Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Klabro, I just read your story and I know you don't have a cerclage, but I would feel the same if I were you WITH a cerclage. I'm going to certainly keep you in my prayers and pray that your cervix will hold up for you until you baby's ready to come into this world. I know you don't know me from squat, but I am rooting for you lol
Hi Ladies, I too have a cerclage, YAYYY!! I got it put in Friday morning 12/2 which coincidentally was the same day I lost my last princess at 13w. Doing much better than expected though, which is suprising. It was nothing like I thought it would be after reading other posts and watching others' videos. I thought it was going to be weeks and weeks worth of pain and bleeding and discharge, but nope. Completely opposite. It's so nice to see everyone here who has had a cerclage is doing well and it's holding up for them. I go back for my follow up on 12/9 and then I will get checked every 2 weeks and if at 21 weeks there is no change/shortening/funneling, they will change it to every 4 weeks.
I do have a question though, has any one here who's had a cerclage placed, also taking the p shots WITHOUT having progesterone issues? My sisters' both had them and they swore by them, that if they hadn't got the shots they believe they would've had pre-term labors with all of their kids. Now, albeit, they didn't get cerclages because they didn't need them, but the very fact that the shots help prevent pre-term labor is what has me interested. I just want to know what chances I have of getting the shots, for that reason alone, since my progesterone level is pretty good, just as another line of caution??

Yay! Glad you're here :)
I'm getting the shots with no history of low progesterone. My doctor said it was standard to get the shots and cerclage together because they have a good success rate.
Glad it went well for your HopingCarter!!! Hope we all keep getting nice LONG measurements at our checks!
Thank you Hopingcarter, I really appreciate that. I am also on progesterone shots with no history of low progesterone. Seems to be the route many doctors will take in our situation.

So ladies, my report from my appointment Monday was is the update. I have 2.3 cm of closed cervix...that being said, they did spot funneling. She told me that "she saw one picture where it looked like the start of a funnel but it wasn't evident in the other pictures" well according to my report they saw funneling. The report also says that she "discussed that this is a short cervical length for this gestation and that it indicates preterm labor and it just keeps going on from there....ummmm, no, she never said squat to me about preterm labor. She was incredibly short and seemed to want me to get out of there and was super dismissive "oh, I don't recommend any follow ups with this length at your gestation" WHAT? I mean how could we not follow up if I can get steroid shots etc. Sorry for the rant ladies, I am so extremely frustrated right now.
I'm sorry Klabro, but that's some bull. Trust me, I dealt with doctors' and a specialist like that at Aurora, you know the kind that don't like the listen to the patients and think they know your body better than you do? Is there any way of getting another opinion or treatment from another specialist? I was blessed enough to have another hospital in my area with a different MFM specialist who has gone above and beyond for me and this pregnancy, so I definitely think you need to see someone else. Just hearing stories like that where the doctor, who's suppose to be the one looking out for you and the best interest of the baby, act as if they don't give 2 shits, it just boils me over. I went through it 3 times and they still weren't trying to take any further action to try and treat my IC. I hope and pray either she gets off her high-ass horse and get her nose from up ITS ASS and do what she needs to do or you find someone who will. I don't know what the next step will be, but with all this technology and new medicine, I know there's SOMETHING they can do.:growlmad:

Ok I'm calm now...
I'm in a fairly large city and the high risk doctors are all under the same hospital. There may be specialists in smaller hospitals, but these are the specialists in charge at the hospital with a level 3 NICU. She is just one of many that I see within the practice and the others are all good. I'm mostly just frustrated with her dismissal of it. She is not in charge of my OB care, just cervical monitoring. Unfortunately at this gestation there really is not much that can be done besides monitoring and treating with steroids or meds accordingly if I have any further shortening/dilation. My length of 2.3 (even with the slight funnel) is not enough for them to be admitting to the hospital or anything, just the follow up check in 2 weeks and and treat accordingly then. So for now I just need to hang in there and take it easy until I can be checked again.
Talked to my regular OB today, they are going to bring me back in on Monday for a follow up check at the clinic and they will prescribe me vaginal progesterone depending on the difference we are seeing. If I'm the same or worse they will prescribe it.
Hhhmmmm so sorry about all this klabro..2.3 is not too bad but I get your frustration..I had steroid shots with all 3 of mine and I think this is the reason Natalia was born breathing perfectly fine on her own at 35 weeks. Push Defoe them. -'d push for the progesterone too..I was prescribed p vaginally altough I didn't have p deficiency just to keep my cervix strong. Praying your next appointment gives better news and can ease your mind a little
Thanks Chistiana. I'm happy to have the 2.3 length, a little concerned it decreased 1cm from the previous week. I'm also just concerned because of how fast my cervix went to nothing last time which I keep telling myself was a whole different situation because of the twins. I'm going to push for vaginal progesterone at my appointment. The main thing I was concerned about was that they were just going to stop monitoring me. Now that I have measurements lined out for the next 2 weeks I feel much better knowing I will be getting checked and that we'll at least be able to get steroid shots if they are needed. My main concern was getting those steroid shots if there was any chance I'll be delivering before 30 weeks. I wasn't too impressed with the "oh just come in with preterm labor symptoms I don't recommend further monitoring".
I understand your concern klabro as i found out the official report of my last cervical length was 2.1 and i had thought it was 2.3 i know no a big difference but it is a big difference to me. Hang in there klabro and happy to hear about viability :D I hit viability today and go for my next cervical length scan on Wednesday im excited because its been 4 weeks!
Oh Klabro so incredibly frustrating! I'm sorry you are going through that. Dismissive doctors are so maddening. You are doing the right thing asking for more checks so you can get additional progesterone or steroids as needed. I hope it doesn't come to that for you, but obviously getting checked is the right way to go! Let us know what you hear today.

My next check is tomorrow, hoping all is well.
Glad to hear they're trying something then Klabro. That's a lot better than nothing at all.
Twinklie12, HI:hi: hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!

AFM--12 weeks today! I'm so happy and excited. I'm feeling so awesome. I have a follow up on 1/6/17 but I won't be getting an u/s.
Also, kind of disappointed that my doctor didn't advise me to get the progesterone shots. She said I don't need them and unless they see that my uterus, not my cervix, is changing or doing something weird then I don't qualify to receive them. Not because she doesn't want to add that extra security blanket but because she wouldn't be able to make insurance cover it so I will be paying out of pocket 100% for the shots, and that's every week and they are very expensive, which we don't have that kind of she's going to check my progesterone on 1/6/17 just to make sure it's not falling or doing anything weird and if not she'll check it again on 1/30/17 for my 20 week appt, and if anything changes, she can prescribe the vaginal suppositories, but she won't do the shots. Then I have another scan at 24 weeks and if there's still change, she will prescribe the steriods and the vag suppositories. If no change, then nothing... So I will be a praying momma til 1/6/17!! And if my uterus and the stitch is holding up, that's even better!
Hoping Carter, I just updated this on my journal, but walgreens called and said since my insurance doesn't cover it , they would see if the manufacturer would get it to me for free! So there are ways to get assistance, and I would look into it if I were you. Just for the extra peace of mind. :hugs:
Twinkle-thank you and hoping for a good check for you!

Hoping-I'm glad you are feeling good. All doctors are different with what they do, the important thing is that you are being monitored closely so you can catch changes in time to be proactive. I'll be thinking of you!

Thinks-that would be great if they get it for you!

AFM- had my follow up just now, no drastic changes, the shortest I was measuring was 2.0 and the funnel looks to have decreased a little. I will get to talk to my doctor tomorrow so I'm going to be asking for vaginal progesterone for some additional support. On to next week for my next check!
I feel like I haven't been on here for so long!!! Again I have pages to read through!! Klabro I scanned through and saw your troubles with the specialist, I'm so sorry. Just keep on them, make up symptoms to be seen if you have to, I did that a few times from 18-22 weeks.

I'm 32 weeks today.... I had a 4 day stay at L&D 2 weeks ago due to a bladder infection that spread to my kidney along with kidney stones. I was contracting every 8-10 minutes but luckily they stopped and I didn't have my cerclage removed. I have an OB appt today. Last week at my MFM appt my blood pressure was high :( hoping it was a fluke I don't want to spend Christmas in the hospital!! My cervical length is still stable just waiting 4 more weeks for the removal!!
Hi, I havent posted in a while. All is well, I have been released for the MFM specialist and will have my cerclage removed at 38 weeks. It's usually done at 37 but the doctor will not be available. I had a preventative cerclage placed at 14 weeks and have not been able to slow down since. i did not get the shots or the vaginal progesterone gel this go round. With my first pregnancy I was given the progesterone gel because my cervix had completely thinned out and was funneling by 21 weeks. I gave birth at 23 weeks. With my second pregnancy I had a preventative cerclage at 14 weeks, no shot, no gel, and delivered naturally at 39+2. I am finally breathing a sigh of relief because I know once you hit the 28 week mark the baby cant "just fall out", that you will actually have to go into preterm labor and that can usually be stopped. Although I am afraid that I will go into labor with the cerclage still in place.
Hi all!

My scan went great yesterday - baby boy's anatomy and growth are "perfect" and my cervix looks so good they said they can't even tell I had surgery, totally normal. So I get checked next in 4 weeks, Jan 10th.

Hoping Carter, hope things keep going well and you don't need the progesterone!

Klabro, glad they are continuing to check you, my fingers are crossed for you!

Kat - sorry for the hospital stay, I hope you are feeling better now and keeping that baby cooking.

vision - you are getting there, past 30 weeks is amazing, we'll be hoping everything keeps going well.
Congratulations on your Baby Boy Twinklie, don't know if I missed reading a previous post or not, but I'm excited for you!! I've always wanted my first born to be a little man but for some reason I kept getting the feeling of girl every time and was right, and I'm thinking the same this time around too, but hey, they'll be loved the same either way. Glad to hear everything's going great for you too and that surgery didn't mess anything up. That's a blessing in it's own! You're almost half-way there. Can't wait til I'm 20 wks lol
Had my scan today my cervix measured 2.7 at the shortest :D im so happy with this measurement! Also got my first steroid shot go for my second tomorrow. I continue with the progesterone but now there happy waiting 4weeks for a scan. Baby is also measuring almost 2weeks ahead :)
Glad that everything looks good Twinklie!! Wonderful news.

Great length Katlin and glad you got the shots too!

AFM-since I posted last I had one bout of monitoring in L&D for some Braxton hicks. My scan last Monday ended up showing a length of 2.0 still with minor funneling. At my L&D stay on Friday my length was up to 2.7 still with the same minor funneling. My funneling is 6mm so they say it is very minimal and the 2.7 was the closed length. I go tomorrow morning for the last length check they will do. I'm hoping to see a stable number consistent with the 2.7 from Friday. My OB took my case to a panel of high risk doctors she is a part of and all of them agreed that it could do more harm than good to add in vaginal progesterone in addition to the shots so I am just continuing with the shots. After this week they said they will manually check my cervix for the next 3 weeks (weekly appointments through 29 weeks) if I'd like so that we can know if I am dilating or thinning so that I can get steroid shots if needed.

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