induced birth of baby Reuben


Mummy to Belle and preg
Mar 25, 2008
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This could be a long story LOL!
firstly i was being induced due to severe SPD suffered from 13 weeks preg, had 10 weeks on strict bed rest and was on morphine and high doses of codeine, the risks on baby was high so induction was the best thing so baby wasnt having longer to absorb drugs!

I went into hospital on wednesday 8th june, was given first lot of gel at 9am this did nothing, at 5pm was given another dose of prostin i was getting a few tightenings which i was getting excited that it was the start but by 2 hours later everything has stopped, thurday the 9th i was examined by a doctor who said no change another dose of prostin was to be administered! so on the thursday i had my 3rd lot of gel at 11am nothing happened at all that day friday after much rowing with doctors and crying etc i was given dose number 4 of prostin at 5pm, the saturday when they doctors came round to see me the told me i wasnt going to be having anything that day and would have another dose of gel on the sunday, i went a little hysterical saying i have been there for days with no sleep, in lots of pain due to the spd, lots of examinations (to that point i had 9 and was told by consultant it would be kept to bare minimum) so he agreed they would try to break waters, if it failed i would have the 5th lot of prostin put in, i was taken round to the labour ward at around 9.30 the doctor was so lovely she tried so hard to break my waters but couldnt do it, she had bed in every position, pressed on my belly every which way but it just wasnt happening, i was sobbing as this was the end of the 4th day, i hadnt seen my little girl for the whole time and was pure exhausted!
i was taken back round to my bed on the ward where all MW knew me and were joking that i was still there (it wasnt very funny to me and i just kept sobbing) i lost a lot of plug and had some back ache but more back ache than pains. At 6 am on the sunday morning, the same doctor came and woke me up and said cos of how upset i was she wanted to see if the gel had done anything so she could try again to break my waters, she decided i was 2cm and she could get her fingers in enough to do it, i was taken round at around 9am monitored and they waited for my OH to get there! by 10am waters were broke, i felt so relieved that things were starting to get going, i was sent to try for a walk (with my crutches and bad spd) and was then put on the drip at 12.40pm, my contractions started fairly soon after that but they were fine, just a bit uncomfortable i was sat on the chair chatting to OH and texting friends, i then felt i needed TMI a poo quite badly ( i had this with my DD but it was all the position she was pressing in and i felt bruised fore 2 weeks after) anyway i trailed down to the toilet with my drip and monitor leads all attached, i did manage to go to the toilet and whilst sitting on the toilet i had a good few stronger contraction again breathed through fine, by time i got back to my room i had so much pressure in bum i buzzed MW, she came and said she would examine me, i didnt feel ready to push or anything but felt things had changed, my birthplan stated i would have the clip put on babies head ASAP due to positions for birthing due to the SPD so she said she would examine me and see if i was far enough for clip.
The time was 14.40 and she said i was 4.5cm and if i wanted gas and air i could use it, i didnt want to use it too early i wanted to save till later the clip went on and i was still having contractions, at 3pm the MW changed over, i was joking saying she had 30 mins to get the baby out or i was going to pull him out LOL, with the next contraction i was in ALOT of pain, i was given the gas and air and told to use it now, i did and it helped, when that contraction ended i tried out my birth position which was to be on my left side the next contraction that came i nearly shot through the roof, my bum felt it was going to explode!!!!!!!! so i moved onto my back again, the next contraction i said i needed to push, the MW and student MW were saying no dont push your not ready! with the next one i said i cant help it i am pushing, the MW said no no no dont push as she said this she walked from my right side down to the bottom of the bed and said ok hunny u do whatever your body wants and with the next one out came my little mans head and next push the rest of him followed!
there were lots of concerns for him due to the morphine and codeine but he was ok, he was born at 15.26pm weighing 7lb14oz named Reuben Harry Stuart, i had a 2nd degree tear which took 3 MW to decide as they thought it was worse that it was.
once MW left us alone Reuben was turning blue all round his mouth, we buzzed them to come bk to check on him they said it was the speed he had come out but would be fine, by midnight that night we had peadatricians round and whisking him away to check his oxygen levels etc all of which were fine!
by the following monday evening the blue had gone but was very scary!
we came home the monday, the tuesday we had to rush back thinking reuben was experiencing withdrawal to my pain meds, they monitored him and all seemed to settle down, but he then started with jaundice and had lost too much weight!
he had 2 days of phototherapy and jaundice was much better and has totally gone now. as for his weight i was BF all seemed ok but he was still losing weight at 16.4% loss i was told i HAD to top him up with formula as i had been topping up with EBM but clearly wasnt working, i carried on doing this with formula, expressing and BF which took an hour and a half a time but his gain was 20-40g only, by last Thursday i was a wreck because they was coming everyday to weigh him and if he lost i would be admitted again so out of the pressure i have turned to formula i am very happy with this decision as i was starting to hate BF due to feeling pure guilt that i was making my baby lose weight and that i was being selfish BF him when he wasnt gaining weight!
reuben has been formula fed for a week now and has gained a pound in weight, he is more more contented and i am much much much more relaxed now
sorry the story is so long but was a long process as we didnt get out of hospital till he was a week old.
If u have read to the bottom congratulations and thank u
pics for u to see my little blue baby and some others
just born
very blue
cute pic
having his photo therapy
my gorgeous boy
He's sooooo gorgeous!! Well done again my lovely, lots of love to you all :kiss: :hugs:
Aww he's such a cutie! Congratulations :hugs:
Well done Lou and congratulations xxx

Your little man is so beautiful and you're so strong :hugs: So glad that you're out the other side now and happy, are you pain free now?

Awww, he's such a cutie!!! So, so sweet! Congratulations! :happydance:

Oh, one more question. I don't know, maybe I overlooked it, but did you mention at how many weeks you were induced. I would like to know. Thank you!

Congrats again!
I was 38w1d at start Of process but 38w5d when he was born
Congrats hun. Love his name and he's just GORGEOUS x
Aww he is gorgeous congratulations x

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