Hi ladies just having a read through what I have missed, hope your all doing well today
First of all I want to say sunny love please down listen to those people who a cruel enough to ask that question. I think you a truly doing amazing, Even if your baby was born now it has a good fighting chance! so I don't know why anyone would even ask you that question?? Premature babies are so strong and little fighters. I think you will make it a lot further
Jessie's mum I don't like registrars, they give you conflicting advice to your consultants as each one operates differently, I would speak to your own consultant and ask for the scans.
When my consultant was away I wasn't happy with what the registrar said, he made me cry adm gave me no hope, I was so upset that I rang my consultant when he was back at work and he gave me a completely different peice of advice and stopped my worrying. So now I don't listento any one other than him.
I also think the hardest part of pregnancy is getting to and past the point it went wrong last time, I found it so hard when I reached 22weeks (the gestation I lost my little boy at last year) the worry just increases around that time and panic sets in, wishing you strength to get through the tough part, stay positive

I'm sure everything will be fine. I never in a million years thought I would make it to 24weeks but the stitch has worked amazingly and yours will too
CW the corrie comment made me laugh,I know it's only a tv programme but it really baffles me how the baby is meant to be 32weeks gestation but they are talking like he's extreamley premature and he might not make it? A 32weeker has a good chance of survival as we all know that. Also the baby looks far too small to be a 32weeker.
Happy to hear you are getting things ready

its really exciting isn't it

I keep looking at all my baby things and feeling like it seems too good to be true, I feel like I will never get to the end and have my baby boy in the Moses basket at the side of me, it will be a dream come true.
Jadey, don't worry about the milk

like others have said if it was really bad you wouldn't have been able to drink it. How are you today?
Tlm the pains sound like a promising sign that your baby will be here sometime soon,
Hope everyone is doing well
As for me, the heartburn is still terrible, my back is killing, I have a stabbing pain that comes and goes in my stomach and slight cramps... Think I'm having another growth spurt
What is everyones baby movements like? My little boy has been so active all yesterday and he's started again today, hes been constantly moving and kicking, i know it's a good sign but makes me worried as he had a few quiet days before this