Introducing Amelia Grace (now I promise to stop hi-jacking Marleysgirl's thread!!


Mummy to Amelia
Mar 10, 2009
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Amelia Grace Pedersen was born on August 3rd 2009, very unexpectedly at
26+3 due to my developing pre-eclamsia. Millie was 620 grams at birth and is currently 1050 grams. She is doing well, but she is not gaining weight as very quickly, the doctors feel that she is being held up by the PDA she has. Although it has not yet been confirmed, it seems very likely she will have an operation to close the duct in her heart, hopefully then she will get bigger and stronger.

The pic below was taken three weeks ago when she was on C-pap, unfortunatey she is back oon the ventilator now and has been for over a fortnight. I love this pic as she looks so wide awake and alert, I think she is gorgeous but I am biased somewhat, it's my fave Millie pic! Millie was eight weeks old yesterday!

Hope this pic works!
Aaaaw she looks sooo cute, reminds me so much of my lo!!! Glad she doing ok, you will all get there hun. Emma was 660 grams born due to high blood pressure and had her pda closed at 11 weeks old and respirtory wise came on so much after the op, was great.

Sending your wee one love and cuddles from wee Emma!! xxx
welcome officially sherry :happydance: Millie is absolutely gorgeous and doing really well, im sure as son as the PDA is either resolved itself or closed surgically her weight will improve and im sure the ventilator will be only a temporary setback x
Thanks ladies! Everyone here is sooo supportive and and enthusiastic, it's brilliant.

Jemma - it's nice to know I'm not the olky one who thinks she's gorgeous!

Dannigizmo - it's such a relief to hear that your gorgeous Emma went through the same op and you saw her really improve afterwards, I feel so blessed that Millie is making progress, I just can't help but wish it was moving a little faster, maybe after the op it will! Millie sends a cuddle back to Emma, I am so happy she is doing well.

bumpsmum - thanks for the welcome, I am sure you're right, she will be off that ventilator again in no time!
hi hun what a little stunner... ive had in order...


So ive done your journey many times hun, shes so beautiful hunni... good luck with the pda, lily my 25+5 weeker had it she was on and off vent when flow got to much for her lungs but the ibophfen closed it thankfully xx
Thanks earlybump, with all your experience of preemies I will know who to ask if I have any questions! I hope your current pregnancy is progressing well, and in the nicest possible way I wish you a very long and boring pregnancy!!!
Thanks earlybump, with all your experience of preemies I will know who to ask if I have any questions! I hope your current pregnancy is progressing well, and in the nicest possible way I wish you a very long and boring pregnancy!!!

AWW THANKS HUN... my waters broke 4 and half weeks ago so im just plodding along, its happened like this is last 3 pregnancies so im just playing the waiting game, i had low fluid today but just bottom end of normal. max is aorund 1lb 4oz at mo, cerivx is now 1,8cm i also failed the fibronectin test so they expect delivery between 25-26wks xx
Wow! Eyes open wide awake!!

She is absolutely gorgeous.
Millie looks a little sweetie, Sherry, you must be so proud to have a preemie fighter :kiss:

Have you heard what they want to do about the PDA yet? ETA - never mind, I just read your response on Andrew's thread!
Aww she is so cute is that photo...wait until she is off CPAP and you get to see her full face, it will happen before you know it...the ventilator is just a setback, you will experience some of those, we did with our LO and look at her now...8lbs of roly poly fat and acting like a think you will never get there but you do so quickly....

Focus on the positives and keep strong, you little one will pick up on this and thrive...

As for the PDA once it is closed I am sure the weight will pile on...she is not doing bad so far, she is over a kilo so that is great, getting stronger everyday...x
She's gorgeous hun, congratulations xx
Awwww Amelia is a wee stunner. Welcome to the forum. I look forward to the many update that lie ahead! More pictures please ! xxx:cloud9::cloud9:
Thank you everyone.
Yesterday on the unit we met Marleysgirl and her beautiful son Andrew, he is gorgeous. It was really nice to meet you all, I am sure our paths will cross on the unit again, although maybe you will not be there for much longer if Andrew continues to prove how big and strong he is which I am sure he will!

We had a chat with Amelia's consultant, he told us that from the latest echo they can see that the duct is still there and is quite large. He said her whole heart is bigger than it should be because it has to work harder to do its job, her heart is effectively swollen.

He feels that although Millie will still have the seperate issue of the weak lungs, once she has had the operation if we can take the heart problem away from the equation then we will see more progress.
hey hun, well am sure all will go totally smoothly with the op, they do so many and its pretty straight forward.

am just glad it isnt at yorkhill for you!! When we met the surgeon that was performing Emma's he reminded us of father Jack from the Father Ted program!! Honestly, i thought he was drunk but he just like that, i nearly laughed when he was talking which was crazy as Emma was going for an op but you know that eventhough all thats happening is so serious, just a little thing makes you laugh, thing cause it doesnt feel real.

Am sure she will totally come on after the op, Emma took a wee while but was a totally different baby after it, was great and after a week she was off ventilators, cpap and o2 for good, well atleast until she needed another bowel op or something!! xxx
Thanks for your reply! It's really encouraging to hear how much Emma progressed after the operation, I hope Millie takes her lead. It sounds like you and your little one have been through alot, but in her pic she is just sooooo cute, all big eyes and smiley.....with a hint of cheeky monkey about her!!!

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