Introducing Solids into a newborns diet


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Hi there. My sister has a beautiful baby boy who will be 4 months old tomorrow. But she isn't sure how to introduce solids into his diet. Or when. The food packages (like fruit mushes and things like that, specially made for babys) say 4 months plus, and so she feels as though she should be feeding him solids.

If anyone could give me some information to tell her about how to first introduce solids safely into a 4 month old's diet, I would be appreciative. Thanks for your time.
hi there, welcome to b n b!!! i personally started my son off on baby porridge, alot of people say baby rice but i personally found this really bland! your best to stickl with 1-2 spoonfulls to begin with then gradually increase this as needed, as for tastes and textures, introduce tehse slowly too if u have any other questions ill try answer best i can!!
How often would she feed him this though? Just when he's hungry? Does she start off by feeding him some feeds with milk, and the other feeds with solids?
I'll tell you waht i did with both of mine and that might help
depends how many feeds he is still having though
I would give milk as normal then at 1 feed around dinnertime I would break off from the milk and offer a couple of spoons of babyrice, then carry on with the milk
I'd do this for a little while, maybe 2 weeks then move on to a dinner packet/Jar or puree veg
Still with the milk feed as this is main source of nutrition still
After a maybe 2 weeks of this introduce at another meal time and so on
It will get to about 8/9 months when he will only need around 3 bottles and the food will start taking over

I hope this helped some
Hi there. My sister has a beautiful baby boy who will be 4 months old tomorrow. But she isn't sure how to introduce solids into his diet. Or when. The food packages (like fruit mushes and things like that, specially made for babys) say 4 months plus, and so she feels as though she should be feeding him solids.

TBH if she is unsure I would wait. I would only wean if he showing the signs, if he is then I would suggest just starting with pureed veg/fruit etc.
Agree with beanie ...

You always know when a baby is hugry and needs more


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