Hello Ladies! I've been ttc for the last few months with PCOS, endo, polyps, and one ovary.
I'd love any advice or input from ladies ttc, mommies to be, or moms!
A little back story:
As per my dr's order she told me to start Clomid on October 2-6 without a period since I either get them for months or not at all. I then made it as if October 11 was day '14' and so and and so forth. I have been using the clear blue advance with the smile. I got a big fat O on day 14, 15, 16, and on day 17 and 18 I got a flashing smiley. I woke up on the 16th on day '19' and I got a non flashing smiley face at around 6:30AM! I was a bit....skeptical because I have been ttc for a while and since I took the clomid it's the first time I have really seen a positive ovulation. I went and bought another CBA test and I took it at around 4:00PM and 10:00PM and it came back as O.
WHY!?!? How is it possible for it to be back to being a O? Shouldn't it be a flashing smiley? I am am worried that the test was broken or Clomid made me ovulate so fast.
BD happened
Thurday night right before I got a solid smile face.
Thoughts ladies?
I'd love any advice or input from ladies ttc, mommies to be, or moms!
A little back story:
As per my dr's order she told me to start Clomid on October 2-6 without a period since I either get them for months or not at all. I then made it as if October 11 was day '14' and so and and so forth. I have been using the clear blue advance with the smile. I got a big fat O on day 14, 15, 16, and on day 17 and 18 I got a flashing smiley. I woke up on the 16th on day '19' and I got a non flashing smiley face at around 6:30AM! I was a bit....skeptical because I have been ttc for a while and since I took the clomid it's the first time I have really seen a positive ovulation. I went and bought another CBA test and I took it at around 4:00PM and 10:00PM and it came back as O.

BD happened
Thurday night right before I got a solid smile face.
Thoughts ladies?