Hi I'm a first time poster but I'm stuck as to what is bothering my baby girl, I have been to the doctors a number of times and he has now referred her to a pead for an urgent appointment as her symptoms aren't apparently typical for silent reflux, she's 7 weeks old and she's been pulling away from the bottle since about 2 weeks old, first doctor said it was colic so we tried infacol and colief but she was never tucked up and In pain, I saw another doctor that prescribed infant gaviscon which worked for a day or 2 then symptoms came back then we were prescribed ranitidne 0.5ml 3 times a day this didnt work so dose has been upped twice she's now on 1.5ml 3 times a day then as this wasn't doing anything they prescribed omeprazole gave her 1 dose and that night she screamed all night so went back and he's now referred us to a pead, she is settled all the time sleeps all night,naps very well during the day it's just feeding, she will drink 4 oz but its a struggle to get her to drink all of it as she will accept the teat then suck a little then start crying and kicking up a fuss, is this silent reflux or just her saying she's had enough even though she will try and suck? Sorry for the essay I would just like to get to the bottom of this as I don't want her to be in pain if she is