Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Welcome Zoinks.. I read the entire thread took me about 2 weeks! I don't hVe a personal story but I read a lot of them on here. Keep positive thoughts stay relaxed and prayers for you!!
Just sitting in the waiting room waiting for Doctor to come in and talk to me about my measurement. Today my cervix measured 3.2. Any thoughts? The ultrasound tech said that's great, but I was so hoping for over a 4.
Klabro 3.2 sounds pretty good! Obviously the doctor will let you know for sure. I hope the doctor tells you all looks perfect! Will you be getting follow up measurements for peace of mind?
I'm getting measurements weekly since I effaced so quickly last time. Doctor told me 3.4 and tech said 3.2 so who knows. I get my first progesterone shot today.
Klabro 3.2-3.4 is an excellent measurement hun, honestly, it's a good length! Happy for you although I know you still worry. When are you in again?

Xoinks welcome on board! I m sorry to hear you re going through such a difficult n nerve wrecking time but hoping your baby will keep cooking for more than 4-5 weeks..lots more! I never had an ic issue but because I had a septate uterus, 3 d&c (3mmc), and 2 resections I was given a preventative cerclage. My second child was pushing like crazy to get out at 17 weeks...I stayed on strict bed rest from that point until 35+2.. it was my sons bday that day so I got up..well it also became my daughter's bday!! It was hard to be in bed for so long with my bum up but totally worth it. Plus I got to read thing, watch things and study as much as never before! You ll get there and even though it's hard to see now there will be one day when you ll even miss bed rest!
Chistiana-Thank you so much for chiming in! I was anxious to see what you thought. My high risk doctor said all was well. I'm back next Monday afternoon for the next check. The time I am most nervous for is 18-22 weeks. Of course I'm just nervous in general and hoping for no changes next week.

xoinks-I am so sorry you are going through this. We are all here to listen whenever you need reassurance or to vent. I was only on bedrest for a little over a week last time and the worst part for me was when my brain started to go to the what if's. I found that if I kept myself busy with reading or watching something it really helped my nerves.
Hi all, I'm in a somewhat related situation. I was diagnoses with a pre-cervical cancer at my 8 week appointment, so I am having a cone biopsy done 11/2 when I will be 13 weeks pregnant. They will stitch up the biopsy area which she said is similar to a cerclage in effect. But I have a higher risk of miscarriage for up to a month after the surgery... so they recommend not telling people I'm pregnant until 17 weeks. This will be my second baby so I'm sure it will be super obvious by then if all goes well. Just nervous, and hate feeling like I can't be joyous about this pregnancy. :/
Welcome Twinklie and so sorry for the pre-cervical cancer. I can't imagine the emotions that must cause during an already emotional time. In all of my reading about cervical length, progesterone shots, cerclage etc. I have come across women who have successfully had cone biopsy during pregnancy and went on with no issues. I really hope this is the case for you. It is so hard when you feel like the joy is taken out of your pregnancy. I hope the next several weeks go by quickly for you. We're here if you need to vent or talk.
Thanks so much klabro! I have not yet found anyone who had a cone biopsy during pregnancy, just before, so it's so reassuring to hear that others have gone through it and had healthy pregnancies. They have me so afraid to be joyful about this pregnancy, like I almost have to forget that I am for another month and a half - when normally I would be announcing to the world and enjoying it! So thank you!
Klabro my pleasure! There's nothing to say about you feeling particularly iffy about weeks's all totally normal and understandable! Will. E sending lots of positive vibes!

Twinkle so sorry to hear about the pre cervical cancer. Truth is I know next to nothing about a cone biopsy. What I do know is I ve been in this thread quite a long time and read about women who went on to have healthy babies even with 0.5cm cl. I hope time goes super fast for you and you can soon announce some wonderful news to your loved ones!
Thanks for the support ladies. Glad your cervical length is good so far klabro.

I saw the high risk OB today and I guess he will be my OB for this pregnancy from now on. The plan is for cone biopsy when I am 13 weeks, and check cervical length at 15 weeks. Have to hope for a clean-ish biopsy and cervical length beyond 2.5 cm he said. Otherwise very high risk for pre term labor. He warned me about possibly being put on hospitalized bed rest in the third tri, in a dire scenario, and being induced at 37 weeks. Or all could be fine and they take out the cerclage at 37 weeks and let me go into labor naturally. But he very pro VBAC for me and this situation, since I will need surgery for the hysterectomy after baby. Lots to take in today, but feel like we at least have a plan. Now we wait another 5 weeks to know what we're dealing with. And then I probably just continue to worry the rest of the pregnancy! haha
I'm sorry you are going through this twinklie. The anxiety is overwhelming at times. I'm trying to focus on one week goals for now because it's all I can really handle thinking about. So for now I'm celebrating this week because I had good news on Monday, so I'll start over next Monday. Hopefully the weeks pass by quickly for you and you get good results from your biopsy as well as a cervical length over 2.5!
Thanks! The worst part now is waiting. I have 3 weeks until surgery then 2 more weeks until the first measurement. So... just wait. and figure out who to actually tell I'm pregnant!
Thank you ladies!! Very much appreciated. We made it to 20 weeks today, which while not a true milestone - it's still another marker on the way to 28 weeks! Having some sharp pinching pains this morning, they were pretty bad when I was standing up - had another one or two after laying down but now no more for 10 minutes or so. That definitely is one of the bad parts of bedrest - lots of time to sit and think about every little sensation!
Yay for 20 weeks Xoinks! Too much time to think is tough... keep hanging in there!
Xoinks- it really is the worst when you can lay there and analyze every little twinge. Because this is my third pregnancy it is SO hard to distinguish between pains I should worry about and just normal stretching/pressure so I find myself constantly getting stressed about every little thing. Because last time when my cervix thinned completely I honestly only had some period type cramps that I didn't think were that bad so now I'm questioning all of the twinges that I don't think are that bad. I think the only reassurance I will get are my cervical scans and just passing time. Hoping that time continues to move quickly for you, 24 weeks is right around the corner.
Hi ladies I haven't been on here for a few days now... I'm 23+2 today, OB appt Tuesday and MFM appt Friday of next week. I've been having B&H contractions a lot more frequently the last couple days. Not painful, no bleeding or discharge but definitely starting to worry me. I honestly don't know if I'm imagining some of the contractions it's possible though... I find myself not sleeping at night as I'm laying awake making sure I'm not contracting :( I have a lot more stress and anxiety now than I did a month ago. If my B&H contractions don't get better with a lot of water than I'm calling my MFM office to be seen. My nerves are shot and I really don't know how I'm going to handle the next few months!!! Ugh!
Kat-so sorry you are feeling so anxious. I'm only at 17 weeks and already feeling like I don't know how I'm going to hang on through the weeks. Definitely go get checked if you don't feel comfortable! i think it would be much better to go in for a piece of mind and find out that everything is perfectly fine to sit home and wonder.

Do any of you find yourself googling everything? I keep making the mistake of googling my 3.2 cervical length and seeing that it is on the "low end of normal" and I've starting building myself up into a panic over it. I had nightmares about cervical length all night last night. I need to try and calm myself down a little.
It seems impossible to calm our nerves, I wish there was a magic way! Klabor, it seems I've seen 3.2cm is a great cervical length!
Thank you Twinklie. I'm just feeling like a mess over here. I feel so cheated because after I lost the twins, I was just so sure I would have a cerclage in place this time and I'm so worried I'm going to end up losing this little girl too. I'm trying so hard to keep my nerves in check.

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