Hi everyone! I haven't been on here in a while. I got the stitch at 12 weeks and I've made it to 29 weeks! I feel so happy and relieved that I made it past 26 weeks which is what I was when I had my son in my 1st pregnancy! I have not had to restrict my activity other than I try not to lift my 3 year old and I don't do heavy exercise. Just housework and I go walking.
I stopped the weekly progesterone shots at 25 weeks due to increasingly severe allergic reactions. Otherwise I was supposed to stop them at 36 weeks. However, my doctor said the shots, for me, were more to just cover all the bases, as I have true incompetent cervix and not PTL. I haven't noticed a difference since I stopped them.
I have been having some sharp pains low down in my abdomen which I think are my cervix stretching through the stitch. My doctor hasn't ever checked me so I don't really know how the stitch is doing. At the anatomy scan at 21 weeks my cervix was over 4 cm. Is it normal to have pains like this? I've also been having really bad hip and lower back pain and can't find a comfortable position to sleep but I hate complaining too much. I'm so excited to have made it this far!
Hope everyone is doing well!