Indian Maa, thanks for the well wishes. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Good luck with your current pregnancy. I'm glad to hear your levels are doubling! Sticky baby dust to you!!! I have written other posts since this one about my progress. My second beta was 852 so I am definitely doubling. The doctor didn't do another one after that, so hopefully that's still the case. On Friday I had an early scan at what would be 6 weeks according to my LMP. My cycles aren't regular, though, so I'm not sure if that is accurate yet. The scan showed a tiny sac, but no yolk or fetal pole yet. It might still be too early to tell, or at least that's what I'm hoping. My next scan is May 7th. It feels like an eternity away. Last night I started getting morning sickness, but it seems to only be hitting me at night. I'm hoping that's a good sign. My other pregnancies were all day and night, but this time it seems to hit me around 9 pm. I'm a little crampy, so I'm not sure what that's about. It's on and off, very mild, and it alternates sides. I'm hoping it's just my uterus growing and getting ready for the baby. I'm not sure how normal those types of cramps are. With my miscarriages I got period-like cramps, and these are much more mild and don't last very long when they happen. With my ectopic I had severe cramps and bleeding on and off (but mostly on) for a month before it finally ruptured and a doctor found it. It was kind of ridiculous, honestly. I went to the ER initially because I had started bleeding when AF was due but it lasted for 13 days. I was in and out of the hospital for a month after that and kept being sent home and told to come back in 48 hours to check my HCG again or sooner if the cramps or bleeding worsened. I went 9 times without ever getting a diagnosis and ultimately lost most of my left tube because of it. On the final visit, to a new hospital, they found a 5cm mass in the tube. I don't see how no one found that before it ruptured because that's huge and indicative that it was growing for about 10-11 weeks! Anyway, none of what's happening now feels like the other times, so I am very hopeful. I can't help but still be very scared because of not finding the yolk sac at my scan. I'm not sure how small the sac measured, but they did say it was tiny. I'm terrified of it being a blighted ovum and the 2 week wait is killing me. The doctor said 1-2 weeks and the receptionist scheduled me for almost exactly 2 weeks later. I'm counting down the days. Wish me luck!