Induction ?


1st Baby !
Apr 23, 2013
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So I haven't really been posting on what's been going on with my pregnancy but it's been pretty hectic... On top of me having Rh negative blood, I'm extremely anemic (I have to get an iron transfusion), I have cholestasis of pregnancy and I have an extreeeeeaaaaaaamely hard time breathing and doing anything, I've been having to get NSTs(To test baby) and Ultrasounds(To test my amniotic fluid) twice a week, every week.
I waaaaaaaaaaaas due on Christmas day but because of the cholestasis of pregnancy, I have to be induced on the 11th of December, I have exactly three weeks left until my induction date and I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeally freakin' nervous, I'm wondering if any of you ladies know what goes on during an induction, how it happens, Basically anything there is to know about inductions I wanna know, personal experiences and stuff.
I haven't been fully induced so I'm not sure, sorry but I just wanted to say good luck :hugs:
I had to be induced at 40 + 6, had her at 41 weeks. I went that Thursday evening. I was about 1 cm dilated. They started me with cervidil, which is inserted vaginally. They left it in overnight. I started contracting, not bad though. About 630 the next morning they took it out and checked me. I was 3 cm then. They started me on pitocin and a few hours later I was at 4.5 cm. I waited forever for the dr to come break my waters and once he did the contractions came fast and hard. I think from breaking my water to holding my little girl in my arms was about two hours. But I've read soooo many experiences with an induction, that was just mine. Good luck! Don't worry, you'll be fine!
I was induced at 40+1 for preeclampsia. They did a pitocin drip increasing in quantity every hour and a capsule in my cervix. I labored for 32 hours before I had an EMCS though.
I was induced 9 days over with DS.
They induced me with gel at 5.30pm on the 8th. Contractions started by 9pm and he was born 6.06am on the 9th.
I was induced with my son a week over his due date! I went in they put stuff up in me didn't work the next night same thing then the next day I started contracting I had my baby two days after I went in. But I must say I would of rather laid in the hospital for two days and then to have had to went in labor at home. So let's just say when I get pregnant again I wanna be induced! I don't know what contractions feel like because they gave me my epidural before they ever got bad I loved it my labor was easy! Sorry don't wanna get your hopes up but that was my experience
I was induced at 40+6 due to the hospital panicking about Calebs size. Luckily mine went pretty smoothly, I had a pessary placed in my cervix at 3pm that day, even though the midwives we're convinced nothing would happen for ages and my waters would have to be broken in the morning, my waters went naturally at 2am the next day and I had him in my arms an hour and a quarter later. That's just my story, I never had to have a drip or my waters broken though.
I was induced at 39 weeks. I went at 37 and 38 weeks for a sweep. At 39 they broke my waters. Contractions started within minutes, them it was a pretty normal labour apart from i pushed for two hours and discovered my placenta was in the wrong place. Also had a back labours but don't imagine that was from being induced.x
2 years ago I gave birth to my son at 38 weeks. I was induced because of preeclampsia.
I was induced with low levels of pitocin, but that wasn't working so they up'ed the dosage a few times. After my water was broke at 12:30pm I was really feeling the contractions. A couple hours after I was asking for morphine because I didn't want the epi. They put morphine in my IV but that didn't help.. At all. So I tried the gas, and oh my gosh that was amazing lol!
My labour was only 4 hours :) I had my son at 4:15 pm.
Going from my experience, there is nothing to worry about!
I wish you luck! :)
I was induced at a week over due. I was having small contractions every so often but they didn't hurt they were just annoying. I went in at 8 am. They hooked me up to monitors to watch babies heart rate. Then at 9:40 they started pitocin. Because nothing was happening they up the dosage every half hour. But the contractions weren't getting anymore intense just happening more often so they had to slow down the dosage. Then at 1pm my doc came and check to see if I had dilated any more (I was already at 4cm a couple days before) Nothing had changed so she said she could break my water, but we decided to give it another hour. 10 mins after doc left my water broke naturally and intense contractions started immediately 1-2 minutes apart. After 40 min checked again and was at 8cm. After getting an epi at 3pm (I really didn't want one but because of how fast and intense they came on I decided to do it) they checked again and I was at 10cm and babies head was 2 knuckles away from being out. But my doc said because babies heart rate was still good, I was able to take a nap. So at 4pm the nurse came in had me do a couple practice pushes. Then at 4:20 my doc came in and 20 mins later at 4:41 pm my sweet boy was in my arms.
So total 7 hours after pitocin started and only 4 ours of contractions I was holding my baby.

Even though your nervous and scared now once it starts (at least for me) you don't really have time to think about being scared. You just kinda go into do what you gotta do mode. Honestly the pain isn't the worst pain I've ever felt, its just because they're right on top of each other is what makes it so bad. But like everyone always says its completely worth it.
Good Luck!
I was induced at 39 weeks as my waters broke but no labour. I was already 2cm so they started me off with a pessary and that was enough for me. Honestly it was very traumatic for me, but only because my contractions were weak and didn't last long enough so I was pushing for almost 3 hours. This was also due to her being stuck. So probably had nothing at all to do with being induced and was coincidence.

I'd advise you to thoroughly research the pros and cons to it all. You can refuse anything you aren't comfortable with, just so you know. Next time ill be refusing an induction and will ask just to be monitored. But that's just me and would also depend on the situation. I think in your situation it's obviously safer for baby to be delivered!

Good luck. Don't be scared (or try not to be). It's what our bodies are made to do. You and your baby will be just fine x

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