Introduce yourselves...


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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I thought it would be nice if we all introduced ourselves seeing as we are all in the same boat and trying for our first baby!

I have just turned 28 years old and my husband is 32 this year. We have been married for five years now, but I never felt ready for a baby. It shocked the hell out of me when I suddenly felt the time had come! But when it did, it came with a real bang.

I came off the pill (Cileste) in January 2011 and had the regular withdrawal bleed. I then had a 28 day cycle but my husband was away for most of this period. The first true cycle we tried (February) was 25 days and I started spotting at 6 DPO which was pretty gutting. So this is the second cycle we have been actively trying.

I am not holding out much hope for this month though because I have had the craziest couple of weeks with work and just not had the time to follow my cycle. I think I ovulated sometime on Wednesday, but as I didn't really test properly, I cannot be sure. Also, because of the lack of awareness, we only :sex: Saturday evening, Tuesday evening and Thursday morning :(
Hi all :)

I'm Sara me and my OH have been together almost two years, we sadly had a miscarriage in December and decided in January to TTC it will be my first baby and his second.

This is our first month of proper trying i.e :sex: on fertile days etc I'm hoping I'll be lucky and conceive quickly, I think it would be nice to have a TTC buddy so we can share things like I've heard some women have TTC buddies and then get pregnant and they update each other on symptoms and scans and then finally the birth and I think it would be nice to share this experience with someone else.

I agree... None of my friends have babies or are trying for them so very much solo on this. I was quite relieved to find this site and know the feelings I am having are normal! I started wondering how I could feel sad about something that never was (ie. AF arriving...)

I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I cannot imagine how that would feel.

My best friend gets married next year and I am a bridesmaid so hoping to have had a baby before then!
My name is Julia. Been married for about 7 months, been together with DH for 6 yrs and months. He is 23 in 22 and we have been ttc #1 since november with no luck, tried opks and all that good stuff and nothing yet.
Currently have sore boobs and period cramps for about 4 days AF is due 3/30no sign of old hag yet. Anxious to have a baby. No miscarriages.

Baby dust to all of you!

Aw I'm hoping to conceive this month or next would love to have a winter baby and if I conceive this month I'd be due around 15th of December :)

Lots of my mates are having babies or had babies but I'd like to share this experience with someone whos experiencing for the first time things I am too, maybe that sounds weird lol.

Hello Ladies

I am 29 and my DH is 28. We're on our 7th cycle TTC number 1. I'm due AF anyday and feeling AF symptons so pretty sure we'll be moving onto cycle number 8!

We've been married for almost 6 months and decided to wait until then to start TTC. Kindof regretting that now after 7 months. Although I thought I had prepared myself for it possibly taking a while, now I'm here, it's a lot harder than I ever imagined!! I'm naturally an impatient person (something I'll have to work on with a child!) TTC has completly taken over our lives!!

I know it will be worth it though, the first time I hold our :baby: in my arms!!
Hello Ladies

I am 29 and my DH is 28. We're on our 7th cycle TTC number 1. I'm due AF anyday and feeling AF symptons so pretty sure we'll be moving onto cycle number 8!

We've been married for almost 6 months and decided to wait until then to start TTC. Kindof regretting that now after 7 months. Although I thought I had prepared myself for it possibly taking a while, now I'm here, it's a lot harder than I ever imagined!! I'm naturally an impatient person (something I'll have to work on with a child!) TTC has completly taken over our lives!!

I know it will be worth it though, the first time I hold our :baby: in my arms!!

Aw that's so sweet waiting until marriage to TTC.

Well you never know you may be pregnant on this cycle! If not good luck for the next lol :) x:hugs:
hi girls im Ally. I am 24 and mt fiance is 39 we have been together for 5 years. NTNP just over a year but ttc for 8 months. Had a chemical pregnancy in november just desperatley seeking that sticky BFP like all of us ladies.
Hi, I'm Jessi. I'm 23, DH is 22. We've been together for 5 years and married for 5 months.

I stopped BCP February 28 and had my withdrawal bleed March 3-6. We are NTNP right now and TTC starting June 1. We did BD on CD15 and CD19. Slim chances but you never know!

Anyway I thought I'd join you girls. I love B&B. It's great to always have someone to talk to, since there is always someone on here in the same situation.
Hey ladies- Aelanu here- I've been posting a lot in the TTC forums already (I'm nearing 150 :rofl:!) but I, too, am trying for my first. However, this will be my OH's second. I'll be 23 on April 15th and OH is 32 (you think thats crazy: my stepdad is only 1 1/2 yrs older than OH! Lol- Mama likes em 10 yrs younger, I like em 10 yrs older haha). :af: reared her ugly head this morning around 4 AM, so this will be cycle 8 for us. He's NTNP, I'm TTC (hey- he took 7 YEARS to get his son "naturally" and I'm not waiting that long!) but I think (with encouragement from other TTC members) I'm gonna start charting this month.

Good luck on :bfp: ladies hope we all get one soon! :dust:

Edit: Jess- my name is ALSO Jessica :D Whens your birthday?!

OH and I are both 23, been together 4 and a half years. I came off cileste this month, I finished a pack and didn't start the next one.

I'm hoping for a super fertile phase so we started BDing straight away. I think I ovulated on Monday or Tuesday but the OPKs arrived yesterday so I can't be too sure. I did one yesterday and it was negative as in no second line whatsoever, today there was a faint line which is still negative but I find it odd that yesterday there was no second line and today there is. Hmmm...

I was trying to NTNP but I'm someone who likes to know exactly what's happening, and I know a few people who've taken a while to get AF after coming off the pill so just in case that happens I want to know exactly what my body has been doing.

We've been waiting for about 2 and a half years with no real end in sight, so we decided that we'd waited long enough especially as it could take time.
Aelanu: My birthday is December 31. (I'm a New Year's Eve baby!) When's yours?
YAY I'm so excited this is open finally! I know we're all in the same boat with TTC and I have gained lots of information from the women on the forum but there is something about TTC'n your first and TTC your 2nd 3rd and 4th.

My name is Jess, 33 DH is 27 and we're actively trying for the last 6 mths. We were NTNP for the last 6 years >.<. I've had a HSG and a Lap n Dye everything is normal YAY! Now DH is more on board then ever. He has laid down the law that we are :sex:every other day for the next 2 weeks no if ands or I'm tired. This was more evident last night after working a late shift (I work in the OR/Theatres) and was on call (so I could be called out any time in the night) I wanted to get to bed and sleep just in case. DH was like nope we gotta get our jiggy on and make a baby for you so you're not upset when AF arrives. Bless him..

Lots of positive thoughts to everyone we'll get our baby bumps eventually!

Hey, I'm Tina. DH and I have been married for 9 months. I have amenorrhea and anovulation and need clomid to help me conceive. We've been trying ever since we got married, but my periods stopped again in October. We should be starting our 3rd round of clomid in April or May.

I'm a step mom to my DH's 2 kids and while thats enjoyable I really want my own. Its so depressing not being a mom to my own. I really hope I get my baby soon.
Hi I'm Jen, DH and have been TTC since Oct last year. I'm charting and have been for about 3 cycles. Currently cd 35 of a 34 average cycle 16 dpo. My luteal phase is only usually 8-10 days so this is an unusual cycle

Lots of baby dust to us all xxx

ETA couldn't hold back anymore 2 mins after posting this and did a HPT with the tiniest amount of wee and a line came up in seconds. Really nervous about this so will do another with FMU tomorrow <scared>

Forgot to say I'm 32 DH is 41
Fingers crossed for you that you get another +ve in the morning.

Hi ladies, i'm lisa, im 27 and hubby is 29.
We are on our 5th cycle ttc. We have been together 6 1/2 years, married 18 months and we only started ttc in december. I am a vaginismus sufferer so to ttc is a huge achievement for us, hoping now we will be lucky and catch that eggy soon.
Good luck everyone and :dust: to us all xx
Hi everyone, I'm Hayley, 26 - my Husband is 27, we have been married for 3 years, and TTC our first for 5 months now. I am currently 6dpo, this is our 2nd month of using the cbfm.. lovely to meet you all! :hugs: x

Hello lovely ladies! I'm 28 and my DH is 34 and we've been together for almost 3 years now. He has two daughters but this of course would be my first. I've never been ready for a child until recently which has led me to this forum. We are on TTC#4 cycle and I am just praying that April is our month! I was pretty devastated last cycle after finding out we didn't succeed. I had no idea it was going to be this tough! I am using opk's and I just started this month charting and will begin to check my cm. I have regular 28 day cycles and am as regular as you can get but just haven't seem to get pregnant yet. I hope we see our BFP's very soon!

Baby Dust to you all!
Hi girls, well i am 31 DH is 36, we have been married 3 yrs this coming August! This is our 6th cycle! I was on the pill for years but about 2 yrs ago my period's just stopped, after an ultra sound they found that my uterus had actually shrunk! So stopped taking the pill and thankfully periods came back! I can honestly say the fact that i was "pill free" for 2 yrs, i thought i would fall pregnant straight away! Huh was i wrong!

So i started using CB OPK's, checking CM, legs in air for 20 mins for the last few cycles nothing happened, so this cycle we are using preseed (dont have alot of CM)

FX'd for us all xx

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