I am overwhelmed myself and reading your post, I would be overwhelmed if I were you too. I gather that you don't have time to yourself. A lot of people don't seem to understand that the life of a sahm is hard. I can't believe how harshly I judged before I became one myself. How many hours a week does your husband work? If it's close to 40 I would say he needs to step up. I stopped making lunches shortly after we had a baby. I only worked part time before and did all the domestic duties. I still make dinner, but it's hard with my 14 month old usually clinging onto my legs whining at me. I have started making meals where I can freeze some for days when I need something I can just heat up. When my husband is home I catch up on some cleaning while he watches our son, but he usually ends up spending his time destroying the kitchen while I'm working in it. I try and get the house back in order before bedtime so I have a couple of hours to relax. If I have more to do after bedtime I will try and get my husband to help so we both can relax, he usually leaves before I am done though. I don't know you can do anything to have a bit of free time to yourself, but right now I live for those couple of hours in the evening.