I am completely fascinated.
They sound ideal for keeping the

That's one of the things I hate about TTC, sometimes I just want a quicky before I go do something else, but before I would just go to the bathroom and then get on with whatever I wanted to (my friend calls that dropping the kids of at the pool! eww.)
Now I'm either laying there for ages, or trying to hold it in with my kegels!
And I don't know how many nice panties I've ruined with leakage during my period too... TMI I know.
I've spent a bloody fortune since I came onto this board! OPKs, different preg tests, fertility monitor, pre-seed, TCOYF, thermometers, and now it looks like I'm gonna get a mooncup too! Better hide my bank statement next month! Though really this should come out of our "baby fund"
ETA: someone has the mooncup BNIB on ebay for £12.99 buy it now (£15.01 with p&p)