Hey ladies! Working on trying to read through the thread, it's quite extensive (I'm clearly not alone!) - but wanted to introduce myself.
Currently 19.5w pregnant from ivf. Third pregnancy, first two ended very early (5.5 and 6.5w). No traditional risk factors for ic, but because my two maternal aunts had it we pushed to be measured anyways.
16w - 1.72cm, no funnel, started progesterone suppositories.
16w+4 - 1.5 - 1.8, possible funneling, different doctor and machine. Started bedrest.
17w - 2-3cm dilated and membranes bulging
17+1 - emergency cerclage put in
19w - cervix still appears closed, abdominal only done, complete u- shaped funnel. They didn't measure the cervix, it may be immeasurable to a few mm. Doctor said she's obviously still very concerned about our chances of lasting to 24 weeks even, but feels it is stable and about the same as when the stitch was put in.
Going back at 22w.
She originally didn't have me on bedrest after the first week, now she has me on until delivery. So success stories are appreciated, or at the least just nice to be among similar company. Praying hard we last at least 4.5 more weeks.