introduce myself-again! Also have a problem...


mummy to Dylan!
Jul 1, 2008
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Hi all,
Just thought i'd sort of re-introduce myself!
I was on here a while ago -briefly, and i'm making a come-back!
Myself and dh have decided we'll be trying for #1 in about a year from now- a long way off i know, but still exciting for me!
We had a m/c back in June, it wasn't a planned pregnancy, but was still wanted all the same, as we're very happy and secure.

I've been hmming and hawing for ages about the big 'when?' as i really want to head back to university and get a degree etc.. but by the time i'd be finished i would be about 34/35 which i'm worried about leaving it that long, incase we have any problems etc...

I just wanted to ask if anyone has had a baby and then gone back to colege? and did they manage?

i'm still not sure what to do really, i want to be the best i can be for any children i have, but i also am worried about leaving it too late and having problems etc..

Any one have any views at all? They'd be graetly appreciated!

Sorry this has turned into an essay,:blush: but thanks for reading anyway!!

Please let me know what you think!:loopy::loopy::loopy:
No advice but just wanted to wish you luck!!! x
Hiya. I know people who've gone back to college after baby. Nowadays a lot of colleges have online courses as well so that helps. It took my mom years and years to go back, but I've known women to return to college weeks or months after giving birth.

I kinda feel ya. If I really wait, it coul be years before I TTC. Not sure if I want to do that b/c I'm really suffering w/o a babe. I suppose that there's never really a perfect time an sometimes you gotta grab life by the horns.

Good luck with whatever you decide and sorry for your loss. :hug:
could you not do a course from home that you can still ttc at the same time ???
Thanks for the replies! :happydance: i'm doing some open uni. courses at the moment, and they're great, but it's the whole social aspect of going to college too that i'd like to do, i moved around a lot all throughout growing up and never really made any long term friends, so its about just getting out there too, and meeting new people with the same interests etc...
I'm super broody though, and i've been thinking what would be worse, never going to college or never having kids, and never having kids would be far worse for me...I know i can put off college, but that there IS a time limit for having a baby...

I dunno! Maybe there just is never a 'perfect' time as honeybunch2k said, and i should just 'grab life by the horns'!:rofl:

are you in the same position honeybuch2k?
If you don't mind my asking, what are you doing about the whole thing etc?
i think as long as you are prepared for it you can manage anything.

i have a 7 weekold, will be going back to work full time in april (am a teacher!!) and have started a masters - infact missed the first lecture as it started on the day i went into labour. its hard work but i am managing it all, and if i can anyone can.
Thanks Mrsdcooper!
I think i was looking for reassurance you know..:blush:
And you gave me just that!
I had a chat with dh last night and, he's open to whatever i want, and what i want is a baby, i know it's not the end of your life having a child, i can still get on and do what i need to for me, as well as be a great mum, not sure where i got the idea that everything is over once you have a baby, some dodgy childhood issues to do with my own mother i think..! anyway i digress!
Thanks to all who offered advice, and well wishes, it really helped with my decision to ttc starting january, can't wait to join the ttc forum!:happydance:
thanks all!! x
Hey hun, being only 17 I haven't much advise to give.
But I am indeed in college, and alot of girls have fallen pregnant, and had babies whilst in college. They all manage just fine as there is alot of help around. The EMA/ALG system has a childcare payment, where you get forms signed for all your lessons your in and each week you get a certain amount of money, and people who have children use the money to put them in nursery/chilminder whilst they at college.
You will be fine hun xxx
Hey hun, being only 17 I haven't much advise to give.
But I am indeed in college, and alot of girls have fallen pregnant, and had babies whilst in college. They all manage just fine as there is alot of help around. The EMA/ALG system has a childcare payment, where you get forms signed for all your lessons your in and each week you get a certain amount of money, and people who have children use the money to put them in nursery/chilminder whilst they at college.
You will be fine hun xxx

Awww thanks princess_xo, it's nice to hear how well other people are doing with it all, i'm very lucky, as i'll be able to afford any childcare costs, as my dh has an alright job etc... i don't really know what i was worried about after been on here, and getting all the replies etc.. thanks all!:hug:
You've all been very kind to take the time to reply to me!:mail:

Best wishes and :dust: babydust to all! xx
I'm super broody though, and i've been thinking what would be worse, never going to college or never having kids, and never having kids would be far worse for me...I know i can put off college, but that there IS a time limit for having a baby...

I dunno! Maybe there just is never a 'perfect' time as honeybunch2k said, and i should just 'grab life by the horns'

Hiya!! I'm 31 and was due to start college this august, and after a small emotional outburst on holiday this year it really hit home just how much DH and I wanted a baby of our own (he already has 2 kids)
So we decided or I decide to pospone college 4 the time being so I could concentrate on MAKING BABIES!!!! Lol, Live for the moment is what I say! Mature students are all the rage anyway LOL


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