Is it necessary to have a M/W or doula with you to homebirth?


Bubba, Daddy & Belly
Mar 14, 2010
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I hope this is not an extremely silly question :wacko:

I have just started to consider having a homebirth and am really interested in it. I have not done all my reading up on it just yet so I was hoping for some immediate pointers if at all possible. Is anyone here planning to do a homebirth without a M/W present? Again I hope that is not too dumb a question. Here in the US the use of midwives is not really common and the nearest birthing center to me is almost 2 hours away. I do live a 2min drive from the hospital and it would be less in an ambulance if anything did go wrong. Hoping someone could answer, thanks in advance ladies!!!
A homebirth without a midwife present is known as an unassisted birth. Laura Shanley has a website that explains it, if you google unassisted birth, it should be the first site to come up. Certified doulas are not allowed to attend a birth without a midwife present. If you need any more information, feel free to pm me!
Yep silver is right. You can either have a midwife at a homebirth or have an unassisted homebirth. Doula's don't provide care they just act as labour "support".

I think you should seriously research your options prior to making any decisions. Midwifery is still not where it should be in the states but there are several states that have in fact legalized it so that still may be an option for you. People do have unassisted births but there are more risks involved with not having a trained care provider present even if you are just seconds away from a hospital. I'm in full support of women who do in fact make an informed decision to go that route but it is absolutely crucial that they do their homework before making that leap!
Why not find a midwife who is supportive of minimal contact in labour? I would have one there just in case but if you make it clear you only want her to help/intervene in an emergency then you get the best of both worlds xxx
Finding a midwife that will have minimal contact during the birth is not always possible in the States, as some of the States regulate them so much that the midwives could lose their license if they take that approach. Plus, most insurance companies do not support homebirths and you end up paying for the entire cost of the midwife, even if they do nothing at the birth.

I do encourage you to learn everything you can about birth and labor, even if you do have a midwife present, though. Its such an important thing to be informed so you can stay in control of your experience.
Thanks ladies, I totally appreciate the advice and concern. I am the type of person who researches the heck out of anything and everything but I just haven't been able to do it so much with homebirthing as it was somewhat a brand new idea to me and when hubby is home he takes over the cpu, LOL. I would definitely make sure I knew everything possible before me and my hubby even seriously considered it. I broached it somewhat with him last night and the thought did intimidate him a lot. It is his first and he wants a dr there. It is questionable if I would even be able to do a homebirth as I did have group B strep with my son so if I have it again I will probably have to go into the hospital as soon as my waters break to get the antibiotics so it doesn't affect the baby. This dr will test me for it when I'm further along. I would love to be able to have a natural birth and this dr is a huge fan of epidurals and wants all his patients to get them plus at my 14 & 18wk appts he talked about inducing me pretty much for convenience. he isn;t on call weekends so he wants to induce me on a weekday if I don't go on my own by 39wks :wacko:

Anyways, thanks again :hugs::flower:
I have said this before but I just dont get that approach! I inconvenient of you to have a baby when he isnt on call! You sound like you know what you are about though so i am sure you will choose whatever is best for your family. Good luck!
I have said this before but I just dont get that approach! I inconvenient of you to have a baby when he isnt on call! You sound like you know what you are about though so i am sure you will choose whatever is best for your family. Good luck!

I know right...his other excuse was my son was 8lbs so lets just induce me early so I don't have a big baby again :shrug:. I handled 8lbs before just fine and at 14wks you have no way of knowing the size baby will be near 40wks. My hubby wants to avoid being induced if it is unnecessary. Also I don't want to be tied to the bed like I was with my son, unable to eat for over 24hrs and when it was time to push I had no energy at all:nope: Then having your belly smashed to force the placenta out:growlmad: why can't they ever wait for it to deliver itself? When did it become routine to smash the belly as soon is baby is out to 'ensure' the placenta comes out?! The whole thing just sucks and I wish I wouldn't have to be forced into modern medicine practices that make no sense :nope:
Depending on where you are midwives can administer antibiotics at home.
Your doc sounds awful, I understand now why you want to do it at home even if it means without a midwife. Is there another hospital nearby? Or can you switch to another doctor that isnt such a twat? xx
Your doc sounds awful, I understand now why you want to do it at home even if it means without a midwife. Is there another hospital nearby? Or can you switch to another doctor that isnt such a twat? xx

I have insurance through the military (Tricare) and the base we are at really is not designed for families. Everything here is outsourced to civilians instead of dealt with on post. It makes it harder as I have to get pre-approval to see Dr's off their approved list. I talked to my husband last night about a lot of my concerns and he was really supportive. He doesn't want to necessarily have a homebirth but we agreed if I go into labor on my own (I didn't with my son) that I would labor at home as long as possible to be able to do what I want and be comfortable. As for the rest he knows I have anxiety and he knows what I don't want done(episiotomy, forcing placenta out, forceps, etc) and if we go to the hospital that he needs to speak up for me and be firm about unnecessary measures being taken.

I wish I could just do it all at home but I don't think I will, my hubby would have a heart attack:wacko:
I really feel for you. If only you could come to the UK and have your baby - it's much nicer here.

Firstly, I'd print off a detailed birthplan and hand it to your DR. Make sure you have everything on it like no epsiotomy, epidural, natural delivery of the placenta etc. EVERYTHING that is important to you. Ask him to discuss it with you and make it clear that it's what you want and make sure you husband knows too and will stand up for you during the birth.

Secondly, good luck! xxx
Well I live in FL and I have a great midwife and we're planning on a homebirth.
We pay it all out of pocket, but it's way cheaper than a hospital birth.
We pay $3400 , which includes the prenatal care and the birth and a 24/48 hour after checkup and a 2 and 6 week after checkup.
It also includes the anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks, which will be in 3d and we'll get a dvd included.
And it includes all lab work.

If I were you i'd look on google and search for a midwife, but I dont know in which state you are so not sure if it's legal in your state or not.
Well I live in FL and I have a great midwife and we're planning on a homebirth.
We pay it all out of pocket, but it's way cheaper than a hospital birth.
We pay $3400 , which includes the prenatal care and the birth and a 24/48 hour after checkup and a 2 and 6 week after checkup.
It also includes the anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks, which will be in 3d and we'll get a dvd included.
And it includes all lab work.

If I were you i'd look on google and search for a midwife, but I dont know in which state you are so not sure if it's legal in your state or not.

My husband is military so we are completely covered for healthcare. I can see an OB and give birth in a hospital that charges $40,000 and won't get a bill but they will not cover midwives, birth centers, etc. Midwives here are a joke anyways, you're lucky you have found a good one where you are.
Well it took me a while to find her, but she is AWESOME!

I hope you get what you want! :hugs:
First, it might be a good idea to find a natural birth friendly OB. They are out there! I found one who attends homebirths but I totally agree with him on one issue and that is that a midwife is the best person to attend a normal birth, not an OB. If my OB attended my birth, he would hardly touch me. That is just what has been shown to be safer and more comfortable for the woman.

Go ahead and research your butt off about this. I did and found out that I loved homebirth and the choices and empowerment of women so much, I wanted to be an independent midwife. That's how much I loved it.

You could have an unassisted birth but if you are unfamiliar with how to identify when things aren't going right, it might not be the best option. Some women know there bodies so well that they are confident they will be able to identify any problems and that is fine for some of them but for most of us, a midwife is an invaluable sorce of support, information and general comfort. Most people I talk to (very few are the exception) loved their midwife and have said it really doesn't matter how much they payed for her, they would do it all over again and they trusted her judgement through the whole thing.

Some OH's don't come around to a homebirth until they have actually sat down and spoken with a midwife. I'd start searching around for one. Ring all of the ones near you up and ask if they would be able to see you for a free first meeting with no obligations. I find that it is a great way to weed through those that are in it for the money vs passion. Then sit down and talk to them. Ask as many questions as you want and same with your OH and find one you are both truely comfortable with. You can't beat the care you get from a great midwife.

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