Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi ladies, had a follow up check today. My doctor did a manual cervix check and says that my cervix is high and firm, which is good news. My length feels to be about the same 2-2.5 cm, I am however 1-2 cm (she went with 2) dilated. She didn't seem overly concerned with dilation since my cervix is still high and firm for now.
Definitely something that will put you on edge klabro I honestly walked around 3.5 with my son from 36-39 weeks when I was pregnant with him and had to be induced lol so remember you can hang around dilated for awhile!
Klabro nice to hear you are stable, but I am sure knowing you are dilated has to be a little unnerving. I have def heard of people being dilated for a LONG time though so try not to worry.

My BH and pelvic pain has subsided a little bit today thank goodness.

Nect check, and glucose test, is week after next for me.

Kaitlin how are you doing?
Yes, to be honest I have no idea how I feel about the dilation...It makes me nervous, but I guess I should feel lucky that my cervix feels the same length? Not really sure. Said my length appears to feel the same, obviously she can't tell me for sure. 50% effaced and 1-2 dilated. Ugh. I know they say you can dilate earlier in subsequent pregnancies so hopefully thats the case. I'm having a follow up growth scan to check her size and my fluid levels on Tuesday and I plan on asking the MFM doctor what their take is on the condition of my cervix. This pregnancy is just so full of anxiety. I sure hope she hangs out in there to a minimum of 34 weeks.

Glad your BH have subsided some Twinklie, mine have seemed to decrease a bit too, hoping thats a good sign. Good luck on the glucose test. I never made it to the glucose test in my last pregnancy so the last time I took it was with my almost 5 year old and I totally forgot how much of that stuff you have to drink and how fast. I don't really find it bad when I do the lemon lime flavor, reminds me of really syrupy sprite, not sure I could do the orange one.

How many weeks are you now Katlin? I know we are super close.
I'm at 27.5 now I missed my weekly appointment this week because of my car kicking the bucket. But I Bought a new minivan yesterday needed something bigger anyways as my little SUV was only a 5seater and my new van is a 7.
I've had contractions picking up in the evenings but I'm not to worried cause nothing's come from it. My next and final scan is on January 11. I keep losing plug lost the biggest chunk yet this morning lol. I still gotta schedule my GD testing was supposed to two weeks ago but I've been so busy with my other 3 and Christmas ect. But in the short term of everything only 2 days until I reach my next goal of 28 weeks. As long as I make it to 32 I'll be happy :).
That is kind of my take on it right now too Katlin...32 weeks is my ultimate goal right now...I'm so torn on letting my OB do manual checks for the next 3 weeks until I get there, she says it isn't going to "stir things up" but I did feel crampy and spot after the check last night, so I don't know. What do you ladies think? I'm inclined to trust her because she doesn't want to give me steroids until she feels confident that I will need them, which she didn't seem to think was the case for this week.
Sorry about your car Kaitlin! Hope your wee one stays put!

I wouldn't know what to think about manual checks either Klabro. My practice last time didn't even do them late term. Everyone else who was pregnant knew how dilated they were etc. and I never knew because they said there's no benefit to checking, and it risks introducing bacteria etc. But if I were you, I'd probably want to be checked as there IS something they could do if they find something (steroid shots). I'm sure they are as minimally invasive as possible!
I get manual checks every week to check my cervix so I guess I'm kinda used to them. Plus they give me piece of mind, I figure its no worse bacteria wise then shoving my progesterone home lol.
Good to know Katlin. I've thought about it and I'm going to continue with them, if that is the only way they are willing to give me steroids then it is totally worth it to me. I honestly wasn't worried about bacteria, I was more worried about it "stirring things up" however, my cramping and spotting have went away this afternoon. Do you spot after a manual check? I think I did pass a little of my mucus plug last night afterwards, but it was just a small chunk.
I've been losing plug for a weekish myself I wouldn't worry about it to much, and yeh I usually cramp and have minor spotting after. I think maybe us ic women may lose plug earlier because our cervixs don't hold things were they belong anyways lol I just hold onto the idea that it regenerates its self so its not completely lost even if we lose a big ol snot wad from down below :). Sorry for being nasty
Is it bad that I'm frustrated with this week I'm so uncomfortable and the contractions seem to affect me in the evening every evening. I'm hoping for positive lengths on Wednesday I'll be 28.3 at that point so I know regardless baby will be OK even if she decides to make an entrance soon I just don't want her to have time in the nicu. I'm sorry for moaning just having an uncomfortable night. Only 9 weeks till term I hope it speeds up.
I am so frustrated and restless too. I am driving myself crazy laying on the couch. What are you doing activity wise Katlin? I still do stuff for my daughter when my husband is at work but otherwise I am just laying here feeling worthless all the time. I don't want any time in the NICU either, but I also feel like I am walking around like a ticking time bomb sometimes. So I say NO it is not bad that you are frustrated. This is such a stressful situation to be in. I will be hoping for a good length for you! I have my growth scan on Tuesday so for now I'm just trying to look forward to that and hope she is still on track so that if she does decide to come early she will be better off.
Not getting much rest these days with no vehicle sadly. And my hubby well his cooking is nasty so I cook all the meals. My kids have been off school since the 13 of last month for school break and go back Tuesday so I'm constantly cleaning behind them. Plus cleaning hair behind two shedding dogs I feel like I am fighting a never ending cleaning battle, cooking meals trying to prep for this baby. I'm also fighting my ex in court for assault charges from 16 months ago as well as I had him put back in jail earlier this week for a breach so I'm prepping for court for that. And I feel like I have never ending appointment's this week alone I have an ultrasound, my daughter has a dentist appointment, I have to consult with my oral surgeon, as well as an ob appointment and still need to squeeze my gd appointment in somewhere. I feel very overwhelmed and like I have no time to take care of myself and rest anymore. I haven't slept through the night in 3 weeks now. I just need something to give.
Not to mention I've gone up two cup sizes non of my bras fit, I'm leaking already, and I seem to have a permanent headache but my blood pressure is normal. Oh and I pee 3-4 times an hour.
Just having a miserable self pity party tonight oh and I want Oreo cookies and hubby won't go to the gas station lmao
Katlin-I am sorry :( That is really hard. I can't imagine having to do all of that on top being stressed about baby coming early. I am usually super neat and organized and it has been so hard for me to essentially let my house go these last several weeks. Luckily my husband does most of the "surface" cleaning so its not horrible, just not quite up to my normal standards. I have a really busy week this week too and minimal help so I'm feeling anxious about it, but there just isn't much you can do when you have to take care of your kids and make it to appointments etc. Hoping that your kids going back to school will give you a little more time to yourself for resting.

Hang in there. You can always vent here. I throw myself pity parties often lately it seems :)
Kaitlin, that sounds miserable! I'm so sorry. You have so much going on. :hugs:

Klabro, you're nearly there! I know it doesn't feel like it though when you have nothing to do but rest on the couch. Hoping the time goes fast for you. When is your next appointment?

I have my anatomy scan Monday the 16th, and hoping for an internal scan to check length (last time they said they would only do abdominal because they didn't want to disturb the cervix) but I really would feel so much better with an accurate length. My cervix changes so quickly and I just want to keep an eye on it. In the meantime, I've just been resting and wishing the days away. Is it June, yet?!
Oh Kaitlin I am so sorry! I'd say try try to really let go of the cleaning, it's no where near as important as your baby. Sorry about all the other stuff, and I hope your pain subsides!!!

Glad you are able to rest Klabro, even thought it's tough to feel useless.

tcinks - hope you get an accurate measurement! My practice only ever says if it is over 3 CM (always has been), so I never get a measured number. Seems odd compared to everyone else? Oh well. I'm going to assume the high risk OB knows what he is doing.

As far me, my majorly painful BH contractions and pelvic pain has mostly subsided. Swinging into the New Year at work and hoping thinks don't get crazy so I can keep relaxing when I need to and avoid stress. We have had so much organizing to do at the house, and I traded old girl baby clothes with a friend who is having a girl, as she has boy clothes for me. My poor hubby was carrying bins of clothes up and down stairs, loading my car, he was exhausted! But I can't even lift a finger, I hate feeling so lazy!
Reading through all you ladies frustrations makes me feel better, only because I felt the same way 100%. So don't feel alone and know it gets better. :) today I'm 36 weeks had my cerclage removed (2 stitches) he tried twice but the pain was intolerable and he had to stop. I ended up with a spinal and a little extra meds to get those stitches out!! I dilated straight to 3cm and held there even with moderately painful contractions for hours but luckily I got to go home. For me the removal attempts prior to the spinal was the most horrendous pain I've felt.. I was hoping for a slightly uncomfortable removal like some women have but mine was far from that!! I don't want to scare anyone because the doctor said it's hit and miss with the pain, it can be manageable or it can be awful. So I hope you all have easy somewhat painless removals :)
Yay glad to hear your pretty much term now Kat! Sorry your removal was painful!
I think most of us are worried about moaning on this thread because were all on egg shells about staying pregnant so moaning about being pregnant seems ungrateful to be were we are. But I think we need to remember that being uncomfortable, horomonal and pregnant isn't always a cake walk and to be kinder to ourselves and to one another. Just because were fighting to stay pregnant doesn't mean were not going to have those feelings of ugh I wish this was closer to the end. So I say cervical issues or not let's embrace one another's feelings of omg I feel like a massive beached human and not step on egg shells with one another.

I'll start I hope I'm still pregnant in 6 weeks but omg I want my bladder to be in my control again not at the mercy of her kicks and jabs making me feel like I'm gunna pee my pants when its only half full. And I can't wait to roll over in bed and not feel like a ball with a flat spot, and I can't wait to have freaking sex and not feel like a sexual rubber band pulled to its limit! Lol so let's hear the good and bad hell we've made it this far with added problems we deserve to be able to moan without people passing judgement saying well shouldn't you just be grateful to be this far with your shitty cervix. We are grateful but it really hasn't eliminated that were pregnant like everyone else at our gestation so while I'm grateful im pregnant I am no longer going to sensor the truth of how I feel because I am grateful but I also am pregnant and bloody well uncomfortable!

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