Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

There's almost nothing I can say I'm sure that will ease your mind, but they are doing all the right things checking you and I'm sure will do whatever is needed to bring this baby to term! Hugs.
Stop googling!! I swear it's all horror stories! Klabro keep your thoughts positive and sending you prayers!!
Hi ladies I m sorry I haven't written in the last couple or three days but we re traveling and it's been difficult and hectic with the baby n all!
Klabro stop re only going to find the negative stories cause if people didn't have something to say then they probably wouldn't write at all. But the truth is there are millions of great positive stories and 3.2 is not's good!!

Think I hope you do get good news after the biopsy. Bed rest is difficult but it's not the end of the world and although yes you have time to worry more once you get past a certain point you will feel more at ease, I promise!

Kat bh should not alter your cl..I started having bh at about 16-17 weeks and they never shortened my cervix..that said if it will make you feel better and ease your mind then do what feels best...pinching can also be very normal but I totally understand your worries..I was a hot mess for a loooong time!

Ladies I know this will probably not make you feel any better but despite the fact it feels like you re going to be worried for a whole long time I promise at the end it won't seem
That long and once it's done you will remember it and the meantime pick up a new hobby, read, study, neat and get a routine even in will make time pass faster!
Yes you all are right...Google is a BAD idea. My MFM actually warned me when I was in her office that if I went to google I was going to find a lot of the "bad" stuff because those are the people who are more likely to share their stories. It is hard sometimes not trying to pour through all of the posts to find positive things! My next length check is tomorrow afternoon and I am so hoping for no change...or that it somehow magically grew.
Tomorrow is 24 weeks!! Very anxious about Friday's cl check... I've been up and about a lot more than I have been the past few weeks. Doctor approved of course.. I'm still on bed rest I would say as I won't be up longer than an hour at a time. Im hoping there's no loss of length, I'm hoping I'll be able to be up more... the weight has really packed on the last 6 weeks! I'm not terrible upset about the gain as long as baby is safe and sound and still cooking but I still stress so I want to move a bit more lol! Tomorrow i see my regular OB for the normal pregnancy check he won't check cl only my MFM doc is doing that. Next goal 28 weeks!!
Hope you have a great check Kat! I can't wait until my first one...over 4 weeks to wait still, ay yi yi.

Told my family my news this weekend, nice to have the cat out of the bag a bit.
Kat-24 weeks is so good!! That is my first goal, I'm glad you are there and I'm hoping for no change at your next appointment.

I just got home from my cervical scan. Had a freakout for a moment because the check the baby abdominally first and also look at the cervix that way before doing it transvaginally. Anyways she just stopped all of a sudden and said "I can't get a clear picture right now because you are having a Braxton Hicks so I'm going to have to let you lay here and relax for 10 minutes" which isn't exactly what happened when I found out what happened with the twins, but the tech did leave to go get the doctor without a word to me that anything was wrong. So anyways she came back and did the measurement and todays measurement is 3.1. Not much of a change from 3.2 last week the doctor said you could just attribute that to the difference in the techs. Baby girl is laying upside down and so she is kicking me right in the bladder...which makes sense because I am having bladder pain on an off like someone is squeezing it. I'm slightly concerned about the braxton hicks too because I wasn't feeling it, but now everytime my back aches for a minute or I felt a pain in wondering if I'm having a contraction.
Kat happy v day and congrats on getting to such an important milestone! I hope cl has remained good or even got better! Don't worry too much about the will drop off with running around your baby! It took me a week to lose ds's gain, a year to lose dd1's and I m still 3 kg up 16 months after dd! Ow well...getting there!!!

Twinkle glad you could share your news with your family, no matter what you should be able to take pride in your baby and share that happiness!

Klabro 3.1 from 3.2 is not really something you can call a your doc said cl can flunctuate a bit even by the hour of the day! Sorry about the scare but glad your little girl is just cooking so well! Upside down sucks..I remember those kicks hurt a lot! She has plenty of time to twirl in there though! Don't worry about the bh, this is all so normal..drink more water just in case but bh were very frequent for me too after about week 18 or so!
Hey i havent formally been diagnosed with an ic yet but this is my fifth pregnancy i have a 6year,5year and 3year old, my son was a difficult induction with ventous and 47 stitch recovery my second was pprom at 34 weeks, my third i had labour stopped 5x, was on bed rest and progesterone then had pprom again at 35 weeks. Followed by a 6 week miscarriage back in may. I am now pregnant and 16 weeks 2days along and have been put on bed rest again due to my cervix measuring 2.5 on Friday at 15 weeks 5days :(. I had a cvs a couple of weeks ago due to a bad nuchal scan that was done vaginal and know im carrying a healthy baby girl who we've named Luna. Now i just have to wait for my next scan November 2 it seems so far away i am terrified of losing this baby :(
Thank you for the reassurance Chistiana. I feel like such an irrational person in this pregnancy, but the anxiety is real. I'm glad there wasn't much of a change this week and hoping for the same news next week. I've been chugging tons of water since yesterday just to be safe.

Katlin-welcome and I am sorry you are going through this. Is there a reason they are waiting until November 2 for a recheck? At a cervical length of 2.5 I would think they would be checking weekly, waiting over 2 weeks doesn't seem to be the norm. At my high risk clinic they give a cerclage once your length gets to 2.5. They start weekly monitoring once you go under 3. Did they say why they are making you wait so long between checks? I'm sorry you are going through this, it is very nerve wracking.
Klabro at my 18 week scan the tech had to wait for a few minutes as well because I was having Braxton hicks contractions... she said it was very normal to ease my panicked mind! Your cl sounds really good so far yay!!

Thanks for the positive thoughts Christiana!

Welcome katlin I hope your next scan is positive news!! If your worried request a scan earlier. I find most doctors will do it just so your stress is less. My first cl scan at 17+3 I was less than 2cm... after cerclage and progesterone suppositories my cl is now 2.4-2.7 which the doctor is happy with.

I'm heading to my OB appt in about an hour nervous and excited all at the same time!

Sending prayers to all you lovely ladies!!!
I live in Canada and can't seem to get either of my family doctors or emergency to take me seriously in my concerns, and i dont see my baby doctor till November 14 and neither doctor im seeing will give me an emergency referral. So im very frustrated and anxious. My radiographer told me 3 was the cut off anything below was concerning. But because my cervix is closed neither sees it as an issue, so basically even though im high risk and now extremely high risk they won't do anything until i start dilation or if there is a considerable drop by my next scan.

N hang in there klabro i know how hair brained it makes me after having three fairly easy uneventful pregnancies to fretting about every pain, feeling and measurement aand and I'm so sorry about your twins thats so sad and your very brave to try again
To answer the other questions they dont seem to put women overto obgyn/ob care until after 20 weeks here :(
Thank you Kat, makes me feel better to hear that its normal. My MFM reassured me that while she has seen a cervix go from long (as she is referring to my length) to short in a weeks time, she hasn't it seen it go from long to completely gone in a week. So for now I stick with my weekly scans and hope that we catch any changes quickly.

Katlin-thank you, it is hard to try again and while I know some of the stuff I worry about is totally normal I still can't help but wonder if it is causing changes. I'm sorry they wont see you sooner, its good that your cervix isn't open though. Just try to take it easy as much as you can with your kiddos around. I know there are a lot of doctors who don't necessarily treat at 2.5. I'm sorry that nobody is taking you seriously though, that has to be very frustrating.
I know what you mean its been so long since I've been pregnant that i dont remember a lot its like being pregnant for the first time im researching and basically relearning everything. I also wonder if over thinking about my issues couldn't be aggravating them aswell.

Long closed cervix thoughts for everyone!
Feeling anxious, i just want the second to come so that i can get some more answers. I was very uncomfortable last night with cramps and a few Bh. I ended up taking my seriquel early just so i could go to sleep and shut off the worry and discomfort. Woke up feeling less crampy today, but i have school drop off and pick up aswell as have to drive outside of town to pick up some things we need so ill be probably doing more sitting than laying down today :(

Strong closed cervix thoughts ladies!
Sorry you are feeling anxious Katlin. Not knowing what is going to happen is the worst feeling in the world. Sending positive thoughts your way! Sitting is still better than being on your feet!
I am sorry your pregnancies are not as care free as they should ladies..praying for positive measurements for all of you!!

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