that after I had dd1 he would never come to me for anything and he'd only want his dad to hold him. It was very tough emotionally for me. BUT this all changed and 5-6 months later he was once again my happy little mommas boy. The good thing about young kids is they forget easily n adjust easily so don't worry, it's tough but totally worth it! Right now my boy is very independent but we have the best relationship ever. He doesn't remember all this but loves to hear stories about it!! As for bed rest..stick up on silly tv series, take up a sitted hobby (I tried to learn to neat but failed!), read all the books you ever wanted to and wot get the chance to after you get your 2nd baby and rest! I even finished a distance learning postgraduate degree while on bed rest!!
So I've been in this thread before - my first pregnancy my cervix measured short throughout. I was monitored weekly from 14-30 weeks and my cervix ranged from 2.8-2.2cm the entire time. I delivered my son at 40+3 in September of last year.

I'm now pregnant again, 17 weeks, and had a cervical measurement taken at 15 weeks. I was measured at 2.8cm. I went back in again today for an anatomy scan and I'm now measuring 1.5cm. My doctor at MFM scheduled me for a cerclage right away - as of today my cervix is still closed, so that's good.

The kicker is that the reason that I had an anatomy scan at 17 weeks is because we are moving from MA to FL in three days. I was/am so hesitant to leave my excellent care up here in MA and my doctor, to ease my fears, said that she would scan me at 17 weeks so I'd have an idea of what's going on before I get on the plane on Saturday. Because I'm leaving, she wants to do the cerclage up here while I still have a decent amount of measureable cervix left - if I get down to FL and am wafer thin, our outcome is probably not as good. If I was staying up here, she would consider progesterone and a recheck next week - but I don't have that option.

So now I'm scheduled to have my cerclage put in tomorrow, and I'm terrified. Especially because I am flying with my one year old and a good friend from MA to FL - but I'm really the only one who can soothe him down for naps and such. My doctor said I would be able to pick him up, but nothing else - no luggage or anything. Will I be able to rock him to sleep while standing with him in my arms? Bend down to pick him up from his pack n play? My husband is driving down with our dogs and cat and won't get there until at least a day after the baby and I arrive in Florida. How will we manage without him if I can't pick him up like he's/I'm used to? I'm having the procedure done Wed (tomorrow) and we fly out on Saturday. Will I be recovered enough by Friday night to pick my 23lb kid up and down repeatedly? I honestly don't see how I have any other choice.

I'm so nervous about this. Any advice is welcome!
Hey ladies! I'm glad I found this. I'm 18 weeks and my cervix is measuring 1.5 :( closed on the outside but open inside. Baby boy is already head down. They gave me progesterone inserts and antibiotics. On bed rest and cerclage is scheduled for Monday.

I'm so scared. They said I'll have a spinal tap and be tilted upside down to have the stitches put in. But I'm not sure what to expect. I'm really overwhelmed.

Backstory: I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks with my first and was already 2 cm dialated. So they said they'd keep an eye on me during future pregnancies and have a high risk dr take a look. So my appt was today. It explains what happened last time and I'm thankful this time we caught it early to hopefully prevent preterm. But I'll have to do this with every other pregnancy.

What should I expect after the procedure? Did yall have to stay on bed rest? I was working but they already warned me I may not be able to. Right now I'm only allowed to use the bathroom and go right back to bed.
I just had mine done. The spinal was the worst part. I'm not on bed rest but they said to take it extremely easy the first day and as easy as possible for the first week. Then they'll evaluate me and let me know what restrictions I'll have for the duration of the time.

My cervix was 1.5 and I'm 17 weeks. It was closed but had gone down from 2.8 at 15 weeks.
Same for me! They only did internal exams not scans to check it. Now they know they have to look!

Did they have to tilt you upside down? They said they'd have to. I don't know if I can mentally handle it all. Obviously I'll do anything for my son, but I'm so scared.
Hi. I can't really tell you much about being upside down cause with both my stitches I was under general but I can tell you that no matter what restrictions you can do it. With my first daughter (2nd child) I was on strict bed rest from w13 to w35 where I had to have my hips raised on a pillow all day n night and could only get out if bed to pee...with a 15month old! It was sooooo daunting...but time passed and it's now just a memory I smile to. Also what happens with one stitch doesn't necessarily happen with the next..with dd2 (3rd child) I had the stitch at 15w continued normal activities (work-but no lifting the kids) until 38+6 and had her at 39+1 (first daughter was at 35w and doc was sure this one was going to come early too). So just relax..I know easier said than done..whatever comes your way you ll handle it for your boy :)
My cervix is still holding at 15 mm, but I am going to miss this week because they didn't have any appointments :( So my last one is next Monday, and apparently they stop at 28 weeks, so just keep taking the pressies until 34 weeks and hope for the best.
I just hope maybe there is a reason and it'll all work out. 28 weeks is for the first milestone for being in the ok zone for bub being born.
Anyway I am also struggling sorry if TMI, with the not being intimate with my husband. Dr said no for now. If I have to wait until 37 weeks so be it, as everyone said do what we can for bubs, but it's hard and I want to vent about it.
I m so sorry you re struggling storm but thankfully you re so close to 28 weeks and your little bub will be so much safer after that! I totally understand the aspect of being intimate so much so that when I had y stitch removed I asked my doc if I could go for it..he said no way but I only held out for a day or two lol!!! Don't worry it will all be worth it very soon :)
Hi all,
It has been a long while since I posted here. Last time I was pregnant with dearest daughter and scared that she would come early. We lost our baby boy at 20weeks pregnant due to ic. This time I got my stitch at 14w, home rest at 18w, hospital bedrest at 24w5d. Still, she came early (29w) due to an infection which caused early contractions. My stitch held and waters didn't break though. Now she's doing very Well and she's a healthy (besides a cold which is not going away) 9,5 months old.

Now we're dreaming of a brother or sister but i'm obviously very scared.
Next time I'll get my stitch again at 14weeks but i'll be on bedrest since then at home.
My gynaecologist told me to be prepared for an extended hospital stay and premature birth.

At the moment I'm looking for similar experiences.

Who else had their baby premature with a stitch in so early on and what happened with a following pregnancy?

I can't help with future births as I am waiting to try for our next, but I just wanted to say I had my stitch at 14 weeks and preterm labour due to urine infection which went untreated (due to lack of midwife care) and caused contractions that they couldn't stop. He was born at 31 + 5 and my consultant is confident I should get further next time x
Procedure is done. Getting discharged. Not nearly as bad as I thought so I'm thankful. Very crampy though, nauseous and tired.
Bed rest is required. So I'll be a lazy preggo lady.
How did y'all feel afterwards? Now that the spinal has worn off, I'm in pain. Feel tugging inside, my whole lower belly is extremely sore and crampy and I can't move without hurting. :cry: This is just no fun.
Hi all, just want a little guidance/reassurance. I am carrying twins at 27 weeks 2 days today. I had a growth scan at 18 weeks 6 days at that time my cervical length was 4.9 cm, then had a growth scan when I was 23 weeks along & CL was 3.6 cm, at the latest growth scan at 27 weeks my CL came down to 2.6 (no funneling or thinning though) my OB is on vacation & the sonographer said its still above the cut off but I am really worried. I was doing two jobs earlier but I have quit work as of last week & put myself on modified bed rest. I know ladies here are very experienced so just wanted to ask your opinion on this - thank you for your help!
2.6cm is really good at this point and especially with twins! After 28 weeks ic is usually not an issue cause you d need to be in active labor for your cervix to dilate so much as to let the babies out! So if it makes you feel better keep resting till then and then just take it easy for your peace of mind :)
Thank you chistiana for taking time out and for replying. I am being really anxious and just hope that everything goes well and i get to carry my babies for the next 6-8 weeks at-least.
You will don't worry. At one point at around 5 months my cervix measured 2.5cm and a month later it was up to 3.5cm! If you can I think it's always good to rest and keep your feet up whenever possible but I really don't think there is anything to worry :)
I have put myself on modified bedrest, just gets up to make bathroom trips & to fix quick lunch/dinner for myself to eat. I am just praying that my cervix either stays stable or increase to atleast 3ish. My only worry is it got down from 4.9 to 2.6 in a matter of 8 weeks, you think that's normal? My hospital (kaiser) they stop measuring cervical length after 28 weeks, per my OB after 28 weeks it doesnt stay relevant (dont know what that means though)
I really really appreciate you're help on this Chistiana from the bottom of my heart !
Cervix measurements are really not very reliable after a certain point so I don't think the shortening you had was anything to be worried over. I m not sure this is what they meant about 28weeks but I know that after 28weeks incompetent cervix is not an issue anymore unless you re in active labor in which case you d know. You re doing the best by staying in bed as much as possible...if it doesn't bother you too much do keep your hips elevated a bit when in bed..I did this for 5 straight months with breaks just to pee and sounds daunting but when your babies are here it will be a distant memory you smile to. I was on this thread all the time back then so feel free to pm me if you re worried or bored :)
Yes Chistiana, I believe that's what she meant that after a certain point CL is not a very good indicator of pre term labor. I am going to follow your tip about keeping my hips elevated, i was keeping my feet up by placing 2 pillows. Thanks so much for everything & I am definitely going to PM you with further inquiries :)

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