Hi ladies , I am so glad to have found this IU support group as I have been going crazy with my cranky uterus for months, now. Got used to just deal with it.
I live in Croatia, Europe and here the doctors dont take you serious at all if you dont start dilating, leak fluid etc.( thank God I havent - but believe me I lost a few years of my life wondering if this next set of contractions will start dilating me). I mentioned the term IU it to my OB and doctors at L&D but they have never heard of it??? They just say some uterus are more sensitive than other and as long as I am closed no worries...
Anyway, I am now 32+5 weeks and started having regular contractions at 20 weeks. At first I could kind of control my uterus with plenty of rest, lots of water, magnesium and would still have days with regular contractions 5 min apart for a couple of hours but since hitting 29 weeks nothing helps any more. I cant walk, sit, stand or even lay on my left side as I start contracting!! On a good day when I just lay in bed I contract for a few hours (at least 10-15 contractions an hour), but on a bad day my stomach contracts nonstop until Its so hard that I cant even touch it as it hurts
. I was prescribed some muscle relaxants to take if needed. sometimes it helps but sometimes it doesnt.
Also, I was never put on bed rest
only to take it easy if I feel the contractions coming
but I couldnt imagine walking around or doing any kind of activity since last couple of weeks. I am wondering if I went on with my business as normal if I would have started dilating. But I wouldnt risk it. (Good thing here is that you can go on an early maternity leave, so I stopped working at 24 weeks as I could not sit at a desk for 9 hours without agitating my uterus.) I put myself on a modified bedrest. I learned too live with it.
Anyway my OB was never too concerned as I was not dilating and he never put me on tocograph to measure the contractions until my last appointment two days ago and of course I was contracting regulary every 3 min. He did a vaginal us and I am closed with a long cervix 3.8cm.
The thing that concerned him is that baby is measuring a week behind, actually she is average size for 32 weeks but she only put 250g since last months check up(when she was measuring ahead).
He is now concerned that maybe contractions are doing something to the placenta and flow to the baby. I have another US in a week to monitor her growth and then they will decide if there is need to put me to hospital and have me monitored and on stronger meds. For now I just got some muscle relaxants.
So after a long story - my question is where your doctors ever concerned that contractions could do any harm to the baby? I always thought that BH cant cause stress to babies?
Thanks and sorry for such a long post but I just had to went everything out.
I wish you all good luck and making it to the term.