Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Your baby will come home on March..keep reminding yourself that a) this is a singleton and b) any under three you ll be treated safely and on time! It's normal to feel a nervous wreck sometimes but actively try to push negative thoughts aside when they come.. do something else, keep a thought that will destruct you...
And talk to us!
Hi ladies, I've just now build up the courage to start reading through this thread so I am only a few pages back. It seems like the thread isn't as active as it used to be but I wanted to jump on and introduce myself to those that are still on. My situation is quite a bit different than the typical incompetent cervix case.

I have a 2.5 year old daughter that I carried to term, actually had to be induced with her. I had no idea at the time that her traumatic birth caused damage to my cervix. We fell pregnant with baby #2 and we were so excited for a Christmas baby! Flash forward to June when I was 12 weeks pregnant. Sparing all the gory details, my beautiful baby was unexpectedly and painlessly born alive at home. She was obviously way too young to make it. And now I am here.

I am on the extremely early side of IC, probably meaning my cervix was pretty much destroyed by my vacuum assisted delivery. I am scheduled for a transabdominal cerclage (TAC) on November 14 and a nervous wreck. My doctor decided since my cervix gave out so early that a vaginal cerclage had virtually no chance of working so I'm going straight for the TAC and hoping to begin TTC immediately after. I am so nervous about everything!
Welcome Linsdayms. I am so sorry for your loss. My case is similar to yours in that I had a term (not induced for late term, but 37 week) birth with my first daughter and also had a vacuum assisted delivery with her. There was never any mention of cervical damage afterwards, but I can't help but wonder. I had a really easy recovery after that delivery though. Did they tell you of cervical damage at the time of your delivery or was it not discovered until your 12 week loss? I went on to carry my twins until 21 weeks so I know I'm not on the early side of IC, the doctors refuse to classify it as typical IC because it was a twin loss. Which is why I am only getting progesterone shots and weekly cervical monitoring this time.

I've heard of so many wonderful and positive stories with a TAC in place. I would be nervous too, but the TAC will give you a very good chance of carrying your pregnancy to term with no issues.
Hi Lindsaysmum, welcome on board. I m so sorry to hear of your loss. I m not ttc and won't be (but never say never) but I be received a lot of support through this thread so I ve stuck around (with some breaks when life gets hectic with 3 kiddies, a dog and a full time job) and hope I can be of some help. I too have heard awesome things about a TUC and had I had an early loss due to IC I d be more than happy to have a TUC in. So in that respect it sounds like you re in good hands! It's all normal to feel so nervous but if indeed your issue was ic (as it seems it was) then the TUC and some modified bed rest will do the trick and you have nothing to really worry about. I hope you stick around and that November comes quick so you can start ttc!
Hi ladies, I just got done reading every page from the beginning of this forum! I am 22+1 today, I had my stitches placed at 18+2 my cervix was less than 2cm in length with funneling and on the day of surgery I was near 2cm dilated. I dilated early with my first as well. 3cm dilated at 30weeks, by the time I was 32 weeks I was 6cm dilated. I'd have the random BH contractions nothing painful and never very often. I was induced at 37+3 with him, he's 8 now. That history is what made my MFM doctor decide to place the stitch. As of now I'm feeling OKish.... I am on progesterone suppositiories at night and take niphedipine 2-3 times a day to ward off any contractions. I am checked every other week but the wait in between visits are killing me... I'm a nervous wreck and on the verge of a break down I'm hoping having you ladies to talk to might help pass the time and ease my mind!! I have another complication with this pregnancy that's not IC related and I'm so happy I was seeing my MFM doctor as my regular OB didn't plan on checking my cervix until early 3rd trimester!
Also, here's a quick post on my current symptoms: I experience BH contractions daily, never more than 2/hr. I feel pressure when standing, I have random stabbing pains in my lower pelvis. Back aches. Stabbing pain in the lady bits, I also believe I have a uti again. I see my doctor for a check Friday so hopefully get that taken care of then.
Welcome Kat5200. Sorry you are having a rough time with the time between checks. Time in general is hard for me this pregnancy. Its a good sign that you dilated early last time and still delivered at term, that means that this just may be the norm for your body. My MFM says that some ladies just generally have a shorter cervix and it doesn't mean that they will deliver early, it can just be normal. She has a theory that this is the case with me and that my twin loss has more to do with the fact that it was twins than anything else. I really hope this is the case. I'm a nervous wreck heading into next week as well. I have my first progesterone shot/cervical check on Monday. Being on this board and reading previous success stories and talking with other ladies going through it definitely helps me feel better and I hope it will do the same for you. Its good that they got your stitch placed when they did.
Klabro, thanks for the welcome! I hope you get good news at your appt! My regular OB and one of my MFM doctors told me that I might just prepare for delivery sooner than most, but the stitch was placed for precaution. My mom and grandmother both had bouts of ptl but continued to deliver between 34-36 weeks. The doctor joked saying maybe we just "cook 'em faster than most" I still can't help but to worry, I pray my baby girl makes it to term.... but my goals are : 24- viability then 28, 32 and finally 34. My pervious complication prior to IC usually results in delivery about 34 weeks.
are any of you on niphedipine?(procardia) to ward off contractions? I was prescribed them prior to my stitch I didn't need them until about 2 weeks ago, I don't have painful contractions they are just semi strong BH contractions... oh the stress!!! I am afraid to move!! Doc said I can move around but rest when I feel too many BH contractions. At this point I honestly think I imagine them:(
Hi Kat and congratulations on your pg! 24 weeks is right around the corner so here's one thing to celebrate about! I had a lot of bh with my daughter and despite my stitch I delivered her at 35 weeks. Then I once again had A LOT of bh with dd2 but my cervix remained shut and long even after the stitch was removed and I delivered her at 39+3. So I really don't think bh can cause harm! Are you taking extra magnesium?? I was told it stops contractions and I swore by them..they can't really hurt anyway so ask your doc! I did take some kind of med to stop my contractions with dd1 and the day I forgot to take it I had her..maybe it was unrelated though cause my doc refused to give it to me with dd2. Anyhow, I think if you can listen to your body, rest up when you feel pressure, put your bum up when you can and drink lots of water you ll be doing everything you possibly can to keep that little bun cooking! Ow and all those symptoms...had every single one of them with my last..never amounted to anything bad!!
Thanks!! I've been on bed rest since the week before the stitch... so 5 weeks now. I do get up and shuffle around a bit but it's mostly just laying on the couch or in bed. Having you ladies that are/have gone through a pregnancy with a cerclage helps!! My son is 8 and I can't remember what's normal aches and pains and what's not lol!! However I'm sure the constant worry is making all the pains seem worse!
I had a follow up cervical length check and the numbers were good. I was concerned because I have not been able to take it easy with 2 small kids under 4 years old. Plus I keep having reoccurring yeast infections since the cerclage was placed. I'm 21 weeks and looking forward to the 24 week milestone as my first child was born at 23 weeks.
Good news vision!! We are a week apart I'm 22+2 today! Getting closer and closer to Vday. Was your cerclage preventative or emergent? Mine was emergent but I still had about 2cm cervix length at the time I was just dilated. As of two weeks ago my cervix was measuring 2.4-2.7cm.... stitches holding closed. I think if tomorrows measurements show stability I will relax a bit more about bed rest and get up a bit more.... MAYBE
Good news vision!! It seems like your cervix is holding well but try not to overdo it! I know how you feel about taking it easy with 2 los...when I was pg with dd2 ds1 was 4 and dd1 was 2 so when people told me to take it easy I felt like they said "bluhblahsgeksvehsvdmsg"! I hope b day comes fast for both you ladies!!

Kat I did 5 straight months of strict bed rest with dd1.. I do remember feeling terrible about it...I don't remember why..!! Seriously now, when that baby comes out and you re running around like a maniac (said in all possible good ways) you might even miss those bed rest days! Hope you can relax a little or a lot soon!

Kliabro how are you girl?
I'm still holding up good. My first cervical length check is Monday and I'm so nervous. I'll also be getting my first progesterone shot that day. Just getting started with all of the craziness and hoping that 24 weeks comes fast, only 7 weeks to go....yikes.

Glad to hear things are holding steady vision!
Fingers crossed for a good measurement Kat! I'm hoping if I do end up having my cerclage placed it is a situation similar to yours with over 2 left. They said that they'll treat at anything under a 3 so I hope that's the case.
Cervix measurement went good today.. showing 2.4-2.7cm today so stable now for a month!!! Doctor was happy said I'm "boring" as a compliment lol!
Klabro thanks!! I hope you have a good length scan Monday keeping FXed for you!!
We ll take boring any time!!! Good luck klabro, hope your cervix is boring too!!
Hey ladies! Working on trying to read through the thread, it's quite extensive (I'm clearly not alone!) - but wanted to introduce myself.

Currently 19.5w pregnant from ivf. Third pregnancy, first two ended very early (5.5 and 6.5w). No traditional risk factors for ic, but because my two maternal aunts had it we pushed to be measured anyways.

16w - 1.72cm, no funnel, started progesterone suppositories.
16w+4 - 1.5 - 1.8, possible funneling, different doctor and machine. Started bedrest.
17w - 2-3cm dilated and membranes bulging
17+1 - emergency cerclage put in

19w - cervix still appears closed, abdominal only done, complete u- shaped funnel. They didn't measure the cervix, it may be immeasurable to a few mm. Doctor said she's obviously still very concerned about our chances of lasting to 24 weeks even, but feels it is stable and about the same as when the stitch was put in.

Going back at 22w.

She originally didn't have me on bedrest after the first week, now she has me on until delivery. So success stories are appreciated, or at the least just nice to be among similar company. Praying hard we last at least 4.5 more weeks.

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