Is anyone's baby just a crier?


Mommy to Megan
Sep 28, 2009
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Before anyone says it I know babies cry but does anybody's baby cry, cry, cry?
My lo has suspected cmpi so I don't know if this makes a difference but she spends all her time awake crying! She cries so much, literally all the time. Anybody have a baby like this and has anyone got any tips for dealing with it?
She cries a lot when not being held. The really frustrating times is when holding her doesn't help and she's crying and squirming and I don't know what to do :(

How do you manage?
My brothers 1st baby was like that. It turned out he had a problem with the valve to his stomach and had constant reflux. He outgrew it in time. DD had cmpi and was a very restless and demanding baby who didn't like to sleep but didn't cry much as long as I was constantly seeing to her. I think cmpi could be the cause though.
My son was a crier just wanted to be close. So I used a carrier and Co sleep. He is a super happy almost one year old who rarely cries now
Thank you ladies, tbh I don't think I am coping. I can cuddle her and cuddle her and she will just scream, I can put her down and she will scream, she is always squirming and is never calm or still! She hates her swing/playmat/bean bag/ tummy time mat and she just never seems pacified.
I am finding it so tough, my anxiety is through the roof and I hate that there is nothing she gets comfort from. It is so so hard 😒 She even cries as she is falling asleep and in her sleep 😒
Sorry you are having such a hard time. Is there someone who can give you a break and take her for an hr or two? Even 30 mins to have a hot bath can do wonders if OH can take her out for a walk or something.

What is happening to with the suspected cmpi? I was breastfeeding so stopped eating dairy myself. There was a dramatic difference in 3 days. Others who formula feed have ha a similar experience with changing to a prescription formula. It might end up not being the problem but is worth following through on incase it is what is making her cry.
My oh is at work all day and although he takes her on an evening it is just me and her in the day and so I deal with the majority of it.
The dietician put her on a formula for cmpi that didn't work and now we are on the second formula which she has been on since Friday. It has definitely helped her, she isn't bringing her knees up in pain or crying in pain anymore but she still cries.....a lot!! She will cry for hours and nothing I do works. She will smile for a few minutes then suddenly start crying uncontrollably for ages 😟 My dd was never like this and it has really worn me down 😟
My dd was a Cryer. She had reflux and I took her for cranial osteopathy sessions which really helped. I also gave her a dummy which I was dead against but it helped.
I also carried her in a sling constantly for the first 4 months.
Its a really good sign if you see some improvement from the new formula already. It can take a couple of weeks or more to work fully.

My boba wrap was a lifesaver with our two.
You poor thing :( it's definately not easy. My baby doesn't cry all the time but definately is a crier! I can't put her down! Even in my arms she seems unsettle and it's a battle to get her to sleep. My first 2 girls were angels and like you I'm finding it very hard and it's making me anxious. My baby girl cries for 2 hours straight every night 7-9 non stop. I tried all the colic drops on the world nothing helps and that feed is hell. I've had lots of friends who went through it too and all I can say is it sucks but it definately passes and those kids are all amazing ! By the time they are 3-4 months things will calm down a lot. Don't get too down about it because it's really temporary. When we are in it it feels like it's never ending but then it passes in a flash. Pm me if u want I'm in the same boat. Hang in there xx
My lo was crying a lot more when his reflux and gas were bad. We did two rounds of probiotics and kept giving Lefax for the gas and he improved fast. Now he literally never cries...unless I would refuse holding him.

When he is cranky what also helps is:

- Black Metal, it instantly stops crying and puts him to sleep. Guess it is the white noise but we listen to Lightfox177 on Youtube now when he is cranky lol. I also listened to it in pregnancy.

- Rain dance or jogging around the house saying "shoo shoo shoo". As well as weaving from left to right like a maniac...:wacko:

- Patting his butt and kissing his head when he sleeps and stirrs.

- Boob while carrying him around the house.
I'm not sure who I fell sorrier for you or baby .poor you it sounds like a very stressful situation ! Its so hard when they cry but when they cry and you suspect they are in pain and can do nothing to ease it must be so hard .

Or poor baby who sounds like she is in obvious discomfort alot of the time. You need to make time for you even 30 mins a day away from the crying will make dealing with it the rest of the time easier . Maybe go back to GP there has to be something they can give to help with the discomfort. Sounds like you are doing everyhtng right .

I so hope you both get a break soon :( xxxxxxx
Thank you for all your responses, she cried for six hours yesterday, I just don't know what to do anymore 😟
The 7 month old I babysit criessssss all the time. It was way worse as a newborn but she'll literally go from happily playing with a toy to crying hysterically for no apparent reason.
My son cried constantly morning, afternoon, and night. Never napped was up for 13 hours straight until he passed out for an hour or two from exhaustion. He has Gerd,colic and torticollis. He was put on meds and special formulas at 10 days old. This lasted until he was about 3 1/2 months old and then started tapering off. We wound up going to a Gi for stronger meds and wound up on nutramagen for suspected cmpi. tried elacare and neocate, but made him blow up like a balloon from gas. now 5 1/2 months old his reflux is much better. he spits up alot but rarely projectile vomits. I too had zero help. no family and my husband was gone for 12 hours a day working.It was really trying.:hugs:
My little man cried for the first 3 months of his life, honestly i didn't realise babies could cry so much until this little dude was born lol
(i have a 14 and 1o year old also)
Turned out he was having spasms in his tummy due to his milk :(
Once we got his food sorted it was like having a new baby..
I just wanted to update this thread, it turns out my daughter had cmpi and silent reflux, she has been on prescription milk for about three weeks and is like a different child. She actually smiles and laughs!! I really had to fight to get someone to listen to me and take me seriously but I did and I'm so glad I did!
My second baby cried a lot he had cmpi also he did get better he is still hard work now tho at 2 . X
Yup I went through this with both- one was CMPI, and one has a dairy sensitivity.

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