I'm just back from what should have been a happy day, my 12 week scan
I had some spotting this morning, so had got myself ready for bad news but I have had this constant feeling that I would go to the scan and it would be a missed m/c, well its happened, this is the 2nd time I've had a mmc. I'm so upset after 3.5 years of ttc I am sat here wondering why me? why is life that cruel to put me through this. I saw a heartbeat at around 6 weeks but never found reassurance in that, I just knew something wasn't right, more so when sickness got better which never happened in my pregnancy with dd till much later.
I'm booked in next week for a d&c, not really the option I wanted but the medication route takes a long time and you cannot be home alone during this time so just not an option due to my husbands job.
So heartbreaking to see my little baby on the screen with its back to me, as soon as the sonographer put the scanner on my tummy I could see my fears were right as baby was so small.
Goodbye my sweet angel